List of cultural assets in Mendrisio

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The list of cultural assets in Mendrisio contains all objects in the municipality of Mendrisio in the canton of Ticino that are subject to the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict , the Federal Act of June 20, 2014 on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflicts and the Ordinance of 29 June 2014 October 2014 on the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict .

Objects in categories A and B are completely included in the list, objects in category C are currently missing (as of January 1, 2018).

Cultural assets

photo   object Cat. Type Location description
Casa Museo Vela
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Casa Museo Vela
KGS-No .: 5503
A. G Ligornetto , Via Vincenzo Vela
717384  /  80286

Villa with mosaic in Santa Maria in Borgo
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Villa with mosaic in Santa Maria in Borgo
KGS-No .: 5581
A. F. Via Santa Maria
720 350  /  81230

San Martino Church
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Church of San Martino
KGS-No .: 5582
A. F / G Via San Martino
719770  /  81995

Church of San Giovanni, monastery, oratory of Santa Maria
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Church of San Giovanni, monastery, oratory Santa Maria
KGS-No .: 5583
A. G Via Vecchio Ginnasio 30
720,317  /  81312

Palazzo Pollini
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Palazzo Pollini
KGS-No .: 5584
A. G Via Portico Virunio
720 230  /  80948

BW Upload file Palazzo Torriani
KGS-No .: 5585
A. G Via Paolo Torriani 1
720 339  /  81086

Casa Croci
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Casa Croci
KGS no .: 5586
A. G Via the municipality 13
720 176  /  81186

Church of San Sisinio alla Torre
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Church of San Sisinio alla Torre
KGS-No .: 5590
A. G Via alla Torre
seven hundred and twenty thousand four hundred and twenty  /  80860

Villa Argentina
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Villa Argentina
KGS-No .: 5595
A. G Largo Bernasconi 2
720,076  /  80711

San Silvestro Church
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Church of San Silvestro
KGS-No .: 5600
A. G Meride , Salita San Silvestro
seven hundred and seventeen thousand two hundred fifty-nine  /  83395

Museo Vincenzo Vela
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Museo Vincenzo Vela
KGS-No .: 8631
A. S. Ligornetto, Via Vincenzo Vela
717 389  /  80286

Cantonal Pinakothek Giovanni Züst
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Cantonal Pinakothek Giovanni Züst
KGS-No .: 8633
A. S. Rancate , Via Pinacoteca Züst
718 809  /  81106

BW Upload file Medieval settlement and sporadic prehistoric finds near Castello
KGS-No .: 10456
A. F. Tremona
718.1 thousand  /  82650

Casa dei Pagani Tre Buchi
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Casa dei Pagani Tre Buchi
KGS no .: 10550
A. G Salorino
720430  /  82050

BW Upload file Casa già Allio
KGS no .: 5244
B. G Arzo , Via Canton Soot 15
716 720  /  81554

Parish church of Santi Nazario e Celso and former La Rotonda school
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Parish church of Santi Nazario e Celso and former school La Rotonda
KGS no .: 5245
B. G Arzo, Via Canton Sura
seven hundred and sixteen thousand six hundred and sixty-three  /  81613

BW Upload file Oratorio Madonna del Ponte
KGS-No .: 5246
B. G Arzo, Via Patrizi Arzesi
716 828  /  81491

BW Upload file Church of Sant'Antonino
KGS-No .: 5300
B. G Besazio , Via Sant'Antonino
717 421  /  81376

BW Upload file Parish Church of Santa Maria Immacolata
KGS-No .: 5301
B. G Besazio, Via Ferdinando Bustelli
717 486  /  81322

BW Upload file Oratory of the friars and parish church of Santa Maria Maddalena
KGS-No .: 5368
B. G Capolago , Via alla Chiesa
719,667  /  84827

Parish Church of Sant'Antonio Abate
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Parish Church of Sant'Antonio Abate
KGS-No .: 5462
B. G Genestrerio , Piazza Baraini
seven hundred and eighteen thousand two hundred and six  /  79393

Parish church of San Lorenzo with ossuary Upload file Parish church of San Lorenzo with ossuary
KGS-No .: 5504
B. G Ligornetto, Via Cantun Sura
seven hundred and seventeen thousand six hundred and twenty-seven  /  80167

BW Upload file Oratorio San Giuseppe
KGS-No .: 5505
B. G Ligornetto, Via Michele Roggia
718.22 thousand  /  80421

Parish Church of Santi Cosma e Damiano
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Parish Church Santi Cosma e Damiano
KGS-No .: 5587
B. G Via Giuseppe Andreoni
720409  /  81099

BW Upload file Church of Santa Maria in Borgo
KGS-No .: 5588
B. G Via Santa Maria
720,344  /  81256

BW Upload file Church of San Francesco
KGS-No .: 5589
B. G Piazzale dei Cappuccini
719 968  /  80780

BW Upload file Cinema Teatro Mignon
KGS-No .: 5591
B. G Via Vincenzo Vela 21
seven hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and sixty-nine  /  81247

BW Upload file Oratorio San Nicolao
KGS-No .: 5592
B. G Vicolo San Nicolao
720300  /  82327

BW Upload file Ospizio della Beate Vergine (Architecture Academy )
KGS-No .: 5593
B. G Via Alfonso Turconi
719 986  /  80719

BW Upload file Vecchio Pretorio
KGS-No .: 5594
B. G Via Nobili Rusca 2
720441  /  81165

BW Upload file Casa Oldelli
KGS no .: 5602
B. G Meride, Via Notai Fossati-Oldelli
seven hundred and seventeen thousand six hundred ninety-six  /  83222

BW Upload file Parish Church of San Stefano
KGS-No .: 5699
B. G Rancate, Piazza Santo Stefano
718,828  /  81117

BW Upload file Parish Church of San Zeno
KGS-No .: 5721
B. G Salorino, Via Corta
seven hundred twenty thousand six hundred and fifty-three  /  eighty-one thousand four hundred and eighteen

BW Upload file Oratorio San Giuseppe Calasanzio
KGS-No .: 5722
B. G Salorino, Via Ronco
720,686  /  81918

Parish Church of Santa Maria Assunta
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Parish Church of Santa Maria Assunta
KGS-No .: 5758
B. G Tremona, Via Antonio Rinaldi
seven hundred eighteen thousand and two  /  82176

BW Upload file Church of Sant'Agata
KGS-No .: 5759
B. G Tremona, Via Sant'Agata
718,060  /  81924

BW Upload file Fondazione Archivio del Moderno
KGS-No .: 8946
B. S. Via Luigi Lavizzari 2
720,195  /  81015

BW Upload file Historical archive
KGS-No .: 9356
B. S. Via Castellaccio 1
719 973  /  81270

BW Upload file Market hall
KGS-No .: 10285
B. G Via Campo Sportivo
719554  /  80426

BW Upload file Octagonal building of the Dorfwaage
KGS-No .: 11951
B. G Ligornetto, Piazza Volontari
seven hundred and seventeen thousand four hundred seventy-nine  /  80154

BW Upload file Rectory
KGS-No .: 11993
B. G Genestrerio, Piazza Baraini
seven hundred and eighteen thousand two hundred twenty-four  /  79377

BW Upload file Piazza San Stefano
KGS no .: 11994
B. G Rancate, Piazza Santo Stefano
718,773  /  81139

BW Upload file Tower
KGS no .: 11995
B. G Piazza del Ponte
720364  /  81075

Art museum Upload file Kunstmuseum
KGS-No .: 12045
B. S. Piazza San Giovanni
720299  /  81319

Ticinosuchus Ferox in the entrance area of ​​the museum Upload file Fossil Museum of Monte San Giorgio
KGS-No .: 12046
B. S. Meride, Via Bernardo Peyer 9
seven hundred and seventeen thousand five hundred and fifty-nine  /  83235


The table contains the following information:

KGS-No: Number of the cultural property , to be found in the KGS lists of the federal government and the cantons . KGS is the acronym for K ultur G üter s chutz
Photo: Photography of the cultural property. Click the photo generates an enlarged view. There are also two symbols:
More pictures on Wikimedia CommonsMore pictures of the object can be found here on Wikimedia Commons .
Upload your own workA link to upload a new image. Certain parameters are already filled in.
Object: Name of the object. In individual cases, a more generally known name can also be given.
Kat: Category of cultural property: A = national importance; B = regional / cantonal importance; C = local meaning
Type: Type of cultural property: G = building or other construction object; S = collection (archives, libraries, museums); F = archaeological site; K = small cultural object (e.g. fountain, wayside crosses, monuments); X = special case
Address: Street and house number of the cultural property (if known), possibly place / district
Coordinates: Location of the cultural property according to the Swiss national coordinates (CH1903).

The content of the table is sorted in descending order according to the cultural property category and within this alphabetically.

By clicking on «Map with all coordinates» (top right in the article), the location of all cultural assets in the selected map object is displayed.

Web links

Commons : Mendrisio  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • A objects TI 2018 . Swiss inventory of cultural assets of national importance. In: / Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP - Department of Cultural Property Protection, January 1, 2018, accessed on December 26, 2017 (PDF; 119 kB, 24 pages, updated annually, no changes for 2018).
  • B objects TI 2018 . Cantone del Ticino, Inventario PBC, oggetti B, stato 1.1.2018 (nessuna modifica) / Kanton Tessin KGS inventory, B objects, status: 1.1.2018 (no changes). In: / Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP - Department of Cultural Property Protection, January 1, 2018, accessed on December 31, 2017 (PDF; 481 kB, 10 pages, updated annually, no changes for 2018).

Individual evidence