List of landscape protection areas in the Northeim district

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The list of landscape protection areas in the district of Northeim contains the landscape protection areas of the district of Northeim in Lower Saxony .

image number Name of the area Area in hectares map Coordinates Date of
LSG NOM 00008 South slope of the Clusberg 21.00 location position 1956
LSG NOM 00010 Hube, Greener Wald and Luhberg 1693.00 location position 1974
LSG Leinebergland LSG NOM 00012 Leinebergland 919.00 location position 1966
LSG NOM 00013 Edesheimer Berg 358.00 location position 1984
LSG NOM 00014 Paddock 10.00 location position 1985
LSG Westerhöfer Bergland - Langfast LSG NOM 00015 Westerhöfer Bergland - Langfast 13616.00 location position 1990
LSG Solling LSG NOM 00016 Solling 33014.90 location position 1999
LSG NOM 00017 Sultmer 175.00 location position 2000


  1. Coordinates were taken from the European Nature Information System (EUNIS) of the European Environment Agency : Nationally designated areas (CDDA) , file, status October 2014. The map column shows the exact boundaries.

See also

Web links

Commons : Landscape protection areas in the Northeim district  - collection of images, videos and audio files