List of streets and squares in Kiel / U

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Ueber'n farm , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

Before 1985 part of the wage cone route , in 1985 the name was determined by the council assembly, the street leads over a farmer's farm that was destroyed in the war.

* Uferstrasse , Wellingdorf

In 1903 the name was decided by the local council, in 1934 it was still listed in the address book, in 1938 it was still marked in the city map, in 1948 the street no longer exists.

Uferstrasse , Wik , Steenbek-Projensdorf

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1925 - street on the banks of the Kiel Canal .
Ludwig Uhland

Uhlandstrasse , Schreventeich

Named after Ludwig Uhland in 1925 .

Uhlenhorster Weg , Pries

Named in 1936 after the former Meierhof Uhlenhorst. In 1997 a section of the Uhlenhorster Weg to Kiel belonging to the municipality of Altenholz was reunified.

Uhlenkrog , Hassee , Hasseldieksdamm

1789 still without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 21 drawn in by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf, drawn in 1875 in the Royal Prussian Land Registry as Elandsweg , in 1910 the name Uhlenkroog was determined, in 1914 during the First World War In the section between Bärenkrog and Kolonnenweg, the road was relocated to the west, then it turned back over the Kolonnenweg onto the old route (today Hasseldiek ), in 1972 the Uhlenkrog was extended from the Kolonnenweg straight over the BAB to Hofholzallee , part of the Julienluster Weg es was included in the Uhlenkrog .

* Ulmenallee , Schilksee

laid out as a back row , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1940, renamed Ulmenallee in 1949, renamed Kurallee in 1962 .

Ulmenweg , Oppendorf settlement

The name was fixed in 1926.

Lower field sheath , Elmschenhagen

Named in 1977 after a field name.

* Lower street , parade ground

The name was determined in 1877, and in 1910 the street was renamed Adelheidstraße .

Lower street , Pries

In 1904 the name was decided - the lowest street of the Pries building association.

* Unterstrasse , Wellingdorf

Listed for the first time in the Gaarden-Ost address book in 1894, and in 1965 the street was renamed Faulmannweg .

Ursinusweg , Holtenau

Named after Carl Oskar Ursinus in 1962 .


  • Hans-G. Hilscher, Dietrich Bleihöfer: Kiel Street Lexicon . Continued since 2005 by the Office for Building Regulations, Surveying and Geoinformation of the State Capital Kiel, status: February 2017 (enter search term here: ).