Lev Fyodorovich Sabakin

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Lev Fedorovich Sabakin ( Russian Лев Фёдорович Сабакин * 1746 in Stariza ; † August 12 . Jul / 24. August  1813 greg. In Izhevsk ) was a Russian mechanic and inventor .


After attending the local school, Sabakin joined the Tver Criminal Chamber as a copyist , where he soon became a clerk . In 1779 he became the chief mechanic of the Veliky Novgorod governorate in Tver. As an enthusiastic mechanic, he constructed clocks, which also made Empress Catherine II noticed. On their orders, he was sent to England in 1784 to study practical mechanics , where he stayed until 1786 and was particularly interested in steam engines . On his return he made the progress of technology known in Russian society. He also translated the works of James Ferguson . For his services he was appointed college assessor.

1797–1799 Sabakin visited England again to study coinage . In 1799 he became a mechanic at the office of the factory headquarters in Yekaterinburg . In 1805 he moved to the Votkinsk ironworks . Soon afterwards he retired as a councilor and continued to work on the improvement and invention of machines and devices. In 1806 he took over the education of his grandson PP Anosov .

Sabakin's best-known inventions include astronomical clocks , devices for measuring distances, heights and ship routes , coin minting machines , cylindrical bellows for the Nizhne Isset ironworks in Yekaterinburg and the Kamensk ironworks and heavy-duty scales for the St. Petersburg Medical College.


Individual evidence

  1. a b САБАКИН ЛЕВ ФЕДОРОВИЧ (accessed on April 11, 2017) in: Заблоцкий Е. М .: Деятели горной службы дореволюционной России. Краткий биографический словарь . Гуманистика, St. Petersburg 2004.
  2. Brockhaus-Efron : Сабакин Лев Фёдорович.
  3. Staritsa Monastery: Сабакин Лев Фёдорович (accessed on April 11, 2017).
  4. Загорский Ф. Н .: Сабакин - механик XVIII века . Наука, Moscow 1963.
  5. Чуприн Н. К .: Записка о горном управлении и горном промысле на Урале в царствование императора Александра . In: ГЖ. tape 1 , no. 2 , 1878.