Leopold Bill von Bredow

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Leopold Bill von Bredow (born January 2, 1933 in Potsdam ) is a German lawyer and diplomat.


Leopold Bill von Bredow is a great-grandson of Otto von Bismarck . He was born in Potsdam as the son of Major Leopold Waldemar von Bredow (1875–1933) and his wife Hannah Leopoldine Alice (1893–1971, née Countess von Bismarck-Schönhausen).

After graduating from the Humanist Gymnasium in Basel , he began studying law at the University of Basel and the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg in 1951 . In 1955 he graduated with the first state examination in law. He passed the second state examination in law in 1960 following his legal clerkship. The following year he entered the diplomatic service.

Bredow was attaché in Bamako from 1961 to 1962 and in 1964 he became consul at the consulate general in Dhaka . From 1965 to 1967 he served as Second Secretary in the United Nations Permanent Observer Mission in New York . The further stations of his diplomatic career were mainly characterized by activities as press spokesman. From 1967 to 1970 he was the Legation Councilor's press officer at the Foreign Office and from 1970 to 1973 he was head of the press department at the Embassy in Tel Aviv . In 1971 he was promoted to counselor. At the organizing committee for the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich , he acted as deputy chief of protocol at the NOK . From 1973 to 1977 he was head of the press department at the embassy in Rome .

In 1977 Bredow returned to the Foreign Office. From 1980 to 1983 he worked as deputy chief of protocol of the federal government . During this time he was appointed envoy. In 1983 Richard von Weizsäcker appointed him as Senate Director and Chief of Protocol of the Berlin Senate , and from 1986 he was named State Secretary . In 1988 he became consul general in New York, in 1991 ambassador in Athens and in 1996 ambassador to Bucharest . In 1998 Eberhard Diepgen reappointed him as Chief of Protocol of the Berlin Senate. In 2000 he retired.

Leopold Bill von Bredow has been married to Eleonore Schwarzenberg since 1969 and has three children.



  • Herrmann AL Degener , Walter Habel: Who is who? The German who's who. Volume 46, Schmidt-Römhild, Lübeck 2007. p. 157.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Christine Richter : Bismarck's great-grandson returns to Berlin. Von Bredow becomes chief of protocol. In: Berliner Zeitung. February 25, 1998, accessed September 13, 2015 .
  2. Brigitte Grunert: The last guest came from Mongolia. Leopold Bill von Bredow says goodbye. In: Der Tagesspiegel. May 30, 2000, accessed September 13, 2015 .
  3. ↑ Office of the Federal President