Leopold Peill

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Leopold Peill (born October 11, 1872 in Düren , † July 21, 1941 in Nörvenich ) was a German glass manufacturer in Düren. As the owner of the Peill & Sohn glassworks , he promoted the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP).


Peill's father was honored as a successful manufacturer with the title of Privy Councilor of Commerce , his mother came from the Hoesch family of industrialists . Peill attended the secondary schools in Düren and Cologne . He then studied at the Technical University of Braunschweig , the Technical University of Charlottenburg , the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin . In the meantime he did his military service as a one-year volunteer in the Bonn Hussar Regiment "King Wilhelm I." (1st Rheinisches) No. 7 . From 1895 he was a member of the Corps Palatia Bonn .

In the First World War he received the Iron Cross . In 1903 he founded the Peill & Sohn glassworks . He became President of the Chamber of Commerce of the Aachen Chamber of Commerce . He owned the Hardt house near Nörvenich and had “considerable” wealth and “extensive” land holdings.

From February 8, 1931, he operated an SA home on the factory premises , which also housed the NSDAP office in Düren. Here he fed two dozen SA men at his own expense. The communist press spoke of a "Nazi barracks". On October 26, 1931 he offered Gottfried Feder lodging and accommodation after his lecture in Aachen . When Hermann Göring spoke to 700 business representatives in the hall “Zur Altdeutschen” on June 16, 1931 in Düren, Peill took part in the previous meeting of the four largest Düren manufacturers with Göring. In February 1932 Peill was accepted into the Economic Council of the NSDAP.

Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler reports in his memoirs that he is a distant relative of Peill, who invited him and his brother to Nörvenich for Easter 1932. At the lunch table, Peill said: “Soviet Russia must go. This is not recommended from the front. We will use a pair of pliers, in the north over the Baltic States, in the south over the Balkans - to Baku for our oil. "


  • Short biography in: Horst Wallraff: National Socialism in the Düren and Jülich districts . Edited by the district of Düren, the city of Düren and the city of Jülich, Düren 2000.
  • Henry Ashby Turner : The Big Entrepreneurs and the Rise of Hitler . Berlin 1985, p. 251.

Individual evidence

The family crypt in the cemetery in Düren
  1. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 14 , 554
  2. a b Turner, p. 251.
  3. a b c Wallraff, p. 57 ff.
  4. ^ Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler : My castles or How I found my fatherland . Hamburg 1995, p. 37.