Leonardo Salviati

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Leonardo Salviati

Leonardo Salviati (* 1540 in Florence ; † September 19, 1589 ibid) was an Italian humanist , Romanist , grammarian and lexicographer.

life and work

Salviati came from the Florentine noble family Salviati . He was commissioned by Francesco I. de 'Medici with the “rassettatura” (censoring) of the Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio and, as a result, provided one of the most influential texts of the Questione della lingua with the Avvertimenti della lingua sopra'l Decamerone . In contrast, his grammar remained a manuscript and was only (critically) published in 1991.

Salviati was elected to the recently founded Accademia della Crusca in 1583 . The orientation on the literary authorities Dante Alighieri , Francesco Petrarca and Giovanni Boccaccio (at the expense of contemporary linguistic reality) on which the Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca (1612) is based goes back essentially to Salviati. Paolo Beni later took a contrary view in his Anticrusca .

Shovel by Leonardo Salviati (Infarinato) in the Accademia della Crusca


  • Avvertimenti della lingua sopra'l Decamerone , 2 vols., Venice 1584-Florence 1586, Venice 1645, Naples 1712, Milan 1810; ed. by Marco Gargiulo, Diss. Siena 2006; [Selection] in: Discussioni linguistiche del Cinquecento, ed. by Mario Pozzi, Turin 1988
  • Opere , 5 vols., Milan 1809–1810
  • Rime secondo la lezione originale confrontata con due codici , ed. by Luigi Manzoni, Bologna 1871, 1968
  • Prose inedite , ed. by Luigi Manzoni, Bologna 1873, 1968
  • Regole della toscana favella , ed. by Anna Antonini Renieri, Florence 1991 (grammar)


  • Peter M. Brown: Lionardo Salviati. A critical biography. Oxford University Press, London et al. 1974, ISBN 0-19-815523-9 .
  • Maurizio Vitale: La questione della lingua. Nuova edizione. Palumbo, Palermo 1978.
  • Anna Antonini: La lessicologia di Leonardo Salviati. In: Studi di grammatica italiana. 11, 1982, ISSN  0391-4151 , pp. 102-135.
  • Severina Parodi: Quattro secoli di Crusca. 1583-1983. Accademia della Crusca, Florence 1983.
  • Max Pfister : 187. The Italian Lexicography from the Beginnings to 1900. In: Franz Josef Hausmann , Oskar Reichmann , Herbert Ernst Wiegand , Ladislav Zgusta (ed.): Dictionaries. Dictionaries. Dictionnaires. An international handbook on lexicography. An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography. Encyclopedie internationale de lexicographie (= Handbooks for Linguistics and Communication Studies. Vol. 5, Part. 2). Volume 2. de Gruyter, Berlin et al. 1990, ISBN 3-11-012420-3 , pp. 1844–1863, here p. 1852.
  • Claudio Gigante: Esperienze di filologia cinquecentesca. Salviati, Mazzoni, Trissino, Costo, il Bargeo, Tasso (= Studi e saggi. 29, ZDB -ID 1056381-7 ). Salerno, Rome 2003, ISBN 88-8402-396-3 .
  • Marco Gargiulo: Degli Avvertimenti della lingua sopra'l Decameron di Leonardo Salviati. Siena 2006 (dissertation).

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