List of depictions of Johannes Nepomuk in St. Pölten

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Johannes Nepomuk , canonized in 1729, is the third most frequently depicted saint in Austria after Maria and Joseph . There are depictions of Johannes Nepomuk at numerous locations in St. Pölten, Lower Austria .

Only after Bohemia , but before its beatification or canonization, did the veneration of Johannes Nepomuk begin in Lower Austria , which is documented in the form of statues and pictures.


photo   object Location Artist Construction year description
Johannes-Nepumuk-Statue St. Pölten-Ochsenburg.JPG
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Statue of Johannes Nepomuk Ochsenburg
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1725 At the intersection of Wilhelmsburger Strasse / Fabrikstrasse in Ochsenburg there is a group of figures of Johannes Nepomuk with putti, dated 1725 .
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Statue of Johannes Nepomuk Pottenbrunn
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Friedrich Wilhelm Still 1730 In a parish church in Pottenbrunn there is a polychrome statue of Johannes Nepomuk from 1730 by Friedrich Wilhelm Still.
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Statue of Johannes Nepomuk Pottenbrunn
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At the intersection of Pottenbrunner Hauptstrasse / Grasbergstrasse in Pottenbrunn there is a statue of Johannes Nepomuk from the middle of the 18th century.
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Statue of Johannes Nepomuk Pottenbrunn
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Above the pillars of the entrance to the Pottenbrunn cemetery are statues of Saints Franz Xavier and Johannes Nepomuk by Friedrich Wilhelm Still from around 1730.
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Statue of Johannes Nepomuk Radlberg
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Robert Herfert On the Radlbrunn bridge (L5073) between Unterradlberg and Pottenbrunn there is a statue of St. Johannes Nepomuk by Robert Herfert (approx. 1995).
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Painting Johannes Nepomuk St. Polten
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Johann Hermann 1860 In the cathedral of St. Pölten there is a fresco by Johannes Nepomuk in the central nave and on the Hippolyte altar in the left aisle there is a round predella picture painted by Johann Hermann in 1860.
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In the bishop's staircase of the diocese building of St. Pölten there are carved and white statues of Saints Johann Cantius and Johannes Nepomuk from the middle of the 18th century. In the former provost rooms there is a painting by Johannes Nepomuk from around 1730 in the style of Anton Hertzog.
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In the Alumnat of St. Pölten there is a painting depicting the glory of Johannes Nepomuk in the style of Thomas Friedrich Gedon .
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Painting Johannes Nepomuk St. Polten
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1771 On the right rear side altar of the Franciscan Church in St. Pölten there is an altarpiece depicting Johannes Nepomuk. It is labeled with Mart.Joh. Schmidt f Ao 1771.
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In the former oratory of the Franciscan monastery of St. Pölten there is a polychrome carved wooden statue of Johannes Nepomuk from the middle of the 18th century.
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To the right of the left side altar in the Church of the English Misses in St. Pölten is a picture of Johannes Nepomuk.
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In the refectory of the Englischen Fräulein in St. Pölten there is a picture of Johannes Nepomuk.
St Poelten Herrenplatz 2 Nepomuk.jpg Upload file Statue of Johannes Nepomuk St. Polten
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In the central axis of a house in Herrengasse in St. Pölten there is a representation of Johannes Nepomuk as a niche statue.
Figure shrine St. Johannes Nepomuk St Pölten - Hammerweg.jpg Upload file Statue of Johannes Nepomuk St. Polten
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On Hammerweg in St. Pölten, between two small bridges over the Mühlbach, there is a statue of Johannes Nepomuk from the second quarter of the 18th century.
Johannes-Nepomuk-Figure shrine St. Pölten-Spratzern.JPG Upload file Statue of Johannes Nepomuk Spatter
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Peter Widerin 1735 At the intersection of Mariazeller Strasse / Stifterstrasse in Spratzern, in a group of trees, there is a statue of Johannes Nepomuk from the period between 1735 and 1740, which is attributed to Peter Widerin .
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Stained glass window Johannes Nepomuk Spatter
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Arthur Brusenbauch 1932 At the second yoke of the right nave wall of the Spratzern parish church there is a glass window depicting Johannes Nepomuk. The design comes from Arthur Brusenbauch , it was made in 1932 by the art glazier Karl Knapp.
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Statue of Johannes Nepomuk Viehofen
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1781 At Johannesplatz in Viehofen there is a chapel with a statue of Johannes Nepomuk.
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A statue of Johannes Nepomuk from the 18th century stands on the forecourt of Wasserburg Castle .
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1723 At the end of Windpassing in the direction of Ochsenburg there is a group of figures by Johannes Nepomuk from 1723.

See also


  • Brigitte Faßbinder-Brückler, Theodor Brückler: JN Johannes von Nepomuk - His time - His life - His cult. Verlag Stadtmuseum Alte Hofmühle Hollabrunn, Hollabrunn 2001, ISBN 3-901693-01-9 .

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