List of mammals in Austria

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The list of mammals in Austria contains the species of mammals occurring in Austria based on the list of mammals in Europe . Here, too, the neozoa introduced after 1492 are marked as such. Pet forms and humans are not taken into account. The taxonomy and distribution mainly follow Grimmberger et al. (2009). The order of the genera and species follows Aulagnier and co-workers (2009). The explicit distribution in Austria was investigated for each animal.


Squirrel (Sciuridae)

Dormouse (Gliridae)

  • Dormouse (Glirinae)

Beaver (Castoridae)

Jerboa (Dipodidae)

Burrowers (Cricetidae)

Long-tailed mice (Muridae)

Beaver rats (Myocastoridae)

  • Beaver rat ( Myocastor coypus ) - Neozoon. In Austria, the population is limited to isolated, usually short-lived populations that regularly do not survive harsh winters. The species is not permanently established there.


Hares (Leporidae)

Insect eater

Hedgehog (Erinaceidae)

Shrews (Soricidae)

  • Red-toothed shrews (Soricinae)
  • White-toothed shrews (Crocidurinae)
    • Common shrew ( Crocidura leucodon )
    • Garden shrew ( Crocidura suaveolens )
    • House shrew ( Crocidura russula )

Moles (Talpidae)


Horseshoe bat (Rhinolophidae)

Bulldog bats (Molossidae)

Smooth-nosed (Vespertilionidae)


Cats (Felidae)

Dogs (Canidae)

Bears (Ursidae)

Marten (Mustelidae)

Small bears (Procyonidae)

  • Raccoon ( Procyon lotor ) - Neozoon


Real pigs (Suidae)

Deer (Cervidae)

  • Real deer (Cervinae)
  • Deer (Capreolinae)
    • Roe deer ( Capreolus capreolus )
    • Moose ( Alces alces ) - occasional rare sightings

Horned Bearers (Bovidae)


  • Blatt, C. & Resch, S. (2018): Internet handbook on small mammal species in Central Europe: body characteristics, ecology and distribution ., Salzburg.
  • Dietz, C. Kiefer, A. (2014): Europe's bats: know, determine, protect .