List of Members of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova (XIXth legislative period)

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Allocation of seats at the beginning of the legislative period according to electoral parties
A total of 101 seats

This list of members of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova (XIXth legislative period) lists all members of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova in the XIXth parliamentary term . Legislative period between 2010 and 2014. After the parliamentary elections in the Republic of Moldova in 2010 on November 28, 2010, 42 of the 101 seats went to the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova ( Partidul Comuniștilor din Republica Moldova , PCRM), 32 to the Liberal Democrat Party of Moldova ( Partidul Liberal Democrat din Moldova , PLDM ), 15 to the Democratic Party of Moldova ( Partidul Democrat din Moldova , PDM) and 12 to the Liberal Party ( Partidul Liberal , PL).


Surname Electoral party annotation
Abramciuc Veronica PCRM  
Agache Angel PLDM  
Anghel Gheorghe PCRM  
Apolschii Raisa PDM  
Babenco Oleg PCRM  
Balan ion PLDM  
Balmoş Galina PCRM  
Bannicov Alexandr PCRM  
Belostecinic Grigore PLDM Waiver of mandate in January 2011
Bodnarenco Elena PCRM Waiver of mandate in July 2011
Bodrug Oleg PL  
Bolboceanu Iurie PDM  
Bondari Veaceslav PCRM  
Botnari Vasile PDM  
Botnariuc Tatiana PCRM  
Brega Gheorghe PL from February 2011
Buliga Valentina PDM Waiver of mandate in January 2011
Butmalai Ion PLDM  
Candu Andrian PDM  
Chistruga Zinaida PCRM  
Cimbriciuc Alexandru PLDM  
Ciobanu Ghenadie PLDM  
Ciobanu Maria PLDM  
Cobzac Grigore PLDM Waiver of mandate in September 2011
Cojocaru Vadim PL  
Corman Igor PDM  
Deliu Tudor PLDM  
Diacov Dumitru PDM  
Dimitriu Anatolia PLDM  
Dodon Igor PCRM  
Domenti Oxana PCRM  
Elena Frumosu PLDM from February 2011
Eremciuc Vladimir PCRM Died on January 15, 2011, successor: Ghenadie Morcov
Filat Vladimir PLDM Waiver of mandate in January 2011
Filip Pavel PDM Waiver of mandate in January 2011
Filipov Serghei PCRM Waiver of mandate in July 2011
Furdui Simion PLDM  
Fusu Corina PL  
Gagauz Miron PCRM  
Garizan Oleg PCRM  
Gheorghe Brașovschi PDM  
Ghilaş Anatolia PDM Waiver of mandate in May 2011.
Ghileţchi Valeriu PLDM  
Ghimpu Mihai PL  
Godea Mihai PLDM  
Gorilă Anatolia PCRM  
Greceanîi Zinaida PCRM  
Guma Valeriu PDM  
Guţu Ana PL  
Hadârcă ion PL  
Hotineanu Vladimir PLDM  
Igor Vremea PCRM from 2011 as successor to Elena Bodnarenco
Ion Ceban PCRM from 2011 as successor to Serghei Filipov
Ionaş Ivan PLDM  
Ioniţă Veaceslav PLDM  
Iurie Apostolachi PLDM from February 2011
Iurie Chiorescu PLDM from February 2011
Iurie Toma PLDM from October 2011 as the successor to Grigore Cobaz
Ivanov Violeta PCRM  
Juravschi Nicolae PLDM  
Lazar Valeriu PDM Waiver of mandate in January 2011
Leancă Iurie PLDM Waiver of mandate in January 2011
Lilia Bolocan PLDM Waiver of mandate in January 2011
Lilian Zaporojan PLDM from May 2011 as the successor to Victor Bodiu .
Lucinschi Chiril PLDM  
Lupan Vladimir PL  
Lupu Marian PDM  
Maria Nasu PLDM from February 2011
Mihail Mocan PCRM from 2011 as successor to Vasili Panciuc
Mîndru Victor PCRM  
Mironic Alla PCRM  
Mişin Vadim PCRM  
Mocanu Gheorghe PLDM  
Morcov Ghenadie PCRM from February 2011 successor to Vladimir Eremciuc
Muntean Iurie PCRM  
Munteanu Valeriu PL  
Musuc Eduard PCRM  
Olaru Nicolae PLDM  
Oleg Sîrbu PDM from February 2011
Oleg Țulea PDM from May 2011 as successor to Anatolie Ghilaș
Palihovici Liliana PLDM  
Panciuc Vasilii PCRM Waiver of mandate in July 2011
Petcov Alexandr PCRM  
Petrenco Grigore PCRM  
Plahotniuc Vladimir PDM  
Pleşca Nae Simion PLDM  
Poleanschi Mihail PCRM  
Popa Gheorghe PCRM  
Popa Victor PL  
Postoico Maria PCRM  
Răducan Marcel PDM Waiver of mandate in January 2011
Reidman Oleg PCRM  
Reşetnicov Artur PCRM  
Şalaru Anatolia PL Waiver of mandate in January 2011
Simion Grișciuc PLDM from February 2011
Sîrbu Serghei PCRM  
Şleahtiţchi Mihail PLDM Waiver of mandate in January 2011
Şova Vasilii PCRM  
Starîş Constantin PCRM  
Stati Sergiu PCRM  
Stella Jantuan PDM from February 2011
Ştirbate Petru PLDM  
Stoianoglo Alexandru PDM  
Streleţ Valeriu PLDM  
Şupac Inna PCRM  
Tănase Alexandru PLDM Waiver of mandate in January 2011
Ţap lurie PLDM  
Tkaciuk Marc PCRM  
Todua Zurabi PCRM  
Vacarciuc Andrei PLDM  
Valentina Stratan PDM from February 2011
Victor Bodiu PLDM from February 2011, waiver of mandate in April 2011
Vieru Boris PL  
Vitiuc Vladimir PCRM  
Vladimir Saharneanu PL from February 2011
Vlah Irina PCRM  
Vlah Petru PLDM  
Voronin Vladimir PCRM  
Zagorodnîi Anatolia PCRM  

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k Judgment No. 17 of February 11 (HOTĂRÎRE No. 17 on February 11, 2011 privind demisia unor deputați în Parliament)
  2. a b c d e f Judgment No. 16 of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova of September 15, 2011 (HOTĂRÎRE No. 16 din September 15, 2011 cu privire la validarea mandatelor de deputat în Parlamentul Republicii Moldova)
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l Allocation of 12 substitute mandates by the Central Electoral Commission to the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova (Comisia Electorală Centrală a atribuit 12 mandate de deputat în Parlamentul Republicii Moldova)
  4. HOTĂRÎRE No. 194 din 30.09.2011 privind demisia unui deputat în parliament
  5. a b Judgment No. 10 of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova of May 20, 2011 (HOTĂRÎRE No. 10 din May 20, 2011 cu privire la validarea unui mandat de deputat în Parlamentul Republicii Moldova)
  6. Judgment No. 20 of October 18, 2011 of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova (HOTĂRÎRE No. 20 din October 18, 2011 cu privire la validarea unui mandat de deputat în Parlamentul Republicii Moldova (Sesizarea nr. 31e / 2011))
  7. ^ Judgment of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova of May 10, 2011 (HOTĂRÎRE No. 9 din May 10, 2011 cu privire la validarea unui mandat de deputat în Parlamentul Republicii Moldova)
  8. Judgment No. 9 of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova of May 10, 2011 (HOTĂRÎRE No. 9 on May 10, 2011 cu privire la validarea unui mandat de deputat în Parlamentul Republicii Moldova)

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