Levon Panos Dabağyan

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Levon Panos Dabağyan , Armenian Լեւոն Փանոս Տապաղեան (born November 11, 1933 in Aksaray , Fatih , Istanbul ; † May 7, 2017 in Istanbul) was a Turkish - Armenian researcher , writer and journalist . He was considered a denier of the Armenian genocide . He was the first Armenian to read books on Alparslan Türkeş and the right-wing extremist party of the Nationalist Movement(MHP) wrote. He wrote columns in the nationalist newspaper Önce Vatan and believed that Armenians wanted above all to found a Greater Israel .

Life and origin

Levon Panos Dabağyan was on November 1, 1933 as the son of the two Armenians Kirkor Karacıyan and Siranus Dabağyan in Istanbul district Yenikapı born. On his father's side he belonged to the Karacıyanlar family from Kastamonu , and on his mother's side to the Dabağyanlar family from Erzurum - Van . The Dabağyan family belongs to the Armenian Apostolic Church .

From 1954 he completed his military service in the Turkish Navy for three years . In 1959 he married his wife Eliz, and in 1960 the marriage resulted in his daughter Alis. In 1967 he started working as a correspondent for Yeni İstanbul. He also wrote in the newspapers Son Havadis, Bugün , Hakikat, Yeşil Belde, Anadolu Ekspres, Milli Ekonomi ve Ziraat, Bizim Mücadele, Durum, Yeni Gazete, Ortadoğu , Bâb-ı Ali'de Sabah , Tercüman , Gavroş, Parev, Artar and Nov Artar. In the election to the National Assembly in Turkey in 1969 he ran as a member of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) for the constituency of Istanbul.


  • Pearl-harbor'dan Hiroşima'ya (2004)
  • Sinema Dünyası: Zaman Tünelinde Tüm Yönleriyle (2004)
  • Türkiye Ermenileri Tarihi (2004)
  • Fatih ve Fetih Olayı (2005)
  • Paylaşılamayan Belde Konstantiniyye (2005)
  • Osmanlı'da Şer Hareketleri (2005)
  • 100 Makale 100 Yorum (2006)
  • Zaman Tünelinde Şehr-i İstanbul'un Seyir Defteri (2006)
  • Türk Cihan Hakimiyetine Açılan Yol (2006)
  • Ermeni Tehciri: Emperyalistler Kıskacında (2007)
  • Başbuğ Türkeş ve Miliyetçilik (2009)
  • Geçmişten Günümüze Millet-i Sâdıka-1: Osmanlı Ermenileri (2010)
  • Tarihin Işığında Ermeni Meselesi ve 1915 Kaosu (2010)
  • Geçmişten Günümüze Millet-i Sâdıka-2: Sanat Dünyamızda Ermeniler (2012)
  • Geçmişten Günümüze Millet-i Sâdıka-3: İstanbul'da Gündelik Hayat (2013)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Üç hilalin fikir babası Levon Panos Dabağyan hayatını kaybetti. In: CNN Turk . May 8, 2017, Retrieved May 15, 2017 (Turkish).
  2. ^ Levon Panos Dabagian: "Turkish history has never had genocide against Armenians". In: History News Network. November 15, 2006, archived from the original on May 21, 2017 ; accessed on May 15, 2017 (English).
  3. a b Mahmut Hamsici: Torpili devletten. Radikal , February 27, 2006, archived from the original on December 26, 2013 ; accessed on May 15, 2017 .