List of architectural monuments in Wriezen

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In the list of architectural monuments in Wriezen , all architectural monuments of the Brandenburg town of Wriezen and its districts are listed. The basis is the publication of the state monument list as of December 31, 2019.


The columns contain the following information:

  • ID-No .: The number is assigned by the Brandenburg State Office for Monument Preservation . A link after the number leads to the entry about the monument in the monument database. The word Wikidata can also be found in this column ; the corresponding link leads to information on this monument at Wikidata.
  • Location: the address of the monument and the geographical coordinates.
    Link to a map view tool to set coordinates. In the map view, monuments without coordinates are shown with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, monuments with a picture with a green marker.
  • Official designation: Designation in the official lists of the Brandenburg State Office for Monument Preservation. A link behind the name leads to the Wikipedia article about the monument.
  • Description: the description of the monument
  • Image: a picture of the monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive


ID no. location Official name description image
( location )
Monument area statute for Altwriezen BW


Old horse

Altgaul is two kilometers northeast of Wriezen. It is a former Vorwerk. In 1998 it was incorporated as a district from Rathsdorf to Wriezen. The place was founded in the 13th century as a Gaul. The place was almost completely destroyed in the Thirty Years War, but was rebuilt by the end of the 17th century. In 1797 two fires destroyed the place, after which Neugaul was founded, the Vorwerk was named Altgaul. The place is still shaped by the estate today.

ID no. location Official name description image
( Location ) Brick kiln (today Stork Museum), B 167 opposite the branch to Altgaul The kiln was built around 1800 as a single-chamber brick kiln. It was probably built around 1830. It was shut down in the 19th century, the ring kilns were more effective. It has a height of about 15 meters. Today the NABU Stork Museum is located here.
Brick kiln (today Stork Museum), B 167 opposite the branch to Altgaul


Altwriezen is about six kilometers northeast of Wriezen. In 1412 the place was mentioned in a document, until 1719 the place belonged to the Barfuß family. In 1736 a flood destroyed half of the town. There were further floods in 1749, 1770 and 1838. A dike was built around 1754, and the newly reclaimed land turned the fishing village into a farming village.

ID no. location Official name description image
( Location ) Bell shower with bell at the entrance to the village The bell shower stands on the site of the former church. The three bells from the former church are located here.
Bell shower with bell at the entrance to the village
( Location ) Barn row The row of barns shapes the village. The oldest barn in the north was built in 1840. The other two barns were built around 1860 to 1870. The northern barn is a one-door drive-through barn, the other two are two-door drive-through barns. BW
Altwriezen 16
( location )
Residential building The house was built in 1794. It is a gable-independent half-timbered house with a jamb and a saddle roof. Around 1920 agriculture was given up, the farm buildings fell apart or were demolished. The house is a half-timbered house, the many windows are striking. BW
Altwriezen 17
( location )
Courtyard development consisting of pigeon house, stables and storage The pigeon house is part of a three-sided farm. The pigeon house was built in 1842. After a storm damage, the pigeon house was renewed, today it is used as a holiday home.
Courtyard development consisting of pigeon house, stables and storage
Altwriezen 23
( location )
Residential building The house was built in 1802, it was once part of a four-sided courtyard. It is a single-storey, gable-independent half-timbered house with a gable roof. Inside there is a black kitchen.
Residential building
Altwriezen 37
( location )
Central hall house The middle floor house was built around 1800. It is part of the courtyard of a former Lehnschulzen. The house is single-story with a gable roof.
Central hall house
Altwriezen 40
( location )
Courtyard with a residential building, two stable buildings and a barn A large farmer's courtyard was built around 1800. The four-sided courtyard includes a house, two stables and a barn.
Courtyard with a residential building, two stable buildings and a barn
Altwriezen 41
( location )
Central hall house The house is part of a courtyard. The house was built at the end of the 18th century. It is single-storey with a jamb and a gable roof.
Central hall house


Biesdorf is about nine kilometers west of Wriezen.

ID no. location Official name description image
( Location ) Village church The Protestant village church was built from field stones in the late Middle Ages. In 1719 the church was renovated and rebuilt. The interior is from the time of renovation.
Village church


Eichwerder is about four kilometers east of Wriezen. It is a street village and has belonged to Wriezen since 1998. In 1748 the court and church councilor Carl Philipp Menzel acquired the area with the obligation to settle 33 colonists. Until 1756 the houses were built for the families. The architect August Crelle was born on March 11, 1780 in Eichwerder . Coming from Wriezen, the Jäckelsbruch manor is on the right-hand side just before entering the village.

ID no. location Official name description image
( location )
Grave of the Kuntze family, in the cemetery BW
Eichwerder 4
( location )
Courtyard with residential house and stable barn The yard was that of a small colonist. The house was built in 1802. It is a single-storey, eaves-standing house with a half-hip roof. There was a black kitchen in the house. A stable barn belongs to the farm, which was built after 1945.
Courtyard with residential house and stable barn
Eichwerder 31
( location )
Central hall house The house was built in 1812, the previous building probably burned down. It is a half-timbered house and part of the courtyard of a colonist site. Inside was a black kitchen.
Central hall house
Eichwerder 32
( location )
Central hall house Like the neighboring house, the house was built in 1812. The half-timbered house was renovated around 2000.
Central hall house
Jäckelsbruch 9
( location )
Atelier house and swimming pool with fountain house and park with portal and sculptures In 1938, the Nazi state sculptor Arno Breker received the former manor from Adolf Hitler on his 40th birthday. Brecker used the property as a second home until 1945. The manor house was demolished in 1947. The studio house still stands today. The sculptor Horst Engelhardt has been using the studio house since 1976.
Atelier house and swimming pool with fountain house and park with portal and sculptures


Frankenfelde is about nine kilometers west of Wriezen.

ID no. location Official name description image
Dorfplatz 10
( location )
Village church The Protestant church was built in the 13th century, the tower was added in 1776. One stained glass window is dated 1610. Inside there is a high altar from the beginning of the 17th century.
Village church
Parkstrasse 1
( location )
Four-family house with two courtyard buildings BW


Until October 26, 2003, Haselberg was part of the municipality of Wriezener Höhe . It is about ten kilometers west of Wriezen.

ID no. location Official name description image
Alter Biesdorfer Weg 2
( location )
Village church The Protestant church was built in the 13th century, the tower was added between 1824 and 1825.
Village church
Hauptstrasse 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 49, 51, Am Sprintberg 1, Alte Brennerei 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, Harnekoper Weg 1, 3
( location )
Estate with residential and farm buildings, farm yard and park as well as parts of the enclosure The manor park was created in 1779. The manor house is only partially preserved. [[Template: Bildwunsch / code! / C: 52.705793,14.031009! / D: Hauptstraße 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 49, 51, Am Sprintberg 1, Alte Brennerei 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6, 8, Harnekoper Weg 1, 3, manor complex with residential and farm buildings, farm yard and park as well as parts of the enclosure! / | BW]]
Main street
( coordinates are missing! Help me. )
Rectory with property fence


Lüdersdorf is about seven kilometers southwest of Wriezen.

ID no. location Official name description image
( Location ) Village church The village church was built in the Middle Ages and rebuilt in 1611 and 1821. It is a hall building with a west tower. Inside a stucco coffered ceiling from 1611. In the fields depictions of salvation history and coats of arms. The organ was created by Gottlieb Heise in 1840 .
Village church
( Location ) Manor park
Manor park
Lüdersdorfer Dorfstraße 3
( location )
Gabled house The gabled house was built in the second half of the 17th century.
Gabled house
Lüdersdorfer Dorfstraße 36
( location )
Rectory with parts of the property fence
Rectory with parts of the property fence


Rädikow is about 13 kilometers west of Wriezen.

ID no. location Official name description image
( Location ) Sheep farm BW


Rathsdorf is four kilometers north of Wriezen on the road to Bad Freienwalde. Rathsdorf was created as a colonist village in 1753/1754. 23 families settled here. In 1772/1773 the land was redistributed with the separation. On June 5, 1822, the place burned down completely. The place was rebuilt with farms of the same type. The basic structure of the village has not changed much since then. So you can still see the large colonists on the west side and the small colonists on the east side.

ID no. location Official name description image
( Location ) Historic village center The center of the village is the school (No. 8). Opposite is the Dorfkrug with a neo-Gothic facade. BW
( Location ) Syringe house, at the cemetery The syringe house is on the road next to the cemetery. It is an eaves house with a gable roof. It was probably built in the early 19th century. The hand-operated syringe was in the building.
Syringe house, at the cemetery
Rathsdorf 8
( location )
School with a teacher's apartment The school with the teacher's apartment was built in 1910. The single-storey school has an L-shaped floor plan and a gable roof on the gable side and a half-hip roof on the eaves side.
School with a teacher's apartment
Rathsdorf 25
( location )
Homestead, consisting of a house, barn, stable building and street-side fence The homestead was built after the fire in 1822. The house is a single-storey, eaves half-timbered building. A barn from the building times of the house and a stable, which was built between 1822 and 1850, also belong to the homestead.
Homestead, consisting of a house, barn, stable building and street-side fence


Schulzendorf is about five kilometers southwest of Wriezen.

ID no. location Official name description image
( Location ) Village church The Protestant church was built in the middle of the 13th century. It is a field stone building with a west tower, the tower top was built in the 15th century. Inside an altarpiece from the beginning of the 17th century.
Village church
( Location ) Manor park BW


Wriezen was probably founded in the 13th century. The place arose around the 1919 demolished Lorenzkirche and St. Marienkirche. The population consisted of artisans, traders and fishermen. Badly damaged in the Thirty Years' War, 68 residents lived here in the year; in 1500 it was 1200. In 1664 Wriezen burned down almost completely. It was rebuilt, so in 1750 2470 inhabitants lived in the city again. With the drainage of the Oderbruch, the importance of fishing decreased and agriculture increased. In 1765 a weavers' colony was established. Small factories were established in the 19th century, including a twist factory (1824), a cotton wool factory (1843), a malt factory (1858) and in 1853 a factory for agricultural machinery and iron foundry. the city continued to grow in the 20th century. At the end of the Second World War, 90% of Wriezen was destroyed. After the reconstruction, the city grew again, in 1990 7026 inhabitants lived in Wriezen.

ID no. location Official name description image
( Location ) City parish church St. Marien The first church was built in the 13th century. It has been expanded over time. The parish church has been in ruins since 1945.
City parish church St. Marien
( Location ) Historic Altkietz village complex The street corresponds to the former village of Kietz. This was north of Wriezen. Kietz was first mentioned in a document in 1343.
Historic Altkietz village complex
Altkietz 16
( location )
Courtyard with residential house, stables and barn The house on the farm was built around 1800, the stable building and the barn were built around 1900. The house is thus one of the oldest houses in town. There is a formerly open smoke vent in the house. The light in the kitchen came from a room next to the kitchen. The kitchen is thus a transition form from a black kitchen to a side kitchen.
Courtyard with residential house, stables and barn
At port 1
( location )
High and setting furnace of the lime distillery and manufacturer's villa with high water mark The facility was founded in 1860. The setting furnace also dates from that time. In 1889 the second lime shaft kiln and the villa were built.
High and setting furnace of the lime distillery and manufacturer's villa with high water mark
( location )
Station, consisting of a depot with locomotive shed, turntable, workshop building, residential building and boiler water tower, signal box W2, goods shed, water jib crane; Water tower and station reception building The station was built from 1866. Parts of the station were destroyed during the Second World War.
Station, consisting of a depot with locomotive shed, turntable, workshop building, residential building and boiler water tower, signal box W2, goods shed, water jib crane;  Water tower and station reception building
Bahnhofstrasse 27
( location )
High water mark The high water mark commemorates the flood on April 24, 1947.
High water mark
Berliner Berg 4
( location )
Residential house with side wing and front garden wall Built in 1887 by councilor Christophel, the house was bought by the Protestant church in 1905 and used as a rectory. After several years of vacancy, the renovation and restoration work began in 2016. Today the villa is used as a residential building and as an art and culture location.
Residential house with side wing and front garden wall
Frankfurter Strasse 16
( location )
Bed spring factory, consisting of a factory owner's house, workers' house and warehouse The facility on Frankfurter Strasse was built at the end of the 19th century. The house is now an apartment building.
Bed spring factory, consisting of a factory owner's house, workers' house and warehouse
Frankfurter Strasse 30/31
( location )
Railway houses with outbuildings and ancillary facilities as well as courtyard paving The houses were built around 1900 by the Szczecin Railway Company for twelve families each. A garden belongs to every apartment.
Railway houses with outbuildings and ancillary facilities as well as courtyard paving
Frankfurter Strasse 64
( location )
milestone The inscription on the milestone reads: "8 miles to Berlin". That corresponds to about 61 kilometers. The milestone is about one meter high and made of granite.
Frankfurter Strasse 64/65
( location )
Factory owner's villa with outbuilding BW
Freienwalder Strasse 40
( location )
Catholic Church of St. Laurentius with parish hall The church was built between 1912 and 1913.
Catholic Church of St. Laurentius with parish hall
Freienwalder Strasse 50
( location )
Provincial deaf-mute institution "Wilhelm-Augusta-Stift" (today town hall) The institution was built from 1879 to 1881. Today the city administration is located here.
Provincial deaf-mute institution "Wilhelm-Augusta-Stift" (today town hall)
Freienwalder Strasse 53
( location )
Fuel factory SM The current building was built in 1877.
Fuel factory SM
Friedrichstrasse 16
( location )
Adler pharmacy The house was built in 1832. The Adler pharmacy has been located here since 1948.
Adler pharmacy
Gartenstrasse 20
( location )
Memorial plaque for the synagogue The synagogue was built in 1821. In the Reichspogromnacht on 9/10 November the synagogue was destroyed. The memorial plaque was put up on November 9, 1988.
Memorial plaque for the synagogue
Hospitalstrasse 38
( location )
District Court
District Court
Kanalstrasse 10
( location )
Malt factory BW
Krausenstrasse 6
( location )
high school The school was built in 1869/1870. Today there is a primary school here.
high school
Magazinstrasse 1
( location )
Odervorstadt 6
( location )
Courtyard complex, consisting of residential and commercial building with side wing, courtyard gate and courtyard paving The agricultural college was located here. The site was used by the LPG Wriezen from 1945 to 1990.
Courtyard complex, consisting of residential and commercial building with side wing, courtyard gate and courtyard paving
( location )
Monument to Albert Mahler The monument commemorates the mayor of Wriezen, Albert Mahler. Mahler was mayor in Wriezen from 1852 to 1882. In 1855 he founded the Wriezen volunteer fire department .
Monument to Albert Mahler
Settlement path
( location )
Jewish cemetery with field stone wall The cemetery was established in 1730 and the last burial took place in 1940. In the 1980s, the 131 tombstones still preserved were carefully renovated.
Jewish cemetery with field stone wall
Sonnenburger Weg
( location )
Gravestones B. von Thun, JD Ahnert, CG Seidel, Martin Kunze, CLH Ringdorff, CF Kindermann, A. Gause, N. Koyenuma, E. and O. Bibach, neoclassical stele, memorial for those persecuted by the Nazi regime (VdN), war memorial 1914 / 18 and Christ sculpture, in the St. Marien churchyard
Gravestones B. von Thun, JD Ahnert, CG Seidel, Martin Kunze, CLH Ringdorff, CF Kindermann, A. Gause, N. Koyenuma, E. and O. Bibach, neoclassical stele, memorial for those persecuted by the Nazi regime (VdN), war memorial 1914 / 18 and Christ sculpture, in the St. Marien churchyard
Sonnenburger Weg 3
( location )
Complete system of the city and district hospital
Complete system of the city and district hospital
Wilhelmstrasse 36-40
( location )
Residential and commercial buildings BW

Former monuments

location Official name description image

Haselberg, Am Dorfanger
( coordinates are missing! Help us. )
Memorial stone for Fritz Dornbusch

Wriezen, Friedrichstrasse
( location )
Streets of Friedrichstrasse, Krausenstrasse Friedrichstrasse was laid out in 1765. BW


  1. ^ Official Journal of the City of Wriezen, No. 156 of November 18, 1999


  • Georg Dehio : Handbook of the German art monuments . Part: Brandenburg. Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich / Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-422-03123-4 .
  • Ilona Rohowski, Ingetraud Senst: Monument topography Federal Republic of Germany, monuments in Brandenburg. Volume 9.1: District of Märkisch-Oderland. Part 1: towns of Bad Freienwalde and Wriezen, villages in Niederoderbruch. Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft, Worms am Rhein 2006, ISBN 3-88462-230-7 .

Web links

Commons : Kulturdenkmale in Wriezen  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files