List of architectural monuments in Katzem

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Shield-shaped memorial plaque of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia with the coat of arms of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, above it in capital letters "Monument", top left and right as well as a nail in the middle.

The list of monuments in Katzem contains the listed buildings in the area of ​​the city of Erkelenz in the district of Heinsberg in North Rhine-Westphalia (status: October 2011). These monuments are entered in the list of monuments of the city of Erkelenz; The basis for the admission is the Monument Protection Act North Rhine-Westphalia (DSchG NRW).

image designation location description construction time Registered
Rectory with figure of Mary Rectory with figure of Mary Katzem
Rainer-Langen-Weg 11
2 storeys in 3 axes brick, emphasized and gabled central axis, with figure of Mary in gable niche. 1865 Nov 20, 1983 172

Residential building Residential building Katzem
In Katzem 49
4-leaf courtyard, plastered front, 2 floors in 3 axes, gate entrance. Note: January 16, 1986, 1940 the gable of the house was given a new facade Early 19th century Nov 20, 1983 173

Residential building Residential building Katzem
In Katzem 34
Year of construction: 19th century, extended around 1900, four-wing brick courtyard, two-storey building in 5 axes, door frames and window sills in bluestone, on the left a low extension, on the right 2 elongated utility wings with a gate entrance. 19th century May 14, 1985 174

Hecker dance hall Hecker dance hall Katzem
In Katzem 67
It is a dance hall from 1928. It is the only remaining free-standing dance hall in the city of Erkelenz. The building is closely related to the church and the rectory, in the immediate vicinity of which the restaurant with the dance hall is located. The hall complex is still unchanged from the time it was built. 1928 Apr 27, 1993 188

Holy figures in the cath.  Parish church
more pictures
Holy figures in the cath. Parish church Katzem
In Katzem
Figures of the four evangelists and the crucifixion group June 21, 2001 314

Catholic parish church of St. Mary Conception Catholic parish church of St. Mary Conception Katzem
Rainer-Langen-Weg 11
The style architecture of the 19th century, for a long time valued as inartistic, has now been extensively researched, evaluated and rehabilitated as an architectural and cultural-historical phenomenon. The church in Katzem is one of those simple country churches that have been neglected for a long time and were built by an important master builder. Heinrich Nagelschmidt (1822–1902) is one of the busiest private builders in Cologne of his time, whose extensive work has meanwhile been processed in a two-volume dissertation. She lists u. a. 24 new churches, as well as numerous extensions and restorations. In the u. a. The Katzem church and its building history are described in detail in books by Pappert and Dux.

From 1859, Nagelschmidt was commissioned to restore the Lambertus Church in Erkelenz. The designs for the small village churches and chapels in Katzem, Tenholt and Granterath were assigned to him as follow-up orders. While the latter two show major changes compared to the original design, the concept of the church in Katzem has remained essentially unchanged except for the attached tower and the sacristy egg extension. The simple neo-Gothic forms and the single-nave type are typical and unusual for smaller buildings of this type and only used by Nagelschmidt for the three small buildings in the Erkelenz room is the arrangement of the sacristy adjacent to the apex of the choir. Even if the Katzem sacristy has been expanded in the meantime, because of this unusual location it is of architectural historical importance and therefore part of the monument.

Because of the temporal proximity to the church building (1865), Dux, p. 742 assumes that the neighboring rectory was also designed by Nagelschmidt. The tower, which was in front of it more than thirty years later, continues the neo-Gothic posture of the main nave in its own design language. His architect, Professor Josef Buchkremer (1864–1949), was a. a. Lecturer at the RWTH and for many years concerned with the maintenance and care of Aachen Cathedral, from 1915 as master builder.

As a church in the village of Katzem, the Catholic Church of St. Mary's Conception is important for Erkelenz. For the reasons given, there is a public interest in their preservation and use as evidence of the church building of the 19th century, the work of important master builders and as a symbol of the independent parish development in Katzem for scientific, in particular architectural and local historical reasons. It is therefore a monument according to Section 2 (1) Monument Protection Act.

1865 June 21, 2001 330

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