List of illustrated historical notebooks

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The list of illustrated historical booklets is a list of all published illustrated historical booklets (spelling: illustrated historical booklets ).

The illustrated historical booklets were a popular scientific monographic series in the GDR on various historical topics. It was published by the Central Institute for History of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR and was published by the Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften der DDR. Authors were well-known GDR historians who were supposed to convey a Marxist view of history with the publication . The 20th century was represented disproportionately often in the series, while prehistoric themes only appeared sporadically.

The series was published at irregular intervals and, with the exception of the last two issues, cost 3.50 marks . The first of a total of 56 issues was published in 1976, with numerous issues experiencing multiple and extended editions. The format always remained the same, the size fluctuated from 38 to 42 pages. The presentation and equipment as well as the print and paper quality of the booklets were above average. With the German reunification in 1990, the series was discontinued.

DNB 013037404