List of geotopes in Baden-Baden

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This sortable list of geotopes in Baden-Baden contains the geotopes of the Baden-Württemberg urban district of Baden-Baden , the official designations for names and numbers as well as their geographical location.

In the urban district, 32 geotopes (as of July 19, 2020) are designated by the State Office for Geology, Raw Materials and Mining (LGRB).

Profile No. (PDF) Surname Geotope type Municipality / city, district Coordinates image Remarks
241 Geroldsauer waterfall , Baden-Baden-Geroldsau waterfall Baden-Baden 48 ° 42 '48.6 "  N , 8 ° 14' 58.9"  E
Panoramaweg Fischkultur Malschbach Geroldsauer Wasserfall 02.jpg
Geological unit: Bühlertal granite
Status: protected
(natural monument 82110000066 )
242 Bernickelfelsen (Kreuzfelsen), Baden-Baden-Geroldsau Rock formation Baden-Baden 48 ° 42 ′ 39 "  N , 8 ° 15 ′ 20.5"  E Geological unit: Bühlertal granite
Status: protected
(natural monument 82110000067 )
243 Battertfelsen near Hohenbaden Castle, Baden-Baden Rock formation Baden-Baden 48 ° 46 '36.9 "  N , 8 ° 15' 7.2"  E
Battertfelsen (Badener Wand) Baden-Baden (cropped) .JPG
Geological unit: Rotliegend
Status: with protected
(NSG Battertfelsen at Hohenbaden Castle )
244 Task Hardberg quarry, Baden-Baden Exposure Baden-Baden 48 ° 46 '57.2 "  N , 8 ° 13' 14.2"  E Geological unit: Middle red sandstone
Status: protected
(natural monument 82110000065 )
245 Western group of the Kapffelsen, Baden-Baden-Ebersteinburg Rock formation Baden-Baden
district Ebersteinburg
48 ° 46 '27.3 "  N , 8 ° 16'17.9"  E Geological unit: Rotliegend
Status: protected
(natural monument 82110000101 )
246 Wolfsschlucht , Baden-Baden-Ebersteinburg Landscape element Baden-Baden
district Ebersteinburg
48 ° 46 '36.5 "  N , 8 ° 16'40.3"  E
Wolfsschlucht Baden-Baden IMGP0154.jpg
Geological unit: Rotliegend
Status: protected
(natural monument 82110000073 )
247 Sand dune in the coppice near Sandweiher Landscape element Baden-Baden
district Sandweiher
48 ° 49 '39.4 "  N , 8 ° 11' 0.3"  E
Sand heathland and dunes near Sandweier and Iffezheim IMGP7516.jpg
Geological unit: Pleistocene
inland dunes
Status: with protected (NSG Sandheiden and dunes near Sandweier and Iffezheim )
248 Katzenstein, Baden-Baden Rock formation Baden-Baden 48 ° 45 '37.8 "  N , 8 ° 13' 4.7"  E Geological unit: Rotliegend
249 Korbmattenkopf, Baden-Baden Rock formation Baden-Baden 48 ° 44 '37.3 "  N , 8 ° 13' 5.6"  E Geological unit: Rotliegend
250 Task Quarry at Leisberg SW of Lichtental Exposure Baden-Baden 48 ° 44 '19.3 "  N , 8 ° 15' 9.2"  E Geological unit: Rotliegend
251 Lance rock, Baden-Baden Rock formation Baden-Baden 48 ° 42 '9.6 "  N , 8 ° 14" 39.9 "  E Geological unit: Bühlertal granite
253 Hohenbaden Castle and the area north of Baden-Baden Rock formation Baden-Baden 48 ° 46 '35.1 "  N , 8 ° 14' 40.8"  E
Baden-Baden-Old Castle Hohenbaden-22-gje.jpg
Geological unit: Friesenberg granite
254 Task Quarry SW of Hohenbaden Castle S on the road to Baden-Baden Exposure Baden-Baden 48 ° 46 '30.5 "  N , 8 ° 14' 25.2"  E Geological unit: Friesenberg granite
255 Embankment exposure of a forest path on Balzenberg N of Baden-Baden Exposure Baden-Baden 48 ° 46 '18.7 "  N , 8 ° 14' 11.2"  E Geological unit: Contact
Friesenberg granite
old Paleozoic
256 Kar unterh. The Mittelfeldkopf about 1300 m N of Herrenwies Kar Baden-Baden 48 ° 40 '13.1 "  N , 8 ° 15' 35.9"  E Geological unit: lower red sandstone
257 Task Quarry at Staufenberg approx. 700 m SE from Ebersteinburg Exposure Baden-Baden
district Ebersteinburg
48 ° 46 ′ 12 "  N , 8 ° 16 ′ 45.5"  E Geological unit: lower red sandstone
258 Task Quarry with barbecue area Ochsenmatten / Ziegelwasenhütte (street Haueneberstein-Ebersteinburg) Exposure Baden-Baden
district Ebersteinburg
48 ° 47 '29.2 "  N , 8 ° 15' 37.8"  E Geological unit: Upper Muschelkalk
259 Exposure SW side of the Schindelklamm N of Ebersteinburg Exposure Baden-Baden
district Ebersteinburg
48 ° 47 '35.3 "  N , 8 ° 16'17.9"  E Geological unit: old Paleozoic
260 Engelskanzel, Baden-Baden-Ebersteinburg Rock formation Baden-Baden
district Ebersteinburg
48 ° 46 ′ 26 "  N , 8 ° 16 ′ 21.8"  E Geological unit: Rotliegend
261 Teufelskanzel, Baden-Baden-Ebersteinburg Rock formation Baden-Baden
district Ebersteinburg
48 ° 46 '21.5 "  N , 8 ° 16'25.8"  E Geological unit: Rotliegend
262 Burned rock, Baden-Baden-Ebersteinburg Rock formation Baden-Baden
district Ebersteinburg
48 ° 46 '51.6 "  N , 8 ° 17' 4.6"  E Geological unit: Rotliegend
263 Task Quarry on the northwest side of Merkur (Grosser Staufenberg) Exposure Baden-Baden
district Ebersteinburg
48 ° 46 ′ 10 "  N , 8 ° 16 ′ 38.7"  E Geological unit: lower red sandstone
264 Task Quarry with shooting range at the lower end of the Schindelklamm N von Ebersteinburg Exposure Baden-Baden
district Ebersteinburg
48 ° 47 '33.3 "  N , 8 ° 16'11"  E Geological unit: Rotliegend
265 Task Quarries in the Eberbachtal from Ochsenmatten E von Balg Exposure Baden-Baden
district Haueneberstein
48 ° 47 '33.4 "  N , 8 ° 14' 46.8"  E Geological unit: Middle Buntsandstein
Upper Buntsandstein
266 Outcrop on the N road from Müllenbach Exposure Baden-Baden
district Lichtental
48 ° 44 '44.2 "  N , 8 ° 17' 37.7"  E Geological unit:?
267 Task Schatzbühl NE quarry in Baden-Baden-Geroldsau Exposure Baden-Baden
district Lichtental
48 ° 43 ′ 47 "  N , 8 ° 15 ′ 19.5"  E Geological unit: Rotliegend
268 Crossroads opposite the Waldhotel approx. 400 m E from the end of Oberbeuren Exposure Baden-Baden
district Lichtental
48 ° 44 '19.5 "  N , 8 ° 17'24.8"  E Geological unit: Forbach granite
269 Road cut in Neuweier on the main road Exposure Baden-Baden
district Neuweier
48 ° 43 '30.5 "  N , 8 ° 10' 27.1"  E Geological unit: Kinzigit
270 Task Quarry at the eastern end of Neuweier Exposure Baden-Baden
district Neuweier
48 ° 43 ′ 8 "  N , 8 ° 11 ′ 36"  E Geological unit: Bühlertal granite
271 Task Clay pit (Hourdis works) Schweigroter Matten, Baden-Baden Exposure Baden-Baden
district Oos
48 ° 46 '37.7 "  N , 8 ° 12' 18.2"  E Geological unit: Oligocene
272 Pulverstein, Baden-Baden Rock formation Baden-Baden
district Oos
48 ° 45 '44.6 "  N , 8 ° 12' 57.7"  E
Panoramaweg Tiergarten Bernardus Church Pulverstein 01 (2) .jpg
Geological unit: Rotliegend
273 Hohlweg S from Baden-Baden approx. 900 m WNW from the forest castle Landscape element Baden-Baden
district Oos
48 ° 46 '39.5 "  N , 8 ° 12' 36.3"  E Geological unit: lower red sandstone

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Commons : Geotopes in Baden-Baden  - Collection of images, videos and audio files