List of streets in Oberhausen-Lirich

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The list of streets in Oberhausen-Lirich describes the street system in the Oberhausen district of Lirich (-Nord) with the corresponding historical references.


Lirich (-Nord) is a social district of the city of Oberhausen, which is often combined with Lirich-Süd zu Lirich . Because of its heterogeneous structure - compared to the north of Lirich - Lirich-Süd is treated separately in the list of streets in Oberhausen-Lirich-Süd . Lirich has 7,174 inhabitants (as of December 2015) on an area of ​​4.08 km². The low population density of only 1757 inhabitants per km² can be explained by the fact that more than half of the area of ​​the district is taken up by the West 2 industrial area, the adjoining commercial areas and the GMVA Niederrhein waste incineration plant. Lirich, together with Lirich-Süd and Alstaden an der Ruhr, forms the postcode district 46049.

Starting in the north, the district is bounded clockwise as follows: Niebuhrstrasse to the Duisburg district of Obermeiderich , the Rhine-Herne Canal to Obermeiderich and Buschhausen , with the Westfriedhof on the other side of the canal still belonging to Lirich, the Oberhausen – Arnhem railway line to the Neue Mitte Oberhausen and Railway line Duisburg – Quakenbrück to Lirich-Süd .

There are 38 designated traffic areas in Lirich, including four squares. Of these, three streets are only partially in the district:
Niebuhrstraße is also located in Obermeiderich and Lirich-Süd, Westmarkstraße continues to Buschhausen. Buschhausener Strasse will be continued in the north in Buschhausen and in the south in Lirich-Süd.

Many streets are part of thematic groups, including (from west to east):

  • Flower types ( Rosenstrasse , Tulpenstrasse , Veilchenweg , Nelkenstrasse ): Their names were probably based on the Rosenstrasse, which was named after Franz Rose and not after the flowers.
  • Tree species ( Ahornstrasse , Ulmenstrasse , Eschenstrasse , Kastanienweg )
  • female first names ( Helenenstrasse , Katharinenstrasse , Margaretenstrasse , Karolinenstrasse ): Katharinenstrasse and Karolinenstrasse have their names after real people; the names of the other two streets were probably based on it.

The federal motorway 3 runs through Lirich with junction 13 Oberhausen-Lirich , and junction 12 Kreuz Oberhausen-West is partly in the Lirich area . Landesstraße 215 crosses Lirich on Buschhausener Straße, Landesstraße 447 on Ruhrorter Straße. The street Westmarkstraße - Liricher Straße - Wilmsstraße belongs to the Oberhausen district road system as district road K 19 .

Overview of streets and squares

The following table gives an overview of the existing streets, paths and squares in the district as well as some related information.

  • Name : current name of the street or square.
  • Length / dimensions in meters:
  • The length information contained in the overview are rounded overview values ​​that were determined in Google Earth using the local scale. They are used for comparison purposes and, if official values ​​are known, are exchanged and marked separately.
    For squares, the dimensions are given in the form a × b.
  • The addition in the district indicates that the length is that of the street section within Lirich, provided that the street continues into neighboring districts.
  • The addition without spur streets indicates the length of the "main street" for branched streets.
  • The addition (all street sections together) indicates that the street is so winding that there is no “main street”. Instead, the length of all road sections is added together.
  • Derivation : origin or reference of the name
  • Notes : additional information
  • Image : Photo of the street or an adjacent object
Surname Length / dimensions
(in meters)
Derivation Date of designation Remarks image
Ahornstrasse 100 Maples , tree genus Ahornstrasse is a short connection between Weilerstrasse and Ulmenstrasse. Some streets in the area are named after tree species.
Alfredstrasse 150 Alfred , male first name Alfredstrasse connects Eschenstrasse with Antonstrasse. It probably bears its name based on Antonstrasse.
Antonstrasse 120 Anton Bartmann, building contractor Antonstrasse leads from Liricher Strasse to Alfredstrasse. It is named after Anton Bartmann, a building contractor who had the first houses built here.
Blumbergstrasse 400 Carl Blumberg & Cie , former tar factory Here the Carl Blumberg company built a tar factory and workers' houses around 1870. The factory was abandoned and demolished before 1900. Blumbergstrasse leads from Rosenstrasse to Wilhelmshavener Strasse.
Bonmannplatz 75 Bonmann, old Lirich family Bonmannplatz leads to the Katharinenkirche from Wilmsstraße to the green area of ​​the same name. Like Bonmannstrasse, it is named after the long-established Lirich Bonmann family.
Bonmannstrasse 400 Bonmann, old Lirich family Bonmannstrasse is the continuation of Margaretenstrasse behind Helenenstrasse. It leads to Buschhausener Straße, but has no intersection to it. Like Bonmannplatz, Bonmannstrasse is named after the long-established Lirich family Bonmann; it was also laid out in 1905 by Christina Bonmann as an entrepreneurial street.
Buschhausener Strasse 800
in the district
Buschhausen , neighboring district of Oberhausen 1945 Buschhausener Straße crosses the Buschhausen district, which is why it is named after him. In Lirich it leads between the waste incineration plant GMVA Niederrhein and the industrial area West 2 to Lirich-Süd and into the city center, where it continues as Ebertstraße. Between 1903 and 1968, the Concordia 4/5 mine was located on the site west of Buschhausener Straße , the power plant of which has been converted into a GMVA since 1973. It was called Mathildenstraße until 1918 , then Ludendorffstraße until 1945 .
Concordiaplatz 150 is in the middle of a settlement of the Concordia colliery 1919 Concordiaplatz is located between Ulmenstrasse and Eschenstrasse on the green area of ​​the same name and is so named because it was built in 1919 in a workers' housing estate belonging to the Concordia colliery.
Emscherstrasse 1600
without access roads: 1200
Emscher , nearby flowing river The Emscherstraße leads along the Westfriedhof and along the banks of the canal from Ulmenstraße westwards to Duisburg. The Emscherstrasse used to form the northern border of Essen Abbey . Up until a few years ago, oxbow lakes of the Emscher still flowed along this street and in the Westfriedhof, which is why it is named after the river.
Eschenstrasse 800 Ash , tree genus Eschenstrasse runs through the whole of Lirich and connects Ruhrorter Strasse with Alfredstrasse. Some streets in the area are named after tree species.
Girondelles 590
without access roads: 450
Girondelle seam, edible coal seam of the Witten layers The Girondelle seam was mainly mined at the Concordia colliery . The Girondelle leads south from Rosenstrasse to Wilhelmshavener Strasse, it is a one-way street. A short connection between Girondelle and Weilerstraße is also assigned to the Girondelle.
Grünstrasse 400 used to run through undeveloped land Until 1934, before the autobahn was built, Grünstraße led to Hagensallee in Meiderich, almost completely through undeveloped land. Even today there is not much here besides an allotment garden.
Heinrich-Jochem-Platz 60 × 50 Heinrich Jochem, 1889–1978, Oberhausen city councilor and resistance fighter 1985 Heinrich-Jochem-Platz is primarily a green space in front of the former mining dump of the Concordia colliery .
Helenenstrasse 160 Helena , female name 1936 The Helenenstraße, which leads from Wilmsstraße to Bonmannstraße, was named arbitrarily after the female first name, based on the earlier name Christinenstraße . It is a one-way street that was laid out around 1905 on the property of Christina Bonmann. The Catholic Church of St. Catherine is on the street.
Karolinenstrasse 80 Karoline Uhlenbruck 1905 Together with the Bonmann family, the long-established citizen Johann Uhlenbruck planned and built this street around 1905, which is why it was named after his wife Karoline.
Kastanienweg 470
without spur roads: 400
Chestnuts , tree genus The Kastanienweg leads north from Ruhrorter Straße to far behind Wunderstraße. Some streets in the area are named after tree species.
Katharinenstrasse 550 Katharina Krüßmann after 1888 This old way of dividing Heath is named after Katharina Krüßmann, a woman who made extensive donations to help build the first Katharinenkirche in 1888. Katharinenstraße leads near the Katharinenkirche from Wilmsstraße as a continuation of Wunderstraße to Buschhausener Straße, behind which it continues as Zum Eisenhammer.
Kreuzstrasse 280 used to pass a high cross in the Westfriedhof Originally, the Kreuzstrasse, which today leads from Emscherstrasse to the Westfriedhof, also ran over the Westfriedhof and passed a high cross. That's probably why the street is called that. A second theory is that the Kreuzstrasse got her name because it crossed the city limits twice. The street used to be called Zum high Kreuz .
Liricher Strasse 750
without access roads: 450
crosses Lirich Liricher Strasse crosses the district in an east-west direction from Wilmsstrasse to Ulmenstrasse and is therefore named after him. Various, smaller access roads are also assigned to it.
Margaretenstrasse 220 Margarete , female first name 1933 Margaretenstraße was arbitrarily named after the female first name, based on the neighboring streets Katharinenstraße, Karolinenstraße and earlier also Christinenstraße . As a continuation of Bonmannstrasse, it leads behind Helenenstrasse to behind Wunderstrasse, just before the railway embankment.
Carnation Street 120 Carnations , genus of flowers 1936 The Nelkenstraße connects the Weilerstraße with the Ulmenstraße. Some streets in the area are named after species of flowers. Nelkenstrasse was laid out in 1873 as Neue Brückenstrasse , later it became part of Liricher Strasse until it was given its current name in 1936.
Niebuhrstrasse 550
in the district
Barthold Georg Niebuhr , 1776–1831, historian, statesman and minister 1927 Niebuhrstrasse is only half part of Lirich, the other half of the street is part of Obermeiderich. The houses on Niebuhrstrasse are clearly isolated from the rest of Lirich by the Autobahn and Ruhrorter Strasse. Niebuhrstrasse, which was named that way in agreement with Duisburg in 1927 and thereby lost the name Meidericher Strasse , leads from Ruhrorter Strasse in an arc to the south-east and is interrupted by Federal Motorway 3 . It continues in Lirich-Süd and ends there on Duisburger Strasse.
Roseggerstrasse 70 Peter Rosegger , 1843–1918, Austrian folk and local poet Roseggerstrasse is a small cul-de-sac to Siebenbürgenstrasse.
Rosenstrasse 1500 Franz Rose built the first house here. Rosenstrasse initially leads northwards from Grünstrasse, parallel to the Rhine-Herne Canal, before it bends to the east behind the lock and continues across Lirich to Wilmsstrasse, behind which it continues as Bonmannplatz.
Ruhrorter Strasse 1700
in the district
Ruhrort , district of Duisburg 1892 The Ruhrorter Strasse runs from Duisburger Strasse in the south of Lirich parallel to the railway embankment to Duisburg. The junction of the federal motorway 3 13 Oberhausen-Lirich is located there . Until 1892 it was called Obermeidericher Provinzialstraße .
Schleusenstrasse 260 Oberhausen lock Schleusenstraße is located at the Oberhausen lock, after which it is named. It leads from Weilerstraße in an arc to Rosenstraße.
Transylvania Street 400 Transylvania , region in Romania 1937 The Siebenbürgenstrasse connects the Ruhrorter with the Rosenstrasse. Until 1937 it was called Waghalsstrasse .
Tulip Street 300 Tulips , genus of flowers Tulpenstrasse connects Rosenstrasse with Wilhelmshavener Strasse. Some streets in the area are named after species of flowers. The home of the football club “SC Blau-Weiß 09/12 Oberhausen-Lirich” is on Tulpenstrasse.
Uhlenbruckplatz 80 Uhlenbruckhof, old Lirich farm The Uhlenbruck family took part in the “Green Roads” project, which in 1900 specifically laid out alleys. The area for creating the Uhlenbruckplatz also belonged to the old Uhlenbruckhof and was made available by its owners, which is why the square got its name.
Uhlenbrucksfeld Field of the Uhlenbruckhof 05th September 2012 The new housing estate Uhlenbrucksfeld, a spur road to Rosenstrasse, is probably named after the fact that it is located on the field of the old Uhlenbruckhof.
Ulmenstrasse 1210
without access roads: 1100
Elms , tree genus The Ulmenstraße crosses the whole of Lirich and leads from Ruhrorter Straße northwards to Liricher Straße; the canal bridge and the stretch of road between the canal and Hamborner Allee are still assigned to it. Behind Hamborner Allee it is continued in Buschhausen as Westmarkstraße, a connection to Weilerstraße is also assigned to it. Some streets in Lirich are named after tree species.
Violet Trail 130 Violets , genus of flowers 1955 The Veilchenweg connects Tulpenstrasse and Blumbergstrasse. Like some streets in Lirich, it is named after a type of flower and was laid out in 1955 in the miners' settlement.
Weilerstrasse 950 The Weilerstraße was originally a field path with the name Heller Weg . Nothing can be found out about the meaning of the name "Weilerstraße". Today, Weilerstraße runs from Ruhrorter Straße parallel to Ulmenstraße to behind Nelkenstraße at the Rhine-Herne Canal.
Wickstrasse 130 Georg Wick built the first house here. The innkeeper Georg Wick built the first house on this old heather dividing path that connects Wilmsstrasse and Rosenstrasse. In the past, Wickstraße led further north to the canal, this part was pulled in when the Concordia mine was built.
Wilhelmshavener Strasse 800 Wilhelmshaven , port city in Lower Saxony 1936 The name "Wilhelmshavener Straße" reminds us that the construction of the Rhine-Herne Canal meant that the last section of the inland waterway was closed in order to reach Wilhelmshaven and the other North Sea ports. Wilhelmshavener Strasse leads eastwards from Rosenstrasse near the Oberhausen lock; behind Eschenstrasse it continues as Wunderstrasse. Until 1936 the street was called Jägerstraße .
Wilmsstrasse 550 Wilmshof, old Lirich farm 1911 Wilmsstraße is located in the center of Lirich and leads north from Duisburger Straße to Liricher Straße. On it is the Catholic Church of St. Katharina, which was built in 1981 after the previous church was demolished in 1929 due to mountain damage. The first Katharinenkirche from 1888 had to be demolished in the 1920s due to damage in the mountains. Until 1911, Wilmsstrasse was called Wasserleitungsstrasse .
Wunderstrasse 550 Wunder, head of the Mülheim land registry office around 1890 When the Liricher streets were due to be named, a man named "Wunder" headed the Mülheim land registry office, which in 1890 also included Oberhausen. The Wunderstraße was named after him. Today, Wunderstrasse leads from Eschenstrasse as a continuation of Wilhelmshavener Strasse to Wilmsstrasse, behind which it continues as the Katharinenschule. The “Grundschule an der Wunderstraße” is located next to it, which was created in 2012 from the merger of the municipal Emscherschule and the Catholic Katharinenschule.
To the iron hammer 2600
without access roads: 2100
Eisenhammer Neu-Essen , former hammer mill In 1791 Kunigunde von Essen had a hammer mill, Eisenhammer Neu-Essen , built here on the banks of the old Emscher , after which the street was named. It is located between commercial areas, the West 2 industrial area, the Rhine-Herne Canal and the Kaisergarten and is a cul-de-sac to Buschhausener Strasse.

List of no longer existent streets in Lirich

Surname from to renamed to (current) Derivation Remarks
Ackerstrasse 1933 →  Margaretenstrasse The Ackerstraße used to lead to the arable land of Bonmann family.
Christinenstrasse 1905 1936 →  Helenenstrasse The road was laid out on the property of Christina Bonmann.
Dahlia path 1975 moved in Like some streets in the area, the Dahlienweg is named after a genus of flowers, the dahlias . The Dahlienweg was located at the Westfriedhof until 1975 and was built over by the extension of the Oberhausen-West cross of the federal motorway 42 .
Light way →  Weilerstrasse
Jaegerstrasse 1936 →  Wilhelmshavener Strasse
Ludendorffstrasse 1918 1945 →  Buschhausener Strasse Erich Ludendorff , 1865–1937, German general and politician Before 1918 the street was called Mathildenstraße .
Mathildenstrasse 1918 →  Buschhausener Strasse After 1918 the street was initially called Ludendorffstraße .
Meidericher Strasse 1927 →  Niebuhrstrasse The road partly belonged or led to Meiderich. In agreement with the city of Duisburg, to which the other half of the street belongs, Meidericher Strasse was renamed Niebuhrstrasse in 1927.
New Brückenstrasse 1873 →  Carnation Street The Neue Brückenstraße led to the wooden bridge built in 1873 over the Emscher to Buschhausen. The street was later assigned to Liricher Straße.
Obermeidericher Provinzialstrasse 1892 →  Ruhrorter Strasse The road leads to Obermeiderich.
Waghalsstrasse 1937 →  Siebenbürgenstrasse
Water main road 1911 →  Wilmsstrasse A drainage ditch ran here, which was dug around 1850 by the Concordia colliery and was popularly known as the water pipe .
To the high cross →  Kreuzstrasse To the high cross ran across the Westfriedhof and passed a high cross, after which the street is probably named. It is also possible that the street crossing the city boundary twice was the reason for the name.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Unless otherwise stated, the source used is: Alfred & Ulrich Lindemann: 500 Kilometer Oberhausener Strassegeschichte , 1997
  2. ^ City of Oberhausen: Statistical Yearbook 2016. Retrieved on August 18, 2018 .