List of architectural monuments in Lauchhammer

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In the list of architectural monuments in Lauchhammer , all listed buildings in the Brandenburg town of Lauchhammer and its districts are listed. The basis is the publication of the state monument list as of December 31, 2019. The ground monuments are listed in the list of ground monuments in Lauchhammer .

Architectural monuments in the districts

The columns contain the following information:

  • ID-No .: The number is assigned by the Brandenburg State Office for Monument Preservation . A link after the number leads to the entry about the monument in the monument database. The word Wikidata can also be found in this column ; the corresponding link leads to information on this monument at Wikidata.
  • Location: the address of the monument and the geographical coordinates.
    Link to a map view tool to set coordinates. In the map view, monuments without coordinates are shown with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, monuments with a picture with a green marker.
  • Official designation: Designation in the official lists of the Brandenburg State Office for Monument Preservation. A link behind the name leads to the Wikipedia article about the monument.
  • Description: the description of the monument
  • Image: a picture of the monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive


ID no. location Official name description image
Mückenberger Straße / An der Welkmühle
( location )
Fisheries Monument The fishing monument can be found at the historic Welkmühle in Grünewalde.
Fisheries Monument

Cost brew

ID no. location Official name description image
( Location ) Village church The village church was built in 18 months from 1906 to 1907.
Village church
( Location ) "Geiger Alps" conveyor bridge dump The Geiger Alps is an overburden dump from the first half of the 20th century. The sand mountains , mixed with the minerals pyrite and marcasite , consist mainly of carbonaceous silt and still do not allow vegetation, as they form a sulfuric acid and thus hostile medium when water and oxygen are supplied.
"Geiger Alps" conveyor bridge dump
August-Bebel-Strasse 5
( location )
Residential house with outbuildings and fencing The two-storey building with a hipped roof is dated to around 1930.
Residential house with outbuildings and fencing
Ernst-Thälmann-Strasse 10
( location )
Residential building The single-storey building with a gable roof was built in 1903 according to the designs of the contractor Richard Zibelius, who also built it himself.
Residential building
Ernst-Thälmann-Strasse 19 / 19a, 20 / 20a, 21 / 21a
( location )
Residential complex, consisting of three apartment blocks and three farm buildings The two- and three-story residential complex was built at the end of the 19th century. At that time, the client was the mining company of the mine “Our Fritz”.
Residential complex, consisting of three apartment blocks and three farm buildings


ID no. location Official name description image
Alte Gartenstrasse 24
( location )
Garden School Bockwitz (today the DomiZiel club house) with enclosure The three-storey building with a hipped roof has a U-shaped floor plan. The time of creation is dated to the year 1914.
Garden School Bockwitz (today the DomiZiel club house) with enclosure
Alter Markt 6
( location )
Village school The single-storey building is provided with a half-hip roof. The time of origin is dated to the years 1823 and 1843.
Village school
Alter Markt 7
( Location )
Mückenberg Castle Mill The two-storey half-timbered building with a half-hipped roof is located in the north of the former palace area. The time of origin is dated to the second half of the 18th century.
Mückenberg Castle Mill
At work 4a
( location )
House and barn The half-timbered building is single-storey and has a half-hip roof. The time of origin is dated to the first quarter of the 19th century.
House and barn
( location )
Bell tower building of the Oberhammer The half-timbered building with a hipped roof has a square floor plan. The time of origin is dated to the first half of the 19th century. BW
Bockwitzer Strasse 71
( location )
Company Policlinic BW
Bockwitzer Strasse 87
( location )
Villa with villa garden Factory owner villa of the former "Milly pit": briquette factory and power station; the only remaining property in the entire complex. Year of construction approx. 1900–1910, 24-room villa with approx. 260 square meters of living space on 1946 square meters of land, building partially gutted; for sale in January 2017 for 49,000 euros.
Villa with villa garden
( location )
Church with rectory The church was built in 1428, two previous wooden buildings could be proven. It is a Gothic hall with a retracted choir and tower. In the second quarter of the 18th century the church was rebuilt in the baroque style.
Church with rectory
( location )
Sheep farm It is a half-timbered building. In the old Bockwitz sheep farm there was a sheep farm until 1873.
Sheep farm
Finsterwalder Strasse
( location )
Biological post-cleaning, tower drip filter and activated sludge basin of the former Lauchhammer coking plant Under the motto “ Castel del Monte der Lausitz”, the Lauchhammer organic towers were included in the project list of the Fürst-Pückler-Land international building exhibition as the last relics of the Lauchhammeran coke production .
Biological post-cleaning, tower drip filter and activated sludge basin of the former Lauchhammer coking plant
Formerstrasse 1a – f, 3a – f, 5a – f
( location )
Residential complex, consisting of three apartment blocks with farm buildings This is a two-storey residential complex with a gable roof. The creation is dated between 1900 and 1910. BW
Forststraße 15
( location )
Trees on the former estate BW
Freifrau-von-Löwendal-Strasse 1
( location )
Old bronze foundry (see also: Historical model stock of the bronze foundry) The massive building made of bricks and cinder blocks is dated to the year 1863.
Old bronze foundry (see also: Historical model stock of the bronze foundry)
Freifrau-von-Löwendahl-Strasse 1, Grünhauser Strasse 19
( location )
Historical model stock of the Lauchhammer art foundry at two locations: Kunstguss GmbH & Co. KG, Freifrau-von-Löwendal-Strasse, Lauchhammer Art Casting Museum Foundation, Grünhauser Strasse 19 [[Template: image request / code! / C: 51.503464,13.797578! / D: Freifrau-von-Löwendahl-Strasse 1, Grünhauser Strasse 19, historical model stock of the Lauchhammer art foundry at two locations: Kunstguss GmbH & Co. KG, Freifrau-von -Löwendal-Straße, Lauchhammer Art Casting Foundation, Grünhauser Straße 19! / | BW]]
( location )
Trees BW
Freifrau-von-Löwendal-Strasse 3
( location )
School and toilet building The Lauchhammer Art Casting Museum is located here . The two-story building is a former vocational school. The creation is dated to the year 1890.
School and toilet building
Freiherr-vom-Stein-Platz 6
( location )
barn The building is a block construction with a gable roof. The creation is dated to the year 1832. BW
Friedenseck 1, 3, 5, Friedensstrasse 9–23 (odd)
( location )
Apartment buildings The multi-family houses were built between 1950 and 1952. A short time later, Lauchhammer received city rights.
Apartment buildings
( location )
Old Bockwitz cemetery with cemetery hall The old Bockwitz cemetery was built in 1868. In old publications, the former cemetery at the Nikolaikirche is also referred to as the Old Bockwitz Cemetery .
Old Bockwitz cemetery with cemetery hall
Grundhof 1–43
( location )
Small housing estate "Grundhof" The estate was built between 1918 and 1919 based on a design by the Berlin architect Bruno Möhring . It consists of one and a half storey terraced houses and semi-detached houses and its simple design is based on rural settlements in Prussia from around 1800.
Small housing estate "Grundhof"
Grundhof 37
( location )
Colliery house The former colliery house is single-storey and has a mansard roof. The creation is dated to the years 1912 and 1913.
Colliery house
Grünewalder Strasse 10a – 10b, 11–20, 22–33, 36–38, Heinrich-Zille-Strasse 1, 2, 4, Platz der Solidarität 1–4, Strasse der Freundage 1, Werner-Seelenbinder-Strasse 1
( location )
Neustadt I, consisting of Grünewalder Strasse 10a – 10b, 11–13, 12–14–16, 15–17–19–21 and 18–20, 22–24–26, 28–30–32–34, 23–25 –27, 29–31–33, 36–38 with courtyard; Heinrich-Zille-Strasse 1, 2-4; Solidarity Square 1–3, 2–4 and a square; Friendship Road 1; Werner-Seelenbinder-Strasse 1 The three-storey residential complex was built between 1952 and 1955 according to the designs of the Halle architect Max Heide.
Neustadt I, consisting of Grünewalder Strasse 10a – 10b, 11–13, 12–14–16, 15–17–19–21 and 18–20, 22–24–26, 28–30–32–34, 23–25 –27, 29–31–33, 36–38 with courtyard;  Heinrich-Zille-Strasse 1, 2-4;  Solidarity Square 1–3, 2–4 and a square;  Friendship Road 1;  Werner-Seelenbinder-Strasse 1
Grünhauser Strasse 10
( location )
Single dorm The two-story brick building has a mansard roof. The creation is dated to the year 1910.
Single dorm
Grünhauser Strasse 19
( location )
Apprentice dormitory (see also: Historical model fund of the art foundry) The massive clinker half-timbered building is dated between 1886 and 1900.
Apprentice dormitory (see also: Historical model fund of the art foundry)
Hüttenstrasse 1e
( location )
West, south and north wings of the administration building 3 on the site of the iron foundry Lauchhammer The massive building is two-story and has a U-shaped floor plan. The creation is dated to the year 1868. BW
Hermann-Dietrich-Weg 4
( location )
Johanneskirche with path-limiting fence BW
Hüttenstrasse 1a – b, 1f
( location )
Restaurant with residential building, outbuildings with a closing wall as well as guard with factory gate and subsequent cast-iron enclosure The inn is two-story and has a mansard hipped roof. The creation is dated to the year 1920.
Restaurant with residential building, outbuildings with a closing wall as well as guard with factory gate and subsequent cast-iron enclosure
Hüttenstrasse 1a
( location )
Blower machine The creation is dated to the year 1837.
Blower machine
Hüttenstrasse 1
( location )
Administration building 2 on the site of the Lauchhammer iron foundry The two-story building has a gable roof. The creation is dated to the time around 1880. BW
John-Schehr-Strasse 2
( location )
Enclosed school The two-story building has a hipped roof. The creation is dated to the year 1929. It was created according to designs by the Falkenberg architect Rudolf Winkler. BW
Kastanienweg 1
( location )
Residential building ("Trautscholdsche House") The building is a two-story half-timbered building.
Residential building ("Trautscholdsche House")
Kastanienweg 2
( location )
Residential building The origin is dated to the time around 1800. BW
Kastanienweg 3
( location )
Residential building The building is a massive two-story half-timbered building. The creation is dated to the year 1795. BW
Kirchstrasse 2
( location )
Peace Memorial Church The church, which was built in 1917 and 1918, was consecrated on November 18, 1917. Under the motto “Experience Culture”, the “Peace Memorial Church”, built during the First World War, is the cultural center of the district and the City of Lauchhammer. The building, originally built as a factory church and memorial, was converted into a conference and event location after the fall of the Wall. In addition to being used for small theaters, cabaret and film screenings, the church can also be used for weddings, among other things.
Peace Memorial Church
Kostebrauer Strasse
( location )
Border stone table of the former border between Saxony and Brandenburg This border stone tablet used to mark the border between Saxony and Brandenburg.
Border stone table of the former border between Saxony and Brandenburg
Robert-Koch-Strasse 4
( location )
Forest school The forest school was built from 1930 to 1931 based on a design by HO Vogel and was still in operation in 1931. In 2004 the school got its current name.
Forest school
Castle courtyard
( location )
Castle garden with old trees The former park of Mückenberg Castle is a listed building .
Castle garden with old trees
Castle courtyard
( location )
Castle Church Benedicta Margareta von Löwendal had the castle church built. The origin is dated to the first half of the 18th century.
Castle Church
Castle Park
( location )
Orangery, in the castle park Benedicta Margareta von Löwendal also had the orangery built. The origin of the castle and church is dated to the first half of the 18th century.
Orangery, in the castle park
Castle Park
( location )
Kavaliershaus (now residential building), next to the castle church The 1 12- story building is located directly next to the castle church. The creation is dated to the years 1740 and 1850.
Kavaliershaus (now residential building), next to the castle church
Castle Park
( location )
Forestry department (now a residential building) in the castle grounds The two-storey building of the former forester's house was built in 1740. It can be found a little north of the castle church and the cavalier's house.
Forestry department (now a residential building) in the castle grounds
( location )
Catholic Christ the King Church with enclosure The hall church with a gable roof was built according to a design by the architect Johannes Reuter. The creation is dated to the years 1935 and 1936.
Catholic Christ the King Church with enclosure

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai Database of the Brandenburg State Office for the Preservation of Monuments and the State Archaeological Museum ( Memento des Originals vom December 9, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed November 28, 2017. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Manfred Feller: Geiger Alps are saved. In: Lausitzer Rundschau . January 9, 2008.
  3. Article Lausitzer Rundschau ( Memento of the original from January 10, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. a b Georg Dehio : Handbook of German Art Monuments . Founded by the Day for Monument Preservation 1900, continued by Ernst Gall , revised by the Dehio Association and the Association of State Monument Preservationists in the Federal Republic of Germany, represented by: Brandenburg State Office for Monument Preservation and State Archaeological Museum. Brandenburg: edited by Gerhard Vinken and others, reviewed by Barbara Rimpel. Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich / Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-422-03123-4 .

Web links

Commons : Kulturdenkmale in Lauchhammer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files