Lino Bortolo Belotti

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Lino Bortolo Belotti (born October 19, 1930 in Comenduno , † March 23, 2018 in Scanzorosciate ) was an Italian clergyman and Roman Catholic auxiliary bishop in Bergamo .


Lino Bortolo Belotti, one of eleven children from a Lombard peasant family, entered the minor seminary and later the Comunità missionaria del Paradiso , which was founded in Bergamo in 1949 by Bishop Adriano Bernareggi and Don Fortunato Benzoni. After his theological training he received on June 12, 1954 Bishop Giuseppe Piazzi the priesthood for the diocese of Bergamo. He was pastor in the Diocese of Comacchio in Goro on the Po Delta . In 1966 he moved to Switzerland as chaplain of the Italian emigrants and then became head of the missionaries for Italian emigrants. In 1981 he returned to Bergamo as head of the Comunità missionaria del Paradiso . From 1987 to 1996 he was General Director of the Fondazione Migrantes of the Italian Bishops' Conference (CEI) in Rome . Bishop Roberto Amadei appointed him vicar general in Bergamo.

Pope John Paul II appointed him auxiliary bishop in Bergamo and titular bishop of Tabla on May 15, 1999 . The Bishop of Bergamo , Roberto Amadei , ordained him episcopal on June 29 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were Alfredo Maria Garsia , Bishop of Caltanissetta , and Armando Brambilla , Auxiliary Bishop in Rome . His motto was In te, domine speravi (Lord, I trust in you).

From 2002 to 2008 he was President of the CEI Episcopal Commission for Migration. In 2005 he also became a member of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and People on the Move .

On January 22, 2009, Pope Benedict XVI. his age-related retirement.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ È morto il vescovo emerito di Bergamo Monsignor Lino Belotti on from March 23, 2018 (it.)
  2. ^ Riccardo Maccioni: Il lutto. Morto il vescovo Belotti, pastore dei migranti on from March 23, 2018 (it.)