List of members of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina / 1789

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The list of members of the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina for 1789 contains all persons who were appointed members in 1789. There were a total of 34 newly elected members.


No. Surname nickname Born admission Died section image Database
873 Pascal Joseph from Ferro Antonius Musa II June 5, 1753 Feb 17 Aug 21, 1809 medicine Pasqual Joseph Ferro
874 Adolph Modeer Metrodorus II 1739 Feb 18 1799 Adolph Modeer
875 Olof Peter Swartz Strabo II. 21 Sep 1760 Feb 18 19 Sep 1818 botany Olof Peter Swartz Olof Peter Swartz
876 Karl Theodor von Dalberg Apollo Musagetes II. Feb 8, 1744 Feb 27 Feb 10, 1817 Karl Theodor von Dalberg Karl Theodor Frhr. from Dalberg
877 Georg Heinrich Boehr Callimachus III. 1757 26 March Dec 14, 1805 medicine Georg Heinrich Boehr
878 Giovanni Alessandro Brambilla Machaon IV. Apr 28, 1728 26 March July 30, 1800 surgery Giovanni Alessandro Brambilla Johann Alexander de Brambilla
879 Martin Lange Anitphanes Sep 12 1753 Apr 7 July 17, 1792 medicine Martin Lange
880 Philipp Jacob Piderit Avicenna II. Aug 20, 1753 Apr 11 May 2, 1817 medicine Philipp Jakob Piderit
881 Johann David Schöpf Americus II. March 8, 1752 8th of May Sep 10 1800 medicine Johann David Schöpf Johann David Schöpf
882 Johann Christian Stark the Elder Paul Aegineta II Jan. 13, 1753 10th of May Jan. 11, 1811 Obstetrics and Gynecology Johann Christian Stark the Elder Johann Christian Stark
883 Christoph Knape Herophilus IV. 1747 Jun 12 1831 anatomy Christoph Knape
884 Erasmus Ludwig Wernberger Hermophilus II. 1747 Jun 26 Oct 2, 1795 medicine Erasmus Ludwig Wernberger
885 Johann Gottfried Leonhardi Basil June 18, 1746 Jun 26 Jan. 11, 1823 medicine Johann Gottfried Leonhardi
886 Ekaterina Romanovna Vorontsova-Dashkova Urania Arcota March 28, 1743 1 Aug Jan. 16, 1810 medicine Ekaterina Romanovna Vorontsova-Dashkova Katharina R. Princess von Daschkova
887 Johann Christian Gerning Aelianus II 1745 3 Aug 1802 zoology Johann Christian Gerning Johann Christian Gerning
888 Friedrich August Göttling Synesius I. June 5, 1753 4th Aug Sep 1 1809 chemistry Johann Friedrich August Göttling
889 Johann Christian Conrad Dehne Dexippus II. 5th Aug June 1791 medicine Johann Christian Conrad Dehne
890 Friedrich Jahn Japis III. Feb 25, 1766 Sep 9 Dec. 19, 1813 medicine Friedrich Jahn
891 Rémi Willemet Rhases II. 13 Sep 1735 Sep 15 July 21, 1807 pharmacy Remigius Willemet
892 Franz Josef von Enzenberg Eudemus III. May 8, 1747 Sep 18 July 24, 1821 Franz Josef von Enzenberg Franz von Enzenberg to Freyen
893 Carl Christoph Eckner Euphorbus III. Sep 2 1743 19 Sep May 13, 1807 medicine Carl Christoph E. Eckner
894 Johann von Kolb Eubulus III. Jan. 17, 1726 21 Sep Entry for Johann von Kolb is missing from Leopoldina
895 Eugen Johann Christoph Esper Eratosthenes II June 2, 1742 21 Sep July 27, 1810 zoology Eugen Johann Christoph Esper Eugen Johann Christoph Esper
896 Paul Dietrich Giseke Cratevas III. Dec 8, 1741 Nov 1 Apr 26, 1796 physics Paul Dietrich Giseke
897 Joseph Banks Jason III. Feb 13, 1743 Nov 4 June 19, 1820 botany Joseph Banks Sir Joseph Banks
898 Johann Gottlieb Georgi Synesius II Dec 31, 1729 Nov 4 Nov 8, 1802 pharmacy Johann Gottlieb Georgi Johann Gottlieb Georgi
899 Giuseppe Camuti Aretaeus III. 1730 Dec 18 1800 medicine Guiseppe [sic!] Camuti
900 Alberto Fortis Xenophon II. Oct 11, 1741 Dec 18 Oct 21, 1803 geology Alberto Fortis Alberto Fortis
901 Michelangelo Gianetti Herophilus V. 1743 Dec 18 1796 physiology Michelangelo Gianetti
902 Hubert Franz Hoefer Athenaeus III. 1728 Dec 18 March 19, 1795 chemistry Hubert Franz Hoefer
903 Georg Wolfgang Franz Panzer Protospatharius May 31, 1755 Dec 18 June 28, 1829 medicine Hubert Franz Hoefer
904 Joseph von Rubeis Palladius IV Dec 18 medicine Joseph von Rubeis
905 Paolo Visconti Podalirius IV. Dec 18 surgery Paolo Visconti
906 Albrecht Wilhelm Roth Cratevas IV. Jan. 6, 1757 Dec. 21 Oct 16, 1834 botany Albrecht Wilhelm Roth Paolo Visconti

Note on the life data

The list initially includes the life data according to the Leopoldina archive. For name articles that have not yet been created, these refer to the information in accordance with Neigebaur (1860), Ule (1889) and the comparison with Wikidata . The life dates in the name article created later can therefore still differ from the life dates in the list.


  • Ferdinand Neigebaur : History of the imperial Leopoldino-Carolinische German academy of natural scientists during the second century of its existence . Friedrich Frommann, Jena 1860, pp. 235-237; Text archive - Internet Archive
  • Willi Ule : History of the Imperial Leopoldine-Carolinian German Academy of Natural Scientists during the years 1852–1887 . With a look back at the earlier times of its existence. Commissioned by Wilhelm Engelmann in Leipzig, Halle 1889, supplements and additions to Neigebaur's history, p. 167 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ekaterina Romanovna Voronzowa-Daschkowa was the first woman to become a member of the Leopoldina.
  2. ↑ There is no entry on Johann von Kolb in Ule's addendum and in the online membership directory .