List of streets and squares in Kiel / S

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Saarbrückenstrasse , Südfriedhof , Hassee

before 1935 Kirchhofallee , in 1935 the street between Lutherstrasse and Hasseer Strasse was named after the city of Saarbrücken .

Sachaustraße , Südfriedhof

1911 named after Colonel Hans Joachim von Sachau .

* Dead end street , old town

In 1876, the name of a corridor leading to the Bohn & Kähler factory in Kattenstrasse was determined; it was completely destroyed in the war in 1945, the street no longer exists.
Caspar von Saldern

Saldernstrasse , Ravensberg

Named after Caspar von Saldern in 1937 .

* Saltzwedelstrasse , Ravensberg , Wik

Named after Reinhold Saltzwedel in 1937 , renamed Paul-Fuß-Straße in 1947 .

Salzburger Strasse , Elmschenhagen

Named after the city of Salzburg in 1939 .

Salt grinder , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

Mentioned in the minutes of the local council meeting in 1909, first listed in the Kiel address book in 1923 - land name.

Salzwiesenweg , Schilksee

Named in 1960 after a hallway name.

Samlandweg , Pries

Named in 1956 after the Samland region in East Prussia.

Samwerstrasse , Ravensberg

Named in 1902 after Karl Friedrich Lucian Samwer .

Sandblek , Russee

First listed in the Kiel address book in 1940, extended to the south in 1962 - corridor name.

Sanddornwinkel , Elmschenhagen

In 1995 the name was decided in the council meeting, this bush name goes well with the other street names nearby.

Sandkoppel , Meimersdorf

Named in 2002 after an old field name.

* Sandkoppel , Wellsee

created as Mühlenweg, 1956 mentioned in the log text council meeting, in 1971 after the incorporation Well lake to Kiel in sand coupling renamed in 1978 Tulpenweg renamed.

Sandkrug , Gaarden-Ost

laid out as Werftstrasse , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1875, renamed Sandkrug in 1910 after an earlier inn in the area .

Sand pit , parade ground

The name has existed since 1632, was drawn on Klessel's map in 1793 and comes from the former municipal sand pit.

* Sand pit , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1904, and in 1925 the properties on the Sandkuhle were included in Schönberger Strasse .

Sankt-Andreas-Weg , Wellingdorf

In 2001 the path was named after the St. Andreas Church and Parish.

Sartorikai , old town

Named in 1904 after August Anton Heinrich Sartori .


Schaapkoppel , Schilksee

Named in 1995 after a field name, the name goes well with the Peerkoppel street in this area (Schaap = sheep).

* Schafbogredder , Blücherplatz , Wik

Before 1869 it was laid out as a narrow path from Hospitalstraße to the tree nursery, in 1887 the street to Beselerallee was named Feldstraße , in 1897 the street Schafbockredder was renamed Feldstraße after the paving to Düvelsbeker Weg was paved in 1895 .

* Schanzenweg , Holtenau

Named after the Friedrichsorter Schanze in 1922 , incorporated into Immelmannstrasse in 1975 .
Gerhard von Scharnhorst

Scharnhorststrasse , Blücherplatz

1903 named after Count Gerhard Johann David von Scharnhorst .

Scharweg , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

1789 still without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 22 drawn by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf , in 1893 the name mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting - old field name.

Schaßstrasse , parade ground

Named after Samuel Schaß in 1884 - founder of the Schaß University Scholarship.

Schauenburgerstrasse , Brunswik , Ravensberg

In 1886 the name was named after the old Holstein noble family, Counts of Schauenburg and Holstein .

* Scheerstrasse , Wik

In 1934 the street named after Reinhard Scheer in the barracks area of ​​the Wik was marked on a map of the city survey department, in 1947 the street was renamed Mecklenburger Straße .

Scheidekoppel , Schilksee

First listed in the Kiel address book in 1940 - named after Hof Scheidekoppel .

Schevenbrücke , suburb

the Schevenbrücke is recorded in the cadastre of 1682 with nineteen residential units, the street was named after an earlier bridge that led here at an angle over the Mühlenbach to the Kuhberg.

Leaning Horn , Russee

In 1936 the name Dieksweg was decided by the local council, in 1944 the name Wiesenweg was decided by the local council, in 1970 the streets Dieksweg and Wiesenweg were renamed to Schiefe Horn according to an old field name .

Schierenblek , Meimersdorf

Named in 1999 after a field name.

Schilkseer Strasse , Schilksee

1789 still without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 11 drawn in by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf , laid out as Dorfstrasse and Hauptstrasse , 1940 Dorfstrasse is listed for the first time in the Kiel address book, 1953 Hauptstrasse is in the protocol text mentioned at the municipal council meeting, in 1960 the streets Dorfstraße and Hauptstraße were combined to form Schilkseer Straße .

Schillerstrasse , Schreventeich

Named after Friedrich Schiller in 1900 .

Schillstrasse , marine district

Named in 1906 after Major Ferdinand Baptista von Schill .

Schittenhelmstrasse , Brunswik

1956 after Prof. Dr. med. Alfred Schittenhelm (1874–1954), 1916–1934 director of the medical clinic.


* Battle course , suburb

In 1872 the name was fixed, in 1913 the name was canceled - Alte Gasse of the former Kiel suburb.

* Schlachthofstrasse , Südfriedhof

The name was set in 1887, in 1957 the slaughterhouse area belongs to Bahnhofstrasse (No. 2/4 slaughterhouse operations, slaughterhouse administration - operations), no longer listed in the address book in 1977 - new slaughterhouse in Wellsee, today the site of the new employment office.

* Schlageterpark , Wellingdorf

Named after Albert Leo Schlageter in 1936 , renamed Schwanenseepark II in 1945, renamed Stadtrat-Hahn-Park in 1958 .

* Schlageterplatz , Wellingdorf

Named after Albert Leo Schlageter in 1938 , renamed Schwanenseeplatz in 1945 .

* Schlageterstrasse , Elmschenhagen

Named after Albert Leo Schlageter in 1938 , renamed Schwalbensteg in 1945 .

Schlehenkamp , Elmschenhagen

laid out as Wellseer Weg , listed in the Kiel address book for the first time in 1908, renamed Meitzenstrasse in 1939, renamed Schlehenkamp in 1945 , including Schlehenkamp Wellsee in 1971 , and in 1978 the Schlehenkamp between Segeberger Landstrasse and the Kiel – Lübeck railway line was called Kölenberg .

* Schlehenkamp , Wellsee

laid out as Elmschenhagener Weg , renamed Schlehenkamp in 1909 , incorporated into Schlehenkamp (Elmschenhagen) in 1971 .
The loop forms the border between fishing and swans

Schleiweg , Wik

Named in 1991 after the Baltic Sea Fjord Schlei , in 2001 the extension of the Schleiweg in the direction of Herthastraße was named Schleiweg .

Schlesierweg , Wellsee , Elmschenhagen

Named in 1965 after the former Prussian province of Silesia .

Schleswiger Strasse , Hassee

1907 Post Road created in 1925 after the city of Schleswig in Schleswig street renamed.

* Lock , Holtenau

as Old Lock created in 1925 for the first time listed in Kiel Address Book, 1940 in lock renamed in 1977 in Schleuseninsel renamed. - Named after the locks in the Kiel Canal .

Lock island , Holtenau

as Old Lock created in 1925 for the first time listed in Kiel Address Book, 1940 in lock renamed in 1977 in Schleuseninsel renamed. - Named the road to the lock islands of the Kiel Canal .

Schleusenstrasse , Wik

Created in 1919 as Kanalstrasse , renamed Schleusenstrasse in 1923 .

Schleusenwiese , Holtenau

In 2000 the name Schleusenwiese was defined for the green area (orchard meadow) on Kanalstrasse .

* Schlichtingstrasse , parade ground

1898 named after teacher Marcus Schlichting (November 7, 1804 to March 6, 1875), totally destroyed in the war in 1945, no longer inhabited, incorporated in Stiftstrasse in 1978 . - Schlichting was a teacher at the Kiel city school, promoter of the city school system. From 1848 to 1851 member of the Schleswig-Holstein State Assembly ; from 1867 to 1870 member of the Prussian state parliament.
Alfred von Schlieffen

Schlieffenallee , Blücherplatz , Düsternbrook

1939 named after Alfred Graf von Schlieffen .

Schlimbachallee , Schilksee

1965 named after Captain Ludwig Schlimbach (1876–1949) - Schlimbach crossed the Atlantic in 1931 as a one-man sailor.

Schloßgarten , Düsternbrook , Old Town , Damperhof

laid out as Am Schloßgarten , renamed Schloßgarten in 1883 .

Schloßstraße , old town

Laid out in 1242 when the city was founded, 1242 Platea castrensium and Platea Burgensis, 1473 Borghstrate, 1520 Smedestrate, 1730 Schmiedestraße, 1793 Schloßstraße, in 1799 the street is listed for the first time in the paperback for the residents of Kiel , in 1991 the Schloßstraße was restricted to public transport deducted from the dedication to pedestrian traffic. Local and delivery traffic will remain permitted.

Schlüsbeker Weg , Kronsburg

1924 named after the Schlüsbeker Au.

Schlüsstücke , Schlüsbek

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1971 - old hall number in Schlüsbek.


Narrow göhle , hammer

Named in 1936 after an old hallway name.

Schmalhörn , Meimersdorf

Named in 2002 after a field name.

* Schmidtstrasse , Südfriedhof

Named in 1910 after Friedrich Carl Schmidt - court and district court advocate who gave the city of Kiel several foundations. In 1935 Schmidtstrasse was incorporated into Lantziusstrasse .

Schmiedekate , Suchsdorf

2002 named after an old district.

Schmiedekoppel , Wik

Named in 1936 after an old hallway name.

* Schmiedestrasse , Wellingdorf

Listed for the first time in the Gaarden-Ost address book in 1894, in 1904 in the minutes of the municipal council meeting Schmiedestrasse is still mentioned, in 1905 the first part of Wehdenweg es - named after the village forge.

Schnaden , Suchsdorf

2002 named after an old district.

Schneiderkamp , Suchsdorf

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1949 - old hall number in Suchsdorf.

Schönberger Strasse , Ellerbek , Wellingdorf

1789 still without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 22 drawn in by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1878, 1910 including Schönberger Straße Wellingdorf - named after the community of Schönberg .

* Schönberger Strasse , Gaarden-Ost

1789 still without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 22 drawn in by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf, listed in the Kiel address book for the first time in 1875, in 1910 the Ringstrasse and Schönberger Strasse were renamed Werftstrasse .

* Schönberger Strasse , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

1789 still without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 22 drawn by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf , in 1893 in the protocol text of the municipal council meeting Schönberger Strasse is mentioned, in 1894 first listed in the Gaarden-Ost address book, in 1925 the land in the sand pit included in Schönberger Strasse , renamed Schönkirchener Strasse in 1925 .

* Schönberger Strasse , Wellingdorf

Mentioned in the protocol text in 1876 as Kiel – Schönberger – Nebenlandstraße, first listed in the Gaarden-Ost address book in 1894, incorporated into Schönberger Straße Ellerbek in 1910 .

Schönhorster Strasse , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

laid out as Lindenweg , renamed Schönhorster Straße in 1925 - the municipal police authority gave Lindenweg in Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf the name Trenntrader Weg instead of Schönhorster Straße .

Schönkirchener Strasse , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

laid out as Schönberger Straße , in 1893 in the protocol text of the municipal council meeting Schönberger Straße is mentioned, in 1894 listed for the first time in the Gaarden-Ost address book, in 1925 the properties of the Sandkuhle were included in Schönberger Straße , renamed Schönkirchener Straße in 1925 - Alte Landstraße to the community of Schönkirchen .

* Schönkirchener Strasse , Wellingdorf

The name was established in 1911 and renamed Passader Straße in 1925 .

Well the way , Hassee

1938 named after the community Schönwohld , 1966 the former end piece in front of the Uhlenkrog was named in Rodenbeker Weg .

Schoolkamp , Wellsee

as Schulstraße created in 1919 in the log text council meeting as a school road mentioned in 1936 first performed in Kiel Address Book, 1938 including New School in 1971 School Kamp renamed.


Schrevenpark , Schreventeich

1901 laid out as Hohenzollern Park , 1947 in Schrevenpark - S'Greven Dik (Des Grafen Teich). The name has existed since 1472. It was acquired in 1862 by the city of Kiel, which obtained its drinking water from there.

Schreyweg , Wellingdorf

Named after Ferdinand Schrey in 1965 .

Schröpfcke , Südfriedhof

In 1964 the name was determined - street at the former tax office Kiel Süd - old name in the vernacular.
Walther Schücking

Schückingstrasse , Wik

1983 named after Walter Schücking .

Schülperbaum , suburb , parade ground

Drawn in 1793 on Klessel's map, in 1799 the street is listed for the first time in the pocket book for the residents of Kiel , in 1832 the turnpike was lifted, in 1903 it was extended from Walkerdamm to the parade ground - named after a former turnpike of the same name at the entrance to Königsweg.

Schünemannredder , Pries

1933 named after the farmer Schünemann from Pries.

Schüßlerstrasse , Ravensberg

2006 named after Wilhelm Heinrich Schüßler .

Chute Shredder , Wik

In 1895 on the map of the municipality of Wik - drawn by HB Jahn in 1885 - the chute grinder from Holtenauer Landstrasse is already drawn in. It was first listed in the Kiel address book in 1923 - this is where the rifle guild's festivals used to be celebrated.

* Schützenallee , Elmschenhagen

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1936, removed when incorporated in 1939.

Schützenpark , Südfriedhof

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1923 - the park used to be the shooting range and festival area of ​​the Great Green Rifle Guild, founded in 1412, which exchanged this place for a parcel from the Prünerschlag in 1856.

* Schützenplatz , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

In 1897 it was decided to set up a shooting range on the Schwentine and to build a new shooting range on the parish square , in 1897 the parish square was named Schützenplatz , in 1910 it was renamed Schusterbrücke - formerly the fairground of the Neumühlen Great Guild from 1635.

* Schützenstrasse , Südfriedhof , parade ground

Named in 1868 after the property of the Great Green Rifle Guild , which was previously located on the street, renamed Hermann-Weigmann-Straße in 1947 .

Schützenwall , Südfriedhof , parade ground

Laid out in 1874 as Am Schützenwall , renamed Schützenwall in 1895, in 1906 the expansion from Harmsstraße to Calvinstraße - named after the shooting ranges of the Great Green Rifle Guild.
Schuhmacherstraße (~ 1900)

Schuhmacherstrasse , old town

Laid out in 1242 when the city was founded, 1264 Platea sutorum, 1472 Schomakerstaten, 1730 Schumacher Straße, in 1799 the street is listed for the first time in the paperback for the residents of Kiel .

* School redder , Ronne

Mentioned in 1967 in the minutes text of the local council meeting, renamed Wolblöken in 1971 - a hedge path on which the school is located.

School redder , Wik

In 1895 on the map of the municipality of Wik - drawn by HB Jahn in 1885 - the school redder from Holtenauer Landstrasse is already drawn in, and it was first listed in the Kiel address book in 1910 - originally a hedge path on which the school building there was located.

* Schulstrasse , Brunswik

The name was set in 1869 and renamed to Baustraße in 1901 - street named after the school building erected there in 1832 on the corner of Brunswiker Straße / Schulstraße .

* Schulstrasse , Ellerbek

Mentioned in the protocol text in 1877 as a projected Schulstrasse , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1880, still listed in the address book in 1908 - Schulstrasse has disappeared as part of the port expansion.

* Schulstrasse , Elmschenhagen

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1908, renamed Holzweberstrasse in 1939 .

* Schulstrasse , Friedrichsort

In 1869 Schulstrasse was one of the three new north-south streets, first listed in the Kiel address book in 1923, renamed Möhrkestrasse in 1925 .

Schulstrasse , Gaarden-Ost

1875 Construction and paving of the planned Schulstrasse with a connection to the poor and hospital (later Kirchenstrasse), in 1876 it was decided to run Schulstrasse to Karlstal , and in 1878 it was first listed in the Kiel address book - the Gaarden community school used to be located here.

* Schulstrasse , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1904, renamed Langensaal in 1925 - the boys' elementary school was previously located here (Schulstrasse 18-26).

* Schulstrasse , Pries

Mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting in 1918, in 1920 Schulstrasse was extended to Steinberg , and in 1925 it was incorporated into Fritz-Reuter-Strasse .

* Schulstrasse , suburb

1867 first performed in Kiel Address Book, in 1869 Treppenstraße renamed.

* Schulstrasse , Wellsee

Mentioned in 1919 in the minutes of the municipal council meeting, first listed in the Kiel address book in 1936, including Neue Schule in 1938 , renamed Schoolkamp in 1971 .

Way to school , Suchsdorf

First listed in the Kiel address book in 1955 - way at school.
Robert Schumann

Schumannweg , Pries

Named after Robert Schumann in 1958 .

Schurskamp , Pries

Laid out in 1904 as a short street , in 1925 it was renamed Schurskamp after an old field name .

* Schusterberg , Rönne

The name was established in 1967 and incorporated into the forest road in 1968 .

* Schusterbrücke , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

laid out as Schützenplatz , mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting in 1895, renamed Schusterbrücke in 1910, in 1925 including stairs street, no longer listed in the address book in 1977; no longer exists from the Scharweg on.

Schusterkrug , Holtenau

Laid out in 1908 as Holtenauer Strasse , renamed Bebelstrasse in 1922, renamed Schusterkrug in 1933, in 1934 the eastern part of the bypass - from the junction to Friedrichsort to the Vossbrook industrial railway - was given the name Schusterkrug .


Schwalbensteg , Elmschenhagen

Created in 1938 as Schlageterstrasse , renamed Schwalbensteg in 1945 .

Schwanebeckstrasse , Gaarden-Süd

laid out as Friedrichsberg , listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1923, in 1928 numbers 1–33, 2–18, 36–46 were renamed in Schwanebeckstraße after Paul Schwanebeck (* 1859) - Paul Schwanebeck, Royal Government Building Officer, co-founder of the Gaarden-Süd railway settlement.

Schwanenseepark , Ellerbek

formerly Johannisberg, laid out in 1936 as Schlageterpark , 1945 in Schwanenseepark I u. II renamed, in 1958 Schwanenseepark II (right of the small railway to Schönberg) renamed Stadtrat-Hahn-Park .

Schwanenseeplatz , Wellingdorf

Laid out in 1938 as Schlageterplatz , renamed Schwanenseeplatz in 1945 - place between Schwanenseepark I and II.

Schwanenweg , Düsternbrook

In 1869 the name was set - Former dirt road in the municipality of Brunswik.

Schwartenbeker Weg , Suchsdorf

2003 named after Gut Schwartenbek .

* Schwarzer Weg , Gaarden-Süd

1925 Schwarzer Weg (left no. 9–27, right undeveloped) first listed in the Kiel address book, renamed Pestalozzistraße in 1927 .

* Schwarzer Weg , Moorsee , Meimersdorf

1954 marked in the Kiel city map without a name, renamed Meimersdorfer Moor in 1971 - Weg zur Moorsiedlung .

Schwarzer Weg , Wik , Ravensberg

The name was set in 1936, and in 1970 part of Olshausenstrasse was included.

Schwedendamm , Südfriedhof

The name was set in 1918 - the road is near the former moorings of the Swedish and Finnish sailing ships and the lumber yards.

Schwedenkai , old town

Before 1982 part of the Bollhörnkai s, the name was fixed in 1982, expanded in 2010 by renaming the Bollhörnkai to the Bahnhofskai .

Schweffelstrasse , Stinkviertel

Named after Johann Schweffel in 1902 .

* Schweizertal , Suchsdorf

1966 A spur road branching off from the von-der-Wisch-Straße to the outside, in 1969 the planning was changed; the road was lifted.

Schwentinestrasse , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

Mentioned in 1884 in the minutes of the municipal council meeting, first listed in the Gaarden-Ost address book in 1894.
The Schwentine near Kiel

Schwentinetal , Oppendorf settlement

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1925 - route along the Kleinbahn Kiel-Schönberg to Schwentine or Schwentinetal.

Schweriner Strasse , Wik

before 1947 Köhlerstraße, 1947 after the city of Schwerin in Schwerin street renamed.

Sister transition , Brunswik

In 1961 the name was determined - the connecting route between Niemannsweg and Feldstrasse on the edge of the clinic district.
Sister-Therese-Strasse road sign with an explanation

Sister-Therese-Strasse , Holtenau

as a mountain road created in 1910 noted in the log text council meeting, 1922 in King end renamed in 1934 in Wendeburg street renamed in 1947 by Sister Therese Blunck (June 9, 1875 to June 16, 1942) - founder of the Kiel girls' home - in Sister Therese Street renamed .


Sedanstrasse , Schreventeich

In 1909 the name Sedanstrasse was established - in memory of the Battle of Sedan .

Seeadlerweg , Schilksee

1974 named after the ship SMS Seeadler by Felix Graf von Luckner and Carl Kircheiß .

Lake view , Wik

Laid out in 1907 as Waldemarstrasse , renamed Seeblick in 1923 .

Seal Trail , Schilksee

In 1975 the name was established - it is one of the street names that are related to the sea.

Seekamper Weg , Schilksee

created as Gut Seekamp , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1940, renamed in 1960 after Gut Seekamp in Seekamper Weg .

Seekante , Schilksee

In 1975 the name was determined - street name with terms from the shipping sector.

Seekoppelweg , Hassee

Named in 1962 after an old hallway name.

Seelandweg , Mettenhof

Named in 1965 after the island of Zealand .

Seelenkamp , Wellsee

1956 Consultation in the local council about the installation of stop signs in the street Seelenkamp , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1971.

Seerosenweg , Elmschenhagen

In 1979 the name was determined - street names after plants and birds that occur on inland waters; based on: Am Wellsee .

Seeschwalbenweg , Schilksee

In 1962 the name was determined - names were chosen that indicate the character of the Schilksee district as a bathing resort.

Seesternweg , Schilksee

In 1962 the name was determined - names were chosen that indicate the character of the Schilksee district as a bathing resort.

* Seestrasse , Russee

First listed in the Kiel address book in 1925, renamed Rutkamp in 1970 .

Seestrasse , Schilksee

In 1962 the name was determined - names were chosen that indicate the character of the Schilksee district as a bathing resort.

Seeteufelweg , Schilksee

In 1975 the name was established - it is one of the street names that are related to the sea.

Seewiesenredder , Moorsee

before 1971 Schlüsbeker Weg , in 1971 renamed Seewiesenredder after an old field name .

* Segeberger Landstrasse , Gaarden-Süd

1789 still without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 21 drawn in by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1878, renamed in 1906 from Bahnhofstrasse to the town of Bad Segeberg in Segeberger Strasse .

Segeberger Landstrasse , Wellsee

Mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting in 1919, in 1921 the road 4 was connected to the Segeberger Landstrasse , in 1971 the Dorfstrasse (Wellsee), the Moorseer Weg (Wellsee) and the Wellseer Weg (Moorsee) were included in the Segeberger Landstrasse .

* Segeberger Strasse , Gaarden-Süd

laid out as Segeberger Landstrasse , drawn in 1789 without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 21 by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1878, in 1906 from Bahnhofstrasse to the city of Bad Segeberg renamed Segeberger Strasse , in 1973 the Segeberger Strasse from Theodor-Heuss-Ring / Sörensenstrasse to the Ostring was also named Theodor-Heuss-Ring .

Selenter Strasse , Wellingdorf

Named in 1938 after the municipality of Selent .


Sibeliusweg , Mettenhof

Named after Jean Sibelius in 1995 .

Fernblick settlement , Suchsdorf

First listed in the Kiel address book in 1955.

Siemensstrasse , Ravensberg

Named after Werner von Siemens in 2006 .

* Siemenswall , Suchsdorf

before 1965 start = Flöhenredder , 1965 renamed to Werner von Siemens in Siemenswall , 2001 renamed to Dr.-Hell-Straße .

Sieversdiek , Gaarden-Süd , Kronsburg

1936 named after an old field name, 1938 including Große Wiese , 1940 address book left side Blumenhöhe and Große Wiese right side Vossberg , 1963 garden houses and makeshift homes.

* Sigismundstrasse , Wik

Named after Prince Sigismund in 1907, renamed Quinckestrasse in 1923 .

* Silke-Reyer-Weg , Mettenhof

Named after Silke Reyer in 2013

Skagenweg , Mettenhof

Named after the city of Skagen in 1967 .

Skagerrakufer , Friedrichsort

as water avenue created in 1923 for the first time listed in Kiel Address Book, 1933 to commemorate the Battle of Jutland in Skagerrak shore renamed.

Scandinaviendamm , Hasseldieksdamm , Mettenhof

The name was determined in 1965, and in 1965 it was extended southwards over the confluence of Hofholzallee to the Melsdorf district .

Skipperweg , Schilksee

In 1974 the name was fixed - street names from the area of ​​sailing, skipper gone here .


Sören , Ellerbek

Named in 1939 after an old field name - dry land.

Sörensenstrasse , Gaarden-Süd , Gaarden-Ost , Südfriedhof

laid out as Waldemarstrasse , renamed Sörensenstrasse in 1908 after Waldemar Sörensen (1841–1913), in 1980 the part of Werftstrasse south of Preetzer Strasse was incorporated into Sörensenstrasse - Sörensen was co-owner of the Bielenberg & Sörensen company.

Sösslingspott , Poppenbrügge

In 1982 the name was determined - Sechslingstopf , an old name that indicates a trough-like depression in the area. In the area of Barkauer Straße there used to be such a depression called Sösslingspott .

Sohststrasse , Wellingdorf

Laid out in 1903 as Lutherstrasse , in 1910 renamed Sohststrasse after Steffen Sohst (1845–1908) - Sohst was a building contractor in Wellingdorf and the founder of Sohstheim.

Socratesplatz , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

laid out as Sokratesstraße , first listed in the Gaarden-Ost directory in 1894, renamed Sokratesplatz in 1996 after a cruiser built by Howaldtswerke for the USA in 1881 .

* Sokratesstraße , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

Listed for the first time in the Gaarden-Ost address book in 1894, renamed Sokratesplatz in 1996 .
Soling GER 315

Soling , Schilksee

1969 named after the Soling Olympic boat class .

Solldiekswall , Wellsee

2003 named after a field name.

Solomit , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

In 1994 the name was fixed - Solomit = straw building boards. At the beginning of the Second World War, a barrack camp was built south of the Dietrichsdorf cemetery on a paddock belonging to farmer Ivens (camp for forced laborers, bombed-out Dietrichsdorf residents, refugees and later the homeless). It was built in a so-called solo construction method .

Sonderburger Platz , Wik

1906 Pestalozzi Place created in 1930 after the city Sønderborg in special Platz renamed.

Sonthofener Strasse , Kroog

as road H created the cottage settlement Kroog, 1927 first performed in Kiel Address Book, 1933, Adolf Hitler street renamed in 1939 after the city of Sonthofen in Sonthofen street renamed.

Sophienblatt , suburb , south cemetery

1789 still without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 21 drawn by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf - see map , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1835 - the name originated from the Latin salvia, a used for brewing beer Type of hop that was grown in the fields here. Sophienblatt developed from Salvienblatt, Sefienblatt.

* Sophienhöhe , Elmschenhagen

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1910, and in 1911 the Sophienhöhe was included in Preetzer Chaussee .

* Sophienstrasse , Elmschenhagen

The name was decided in 1912, and in 1939 Sophienstrasse was incorporated into Kreuzkamp .


Spandauer Weg , Russee

1979 named after the Berlin administrative district Spandau .

Specken , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

Mentioned as a route in 1900 in the protocol text of the municipal council meeting, first listed in the Kiel address book in 1925, in 1996 the Specken street was partially drawn in as a public traffic area from the Kiel / Mönkeberg municipal boundary to the south of the industrial railway tracks (except for pedestrian, bicycle and local traffic) - Specken = old field name (Knüppeldamm).

* Speckenbek , Hassee

1789 still without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 21 drawn in by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf, listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1908, in 1923 the Speckenbek country route between Rendsburger Landstrasse and Hamburger Chaussee was added to Speckenbeker Renamed way .

Speckenbeker Weg , Hassee

laid out as Speckenbek , in 1789 still without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 21 by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf - see map , listed in the Kiel address book for the first time in 1908, in 1923 the Speckenbek country route between the Rendsburgs was added Landstrasse and Hamburger Chaussee renamed Speckenbeker Weg - named after the Speckenbek parcels that used to belong to Gut Hammer (Speke = Knüppeldamm, bridge made of beech wood).

Speckterweg , Friedrichsort

Named after Otto Speckter in 1958 .

* Speestrasse , Elmschenhagen

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1923, named after Maximilian Reichsgraf von Spee . Renamed to Partenkirchener Strasse in 1939 .

* Speestrasse , Wik

Drawn in 1934 on a map of the city survey department, renamed Greifswalder Straße in 1947 .

Spichernstrasse , Schreventeich

In 1900 the name Spichernstrasse was set in memory of the storming of the Spicherner Heights .

Spinnaker , Schilksee

In 1974 the name was determined - street names from the sailing area, here Spinnaker .

Spitzbergenweg , Mettenhof

Named in 1981 after the Spitzbergen archipelago .

Spitzenkamp , Oppendorf settlement

Named in 1926 after a field name.

Spitzkoppel , Rönne

Mentioned in 1967 in the minutes text of the municipal council meeting - living space in the former rural municipality of Rönne.

Spolertstrasse , Gaarden-Süd

laid out as Friedrichsberg (No. 20–34), listed in the Kiel address book for the first time in 1923, renamed in Spolertstraße after Johannes Spolert in 1928 - Spolert was the royal railway master and co-founder of the Gaarden-Süd railway settlement.

Sports ground path , Wellsee

1960 Consultation in the local council about the extension of the sports ground path, in 1967 the local council decided to restore the path, and in 1971 it was first listed in the Kiel address book.

Spreeallee , Russee

Named after the river Spree in 1978 .

Syringe passage , suburb

In 1856 the street was mentioned in the correspondence sheet under New Streets - walk to the syringe houses formerly located on the Kuhberge .

Sprosserpfad , Elmschenhagen

The name was set in 1979 - street names are named after plants and birds that occur in inland waters, here Sprosser pfad.

* Sprottenweg , Schilksee

1965 Access route running north in the Langenfelde area between Gaffelweg and Behmweg . The path was not laid out because the development plan was changed.


Staakener Weg , Russee

1979 named after the Staaken district in the Berlin administrative district Spandau.

Stadtfeldkamp , Südfriedhof

Named after a field name in 1903.

Stadtparkweg , Steenbek-Projensdorf , Suchsdorf

laid out as Suchsdorfer Weg , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1936, including Zum Tannenberg in 1958 , renamed Stadtparkweg in 1966 .

City bike , Hassee

Named in 1904 after an old hallway name.

City Council Hahn Park , Wellingdorf

Created in 1936 as Schlageter Park , renamed Schwanenseepark II in 1945, in 1958 after Dr. – Ing. Willy Hahn (November 1, 1887 to July 13, 1930) renamed City Council Hahn Park - Hahn was City Councilor for Building in Kiel from 1921 to 1930 and promoter of green spaces.

Stamper Weg , Hasseldieksdamm

In 1945 it was laid out as a street in the makeshift home settlement on Russeer Weg, in 1952 there were still residents in the address book under Russeer Weg in Behelfsheimen - street named after the community of Stampe .

Starnberger Strasse , Kroog , Elmschenhagen

as road M created in the cottage settlement Kroog, 1927 first performed in Kiel Address Book, in 1933 Horst Wessel street renamed in 1939 after the city of Starnberg in Starnberg street renamed.
Sail crack star

Starweg , Schilksee

1969 named after the Olympic boat class Star .

Stauffenbergring , Wellsee

1983 named after Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg .

Stavangerstraße , Mettenhof

Named after the city of Stavanger in 1967 .


Stechwiese , Wellsee

laid out as Kirchensteig / Kirchenweg , mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting in 1919, renamed Stechwiese in 1971 after an old field name .

Steekberg , Suchsdorf

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1949 - old hall number in Suchsdorf.

Steenbarg , Pries , Friedrichsort

Named in 1965 after an old hallway name.

Steenbeker Weg , Steenbek-Projensdorf , Suchsdorf

1789 still without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 10 drawn by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf - see map , recorded in 1895 on HB Jahn's map as Knooper Landstrasse , in 1908 the Steenbeker Weg is in Kiel City map drawn in from Irenestrasse to Suchsdorf, listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1923, including the former Wiker Weg (Suchsdorf) in 1958 , and in 1976 the section of the previous Steenbeker Weg (no. 201-227) west of the Kiel-Flensburg railway line became Alter Steenbeker Weg renamed. The newly developed section of the Steenbeker Weg up to Eckernförder Straße is named Steenbeker Weg . In 1978 the Steenbeker Weg was extended to the Holmredder , in 2003 the Steenbeker Weg was extended to the new Schwartenbeker Weg . - Steenbek, some land that used to belong to the village of Wik.

Steertsraderedder , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

Mentioned in 1922 in the protocol text of the municipal council meeting, listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1925 - old field name (way to Koppel Steertsrade) in Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf.

* Stegeltor , Holtenau

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1925, and in 1997 the Stegeltor street was transferred to the Altenholz community. - Old hallway designation (stegel = step to climb over).

Steglitzer Weg , Russee

1979 named after the Berlin administrative district of Steglitz .

* Steep paddock , Wellsee

Created in 1955 as a connecting road, renamed Birkenweg in 1955, renamed Steile Koppel in 1971, renamed Buchenweg in 1971 .

* Steinberg , Pries

The name was decided in 1920 - the previous Steinbergsredder was renamed Steinberg , and in 1925 it was incorporated into the Hohenuchte street .

Steinberg , Suchsdorf

2002 named after an old district.

* Steinberg , suburb

In 1856 the street was mentioned in the correspondence sheet under New Streets, totally destroyed in the war in 1945, no longer inhabited - today the site of the Ostseehalle.

Steindamm , Moorsee

1949 Part of the Barkauer Weg and the Dorfstraße , listed for the first time in the Kiel address book, in 1971 the Barkauer Weg part of the intersection B 404 Poppenbrügge including Dorfstraße was renamed Steindamm .

Steinjörgen , Poppenbrugge

Named in 2004 after an old hallway name.

Steinfurther Weg , Hassee

1966 named after the municipality of Steinfurth in the Rendsburg-Eckernförde district.

Steinkamp , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

Mentioned in 1893 in the minutes of the municipal council meeting as the Baltische Mühle colony , identified as a private road in 1902, first listed as Mühlenstraße in the Kiel address book in 1904 , renamed Steinkamp in 1925 .

Steinmarderweg , Gaarden-Ost

In 1968 the name was determined based on the nearby Iltisstraße . - The Iltisstraße is named after a cruiser of the same name .
Freiherr vom Stein

Steinstrasse , Ravensberg

Named in 1902 after Freiherr Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum Stein .


* Steltingstrasse , Wellingdorf

laid out as Stelting's private street, listed in the Kiel address book for the first time in 1906, renamed Steltingstraße in 1933 , still listed in the address book in 1958, no longer exists today - former side street of Schönberger Straße . (Junction at no. 141/143), named after the boom, building contractor Bernhard Stelting.

* Steltings private road , Wellingdorf

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1906, renamed Steltingstrasse in 1933 .

Stemmer , Gaarden-Ost

The name was set in 2001, in addition to place names, professions also recall the history of the Kai-City area - stemmer caulked the individual rivets, as well as the seams and joints.
Street sign "Stephan-Heinzel-Straße" with an explanation

Stephan-Heinzel-Strasse , parade ground , Schreventeich

1991 named after Stephan Heinzel (September 3, 1841 to November 23, 1899) - as an SPD politician from 1865 to 1890, Heinzel played a key role in building up the party in Kiel and Schleswig-Holstein.

Sternstrasse , parade ground , Schreventeich

The name was determined in 1889, in 1900 the Sternstraße was extended from Jungfernstieg to Goethestraße , in 1991 the part of Sternstraße between Möllingstraße and Kronshagener Weg was renamed Stephan-Heinzel-Straße . - Named after the star-shaped meeting of the streets on Wilhelmplatz.

Observatory Path , Düsternbrook

Established in 1950 as Keplerhöhe , renamed the observatory in 1951, renamed the observatory path in 1951 . - Named after the observatory that used to be on the site.

Stettiner Platz , Friedrichsort

Named in 1958 after the city of Szczecin .

* Pen , Pries

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1923, in 1925 No. 6b to Klausdorfer Landstrasse No. 71, 80, 106 to Friedrichsruher Weg . - Named after Gut pen.

Stiftstrasse , parade ground

Named in 1889 after the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Stift on the street .

* Stiftstrasse , Holtenau

Mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting in 1910, renamed Banseestrasse in 1922 . - Stiftstrasse named after Gut Stift.

Quiet Alley , Wellingdorf

The name was fixed in 1926.

Quiet angle , Russee

In 1961 the name was decided.

Stockholmstrasse , Mettenhof

Named in 1973 after the city of Stockholm .

Störtebekergang , Schilksee

Named after Klaus Störtebeker in 1965 .
Franz Xaver Gabelsberger (left) and Wilhelm Stolze

* Stolzestrasse , Wellingdorf

laid out as Marienstraße , first listed in the Gaarden-Ost address book in 1894, named after Heinrich August Wilhelm Stolze in 1910 , no longer listed in the address book in 1977.

Stolzeweg , Wellingdorf

laid out as Oberstrasse , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1904, renamed Stolzeweg in 1966 .

Stormarnstrasse , Hassee , Gaarden-Süd

1895 end of Marie Street , 1910 by the landscape Stormarn in Schleswig-Holstein in Stormarnstraße renamed.

Stoschstrasse , Gaarden-Ost

1901 named after General Albrecht von Stosch .


Stralsunder Strasse , Wik

1934-1947 Trothastraße , 1947 after the city of Stralsund in Stralsund street renamed.

* Beach , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

Listed for the first time in the Gaarden-Ost address book in 1894, renamed Strandstrasse in 1911 .

Beach promenade , Schilksee

1905 Front Row (Strandpromenade), first listed in the Kiel address book in 1940, renamed Strandpromenade in 1959 .

* Strandstrasse , Ellerbek

created as a place , mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting as Ellerbeker place , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1878, renamed Fischerort in 1884, renamed Strandstraße in 1888 , 1905 relocation of the fishermen to Wellingdorf on Franzius-, Möller- and Lutherstraße , because the area was the shipyard expansion was required.

Strandstrasse , Holtenau

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1923, including Vossbrook in 1938 , Holtenau air base in 1940, Seeflughafen, Muschelkate, in 2007 the former street Zum Oberland (private) was renamed Strandstraße .

* Strandstrasse , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

laid out as a beach , first listed in the Gaarden-Ost address book in 1894, renamed Strandstrasse in 1911, and in 1919 Strandstrasse was incorporated into Bismarckstrasse .

* Strandstrasse , Pries

In 1903 the name was decided and in 1921 it was renamed Bebelstrasse .

* Strandstrasse , Wellingdorf

created as Am Strande , first listed in the Gaarden-Ost address book in 1894, renamed Strandstrasse in 1904, and in 1910 Strandstrasse was incorporated into Wischhofstrasse .

* Strandstrasse , Wik

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1925, and in 1936 Strandstrasse was incorporated into Hindenburgufer Street .

* Strandweg , Düsternbrook

laid out as a water avenue, first listed in the Kiel address book in 1901, renamed Langemarckufer in 1937, renamed Strandweg in 1947, in 1969 the section from the Seeburg to the north was Hindenburgufer ; the section from the Seeburg to Wall Düsternbrooker Weg .

* Strandweg , Düsternbrook , Wik

In 1900 the name was determined, in 1906 it was decided to expand to Bellevue, in 1926 to expand Strandweg to Koesterallee , renamed Hindenburgufer in 1933 .

* Street of the SA , Schreventeich , Ravensberg

laid out as Eckernförder Chaussee , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1852, renamed Eckernförder Allee in 1901, renamed Straße der SA in 1938, renamed Eckernförder Allee in 1945 .

* Street H - Landhaussiedlung Kroog , Elmschenhagen

In 1921 the text of the minutes of the municipal council meeting was mentioned, in 1927 Street H (four settlement houses without numbering) was first listed in the Kiel address book, and in 1933 it was renamed Adolf-Hitler-Strasse .

* Street J - Landhaussiedlung Kroog , Elmschenhagen

1930 Street J (two settlement houses without numbering) listed for the first time in the Kiel address book, incorporated into Hindenburgstraße in 1933 .

* Street K - Landhaussiedlung Kroog , Elmschenhagen

1930 Street K (two settlement houses without numbering) listed for the first time in the Kiel address book, renamed Göringstraße in 1933 .

* Street L - Landhaussiedlung Kroog , Elmschenhagen

1927 Street L (ten settlement houses without numbering) first listed in the Kiel address book, renamed Goebbelsstraße in 1933 .

* Street M - Landhaussiedlung Kroog , Elmschenhagen

1927 Street M (five settlement houses without numbering) listed in the Kiel address book for the first time, renamed Hindenburgstraße and Horst-Wessel-Straße in 1933 .

* Street N - Landhaussiedlung Kroog , Elmschenhagen

1927 Street N (five settlement houses without numbering) listed in the Kiel address book for the first time, renamed Lucknerstraße in 1933 .

* Street O - Landhaussiedlung Kroog , Elmschenhagen

1930 Street O (a settlement house without numbering) first listed in the Kiel address book, included in Horst-Wessel-Straße in 1933 .

* Street P - Landhaussiedlung Kroog , Elmschenhagen

1930 Street P (three settlement houses without numbering) listed for the first time in the Kiel address book, renamed Mackensenstraße in 1933 .


Streitkamp , Hassee

Named in 1939 after a field name.
Gustav Stresemann

Stresemannplatz , suburb

Laid out as Augustenburger Platz in 1907, renamed Stresemannplatz after Gustav Stresemann in 1947 .

Strohredder , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

1789 still without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 22 drawn by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf , mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting in 1893, first listed in the Kiel address book in 1910, in 1974 the section of the Strohredder between Ivensring was added and Friedhofstraße renamed Poggendkörper Weg . - Strohredder is an old field name.
Street sign Stromeyerallee with explanation

Stromeyerallee , Pries

1913 Agreement on the expansion of roads in Pries on the Reichsfiskalischem area of ​​June 4, 1913. The attached sketch lists: - Bergstrasse , Obere Strasse , Stromeyerallee and Weststrasse , listed in the Kiel address book for the first time in 1923. - The street was named after the director of the torpedo workshop in Friedrichsort, Rear Admiral Heinrich Stromeyer (1862–1922), for his services to the Pries building association.

Stromeyerstrasse , Schreventeich

Named after Louis Stromeyer in 1905 .

Strucksdiek , Hassee

Named in 1911 after an old hallway name. - There used to be a water mill here that was driven by the Struckdieksau. The water of the Au came from the Strucksdiek.

Stubbekredder , Schilksee

1974 named after an old hallway name.

Stückbree , Moorsee

Named in 2005 after an old field name.

* Suchsdorfer Weg , Suchsdorf

In 1954, the road is listed in the map, in 1959 first performed in Kiel Address Book, 1960, a part of was Suchsdorfer way it between the district Kronshagen and Nienbrügger way in Viedamm renamed.

* Suchsdorfer Weg , Steenbek-Projensdorf

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1936, including Zum Tannenberg in 1958 , renamed Stadtparkweg in 1966 .

Search pitcher , Suchsdorf

Named in 1964 after a field name.

Sukoring , Suchsdorf

In 1969, the name was established in 1978, the eastern part of the street was rocking in the Sukoring included. - Suko, supposed founder of the first settlement in Suko (Suchsdorf).

* Südstrasse , Südfriedhof

Named after the Südhafen in 1887, in 1955 Südstrasse became Bahnhofstrasse No. 46–50.

Svendborger Strasse , Mettenhof

Named after the city of Svendborg in 1965 .

Swinemünder Strasse , Wik

1999 named after the city of Swinoujscie .

Sylter Bogen , Suchsdorf

Named after the island of Sylt in 1962 .


  • Hans-G. Hilscher, Dietrich Bleihöfer: Kiel Street Lexicon . Continued since 2005 by the Office for Building Regulations, Surveying and Geoinformation of the State Capital Kiel, status: February 2017 (enter search term here: ).