List of streets and squares in Kiel / K

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Kämpenstrasse , Wik

1905 named after the name of the former farm Kämpen .
Käthe Kollwitz

Käthe-Kollwitz-Path , Russee

1979 named after Käthe Kollwitz .

* Kahlenberg , Schilksee

First listed in the Kiel address book in 1940, named after a field name, the Kahlenberg parcel farm.

* Kahlenberg Beach , Schilksee

Listed in the Kiel address book for the first time in 1940;

Kahler Berg , Suchsdorf

2002 named after an old district.

Kaiserstrasse , Gaarden-Ost

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1875, presumably named after the Imperial Shipyard where it began.

Kaistraße , Vorstadt , Südfriedhof

In 1878 the street on the new quay was named Kaistraße .

Kanalstrasse , Holtenau

In 1780 the eastern end of the canal road between Kastanienallee and Strandstrasse was laid out in connection with the construction of the Eider Canal , in 1892 the road was mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting, road on the Kiel Canal .
Immanuel Kant

* Kanalstrasse , Wik

In 1919 the name was determined, in 1923 after the incorporation of Holtenau the street was renamed Schleusenstraße .

* Canal switch , Suchsdorf

First listed in the Kiel address book in 1955, and in 1959 the street was renamed Zur Weiche .

Canal switch , Suchsdorf

In 1999 the access road to the buildings at the Schwartenbeker canal switch was named with canal switch .

Schwartenbek canal switch (house) , Suchsdorf

1994 listed in the official city map as a place to live.

Kantstrasse , Schreventeich

Named after Immanuel Kant in 1929 .


Cape Horn Path , Schilksee

1974 named after the southern tip of the South American continent Cape Horn .

Kappelner Strasse , Wik

Named after the town of Kappeln in 1940 .
Karl Müllenhoff

Karl-Müllenhoff-Weg , Pries

Named after Karl Müllenhoff in 1937 .

* Karl-Radke-Strasse , Gaarden-Süd

Named after Karl Radke in 1936 - Radke was killed as a member of the NSDAP in Eutin in 1931, in 1945 the street was renamed Elunderbusch .
Karlsbader Strasse

Karlsbader Strasse , Elmschenhagen

Named after the city of Karlsbad in 1939 .

Karlsburger Feldweg , Gaarden-Süd

In 1936 the name was named after the Karlsburg restaurant .

Karlstal , Gaarden-Ost

In 1875 it was decided to take over the private road from the building contractor Bleßmann while retaining the name, the street was named after a son of the brickworks owner Bleßmann.

* Karlstrasse (Carlstrasse) , Brunswik

In 1869 the scale of Carl Aude street is named Charles Street , 1966, with Karl road designated part between Arnold-Heller-road and field road is in Arnold-Heller-Straße renamed and no longer listed in the address book in 1984, the former Charles Street is today a site of Uni-handles.

Karolinenweg (Carolinenweg) , Düsternbrook

1869 after the Princess Karoline, daughter of the Danish King Friedrich VI. (Denmark and Norway) - There was previously a narrow hedge path here, which was named Kramersredder after a local resident .

Carp pond , Hassee

Named in 1907 in memory of the carp pond that used to exist on the site.


* Barracks , Gaarden-Ost

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1880, renamed Kasernenstrasse in 1886 .

* Kasernenstrasse , Brunswik

In 1872 the connecting road between Karlstrasse and Kaserne was named Kasernenstrasse , severely destroyed by bombs in 1945, and still listed in the address book in 1955; later repealed.

* Kasernenstrasse , Friedrichsort

The new town of Friedrichsort was established in 1869–1890, Kasernenstrasse was one of the three new north-south streets, first listed in the Kiel address book in 1923, renamed Werner-Siemens-Strasse in 1925 .

* Kasernenstrasse , Gaarden-Ost

laid out as a barracks , listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1880, the name Kasernenstraße was decided in 1886 , and in 1901 it was included in Augustenstraße .

* Kastanienallee , Elmschenhagen

The name was determined in 1912, and in 1939 Kastanienallee was incorporated into Jettkorn Street .

Kastanienallee , Holtenau

The name was determined in 1910 - the street had a population of old chestnut trees until 1919 .

Kastanienstraße , Südfriedhof

The name was set in 1888 and extended beyond Michelsenstraße in 1911 .

Kastanienweg , Suchsdorf

First listed in the Kiel address book in 1959 - residential area with street names from the field of botany.

Katerhörn , Meimersdorf

Named in 1999 after a field name.

Katharinenstrasse , Ellerbek

Named in 1878 after Katharina Hempel - mother-in-law of the brickworks owner Bleßmann (builder of the street).

* Katharinenstrasse , Hassee

In 1897 the name was decided and in 1910 it was renamed Helgolandstrasse .

* Katharinenstrasse , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

Mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting in 1888, first listed in the Gaarden-Ost address book in 1894, renamed Eichenkamp in 1925 .

* Kattenstrasse , old town

1730 Katten Strasse , 1793 Katzen Strasse , 1799 Kattenstrasse - the first part of Kattenstrasse was renamed Burgstrasse , severely destroyed by bombs in 1945, in 1966 there were no more houses in the address book, the name of the street was revoked in the early 1970s.

* Katzheide , Gaarden-Ost

Listed as a single farm in 1894 , in 1939 the green area with its planned sports fields was named Katzheide , 1959 Katzheide swimming pool, 1960 Katzheide sports field.


Kehdenstrasse , old town

Laid out in 1242 when the city was founded, 1264 Platea kediggorum , 1472 Kedinckstrate , 1730 Keden Straße , in 1799 the street was first listed in the paperback for the residents of Kiel .

Kehrwieder , Gaarden-Süd

laid out as Kehrwiederstrasse , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1884, renamed Kehrwieder in 1913 - the name of a former inn located there.

* Kehrwiederstrasse , Gaarden-Süd

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1884, renamed Kehrwieder in 1913 .

Kellerkate , Suchsdorf

2002 named after an old district.
Johannes Kepler

* Keplerhöhe , Düsternbrook

Named after Johannes Kepler in 1950 , renamed Sternwartenweg in 1951.

Boilermaker , Gaarden-Ost

In 2001 the name was determined, in addition to place names, occupations also remind of the history of the Kai-City area.

Kiebitzbek , Oppendorf settlement

Named in 1979 after a field name.

Kiefkamp , Elmschenhagen

laid out as Kiefkampstrasse , listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1908, renamed Kiefkamp in 1939 after a hallway name.

* Kiefkampstrasse , Elmschenhagen

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1908, renamed Kiefkamp in 1939 after a field name .

* Kieler Fußsteig , Gaarden-Süd

Listed for the first time in the Gaarden-Ost address book in 1894, and in 1898 the Kieler Fußsteig is sold to the tanner J. Arp for 1,000 marks.

* Kiel footpath , Gaarden-Süd

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1878, and in 1898 the Kiel footpath was abolished as a public path.

Kieler Kamp , Kronsburg , Wellsee

Named in 1924 after a field name.

Kieler Kuhle , Wellingdorf

Named in 1909 after an old hallway name.

* Kieler Strasse , Elmschenhagen

The name was set in 1912 and renamed Großer Kamp in 1939 .

Kieler Strasse , Gaarden-Ost

Mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting in 1874, first listed in the Kiel address book in 1875, and in 1877 the extension to Kaiserstraße also becomes Kieler Straße .

* Kieler Strasse , Holtenau

laid out as a village street, drawn in 1789 without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 11 by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf , mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting in 1898, renamed Kieler Strasse in 1912, renamed Wendenburgstrasse in 1922 .

Kieler Weg , Meimersdorf , Moorsee

The name was determined in 1950, in 1958 the previous Hüttler Weg is included in Kieler Weg , in 1971 including Meimersdorfer Straße (Moorsee), in 1972 including the southern part of Alte Brückenstraße .

Keel Line , Düsternbrook

before 1972 part of the Hindenburgufer , in 1972 the name Kiellinie was established - footpath at Kiel harbor.

Kiesgrubenweg , Hassee

The name was fixed in 1936.


Kirchenberg , Wellsee

In 1964 the name was decided.

* Church paddock , Brunswik

The name was fixed in 1869, listed in the address book in 1886, and later canceled.

Kirchenstrasse , Düsternbrook

Named in 1878 after the nearby Paulus Church ( garrison church ).

* Kirchenstrasse , Gaarden-Ost

In 1882 the name was decided, in 1901 it was renamed Goschstraße - the street led to St. John's Church.

* Kirchenstrasse , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

Mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting in 1902, first listed in the Kiel address book in 1905, renamed Groß-Ebbenkamp in 1925 .

* Kirchenweg , Ellerbek

before 1894 Kirchsteig, in 1894 mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting as Ellerbek-Elmschenhagener-Kirchenweg , renamed Hollmannstraße in 1896 .

Kirchenweg , Gaarden-Ost

Listed for the first time in the Gaarden-Ost address book in 1882 - the road follows the course of an earlier field path, known as this since 1882, which led from Dorfstraße ( Werftstraße ) in Klösterlich Gaarden over Preetzer Chaussee to the church in Elmschenhagen.

* Kirchenweg , Holtenau

Footpath laid out in 1896 in connection with the construction of the Dankeskirche, renamed Grimmstrasse in 1922 .

* Kirchenweg , Wellingdorf

Mentioned as Kirchensteig in the minutes of the municipal council meeting in 1902 , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1906, and in 1910 the Kirchenweg was included in Altenteichstraße .

* Kirchenweg , Wellsee

Mentioned in 1919 in the minutes of the municipal council meeting, marked in 1948 as a footpath without a name in the city map in 1948, renamed Stechwiese in 1971 .
old street sign Kirchhofs-Allee

Kirchhofallee , parade ground , south cemetery

laid out as Hasseer Weg , drawn in 1789 without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 21 by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf - see map , drawn in 1806 on the Kiel city map as Hasseer Weg , in 1869 the name was added - first Kirchhofs Allee and later Kirchhofallee , in 1910 extended to Mühlenweg , in 1935 the street section from Lutherstraße to the Hassee level crossing was renamed Saarbrückenstraße .

* Kirchhofallee , Pries

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1923, renamed Lenschstrasse in 1925 .

Kirschberg , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

Named in 1968 after an old hallway name.

Kirschenkamp , Poppenbrügge , Kronsburg

In 1949 the name was decided - Kirschenkamp, ​​because the settlers intended to plant cherry trees along the road.

Kirunastraße , Mettenhof

1969 named after the city of Kiruna .


Klabautermanngang , Schilksee

In 1965 the name was determined after the legendary figure Klabautermann .

Kladowweg , Russee

1984 named after the Berlin district of Kladow .

Klagenfurter Weg , Elmschenhagen

1939 named after the city of Klagenfurt .

Klausbrook A , Suchsdorf

Named in 1955 after a field name.

Klausbrook B , Suchsdorf

Named in 1955 after a field name.

Klausbrooker Weg , Suchsdorf , Wik

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1949, named after a field name.

* Klausdorfer Landstrasse , Holtenau

The name was set in 1925, and in 1997 the Klausdorfer Landstrasse was reorganized into the Altenholz community .

* Klausdorfer Strasse , Ellerbek

Mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting in 1877, first listed in the Kiel address book in 1882, and in 1905 Klausdorfer Straße was included in Klausdorfer Weg .

Klausdorfer Weg , Ellerbek , Wellingdorf

1789 still without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 22 drawn in by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1878, 1905 including Klausdorfer Strasse , 1910 extended to Minnastrasse including the former Fährstrasse - Former dirt road from Ellerbek to Klausdorf (Schwentine).

* Klausdorfer Weg , Elmschenhagen

Listed in the Kiel address book for the first time in 1923, renamed Gerstenkamp in 1939 .
Klaus Groth

Klaus-Groth-Platz , Düsternbrook , Brunswik

First listed in the Kiel address book in 1890, named after Klaus Groth .

Klaus-Groth-Strasse , Pries

In 1920 the name was decided.

Klein-Ebbenkamp , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

laid out as Bismarckstrasse , first listed in the Gaarden-Ost address book in 1894, renamed Klein-Ebbenkamp in 1933 after an old field name .

Klein-Flintbeker Weg , Meimersdorf

First listed in the Kiel address book in 1971 - way to Kleinflintbek .

* Klein Kielstein , Ravensberg

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1936, included in the Westring in 1949 - named after a hallway name.

Small paddock , Suchsdorf

Named in 2004 after an old hallway name.

Kleine Ziegelstrasse , Ellerbek

Mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting in 1878, first listed in the Kiel address book in 1897 - named after a brick factory that used to be located here.

Kleiner Kuhberg , suburb

In 1574 the development uf dem Koeberge was mentioned for the first time in Kiel's Denkelbok , in 1730 Kleiner Kuhberg , in 1799 the street was listed for the first time in the pocket book for the residents of the city of Kiel - pastureland hill of the old Kuhstede corridor in the former Kiel suburb.
Friedrich von Kleist

Kleiststrasse , Blücherplatz , Marineviertel

The name was determined in 1907, until the address book was named after Ewald Christian von Kleist in 1923 and after Heinrich von Kleist from the address book in 1925 , but the name of the street referred to the Prussian general Friedrich von Kleist .

Klingkoppel , Hasseldieksdamm

1951 named after a field name.

* Jack , suburb

1730 marked as Holten Klink in the Homann'schen map, in 1799 first listed in the paperback for the inhabitants of the city of Kiel , in 1958 the street was included in the Holstenplatz .

Klinkerwisch , Suchsdorf

1978 named after a field name.

Klopstockstrasse , parade ground , Schreventeich

1900 named after Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock .

* Monastery , Russee

Listed in the Kiel address book for the first time in 1925, renamed Klosterweg in 1929 .

Klosterkamp , Russee

laid out as a monastery , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1925, renamed Klosterweg in 1929, renamed Klosterkamp in 1970 .

Klosterkirchhof , old town

Listed in the cadastre with four residential units in 1565, first listed in the paperback for the residents of Kiel in 1799 - formerly also known as the Mönnecke Kerkhof . Street next to the former Franciscan monastery and the monastery or Holy Spirit Church.

Klosterstrasse , Ellerbek

laid out as Mittelstraße , mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting in 1878, first listed in the Kiel address book in 1896, renamed Klosterstraße in 1910 .

Klosterweg , Elmschenhagen

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1923, in 1952 a section belongs to the municipality of Klausdorf / Schwentine.

* Klosterweg , Russee

laid out as a monastery , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1925, renamed Klosterweg in 1929 , including Am Kloster in 1949 , renamed Klosterkamp in 1970 .

Klotzstrasse , Stinkviertel

1902 named after Johann Jakob Emil Klotz (1812–1887) - businessman, civil senator of the city of Kiel from 1861 to 1887, special merit in gas supply, water supply and port management.

Jib boom , Schilksee

In 1965 the name Klüverbaum was established - a street name from the area of ​​sailing.

Klunkerwiese , Suchsdorf

2002 named after an old district.


Kneist , Elmschenhagen

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1936 - old hall number in Elmschenhagen.

* Kink , Pries

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1923, in 1925 the street was included in Friedrichsruher Weg - corridor designation (kink = hedge).

Knickweg , Südfriedhof

Named in 1918 after a field name.

* Kniestrasse , Wellingdorf

In 1906 the name was decided, in 1949 it was no longer listed in the address book.

Kniestrasse , Poppenbrügge

Drawn in the Kiel city map in 1954, first listed in the Kiel address book in 1971 - named after the knee-shaped course.

Knivsberg , Wik

Named in 1937 after the Knivsberg in North Schleswig.

* Knooper Landstrasse , Wik

as at the Knooper highway created in 1789 still without a name on the Topographical Military Charter of the Duchy of Holstein (1789-1796) no. 10 of Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf drawn in 1884 for the first time listed in Kiel Address Book, 1891 by Good Knoop in Knooper highway renamed , 1907 Irene street renamed in 1923 after Good Projensdorf in Projensdorfer street renamed.
Manor of the Knoop Estate

Knooper Weg , parade ground , Damperhof , Brunswik , Blücherplatz , Schreventeich , Ravensberg

1853 marked in Thalbitzer's city map without a name, extended to Holtenauer Strasse in 1869 - named after Gut Knoop .

Knorrstrasse , Wik

Named after Admiral Eduard von Knorr in 1897 . In 1994, fans of the THW Kiel - after winning the German handball championship - renamed the street for a short time after a player in Thomas-Knorr-Straße .
Hermann Kobold (right) with Nikolaus von Konkoly

Koboldstrasse , Ravensberg

2006 named after Hermann Kobold .

* Köhlerstraße , Wik

In 1934 the street in the barracks area of ​​the Wik was marked on a map of the city surveying department, and in 1947 it was renamed Schweriner Straße .

Köhlstrasse , Holtenau

1961 was between Richthofenstraße and Wittenbrook lying part of the Mählsweges by Hermann Köhl in Köhlstraße renamed.

Kölenberg , Wellsee , Elmschenhagen

before 1978 partly Schlehenkamp , in 1978 the section Schlehenkamp between Segeberger Landstrasse and the Kiel – Lübeck railway line was named Kölenberg after a field name .

* King's end , Holtenau

laid out as Bergstrasse , mentioned in the protocol text of the municipal council meeting in 1910, renamed Königsende in 1922 after an old field name, renamed Wendenburgstrasse in 1934.

Königsförder Weg , Mettenhof

1938 named after the localities Großkönigsförde and Klein Königsförde .

Koenigstrasse , Holtenau

In 1885, the street was expanded to accommodate the canal employees, mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting in 1914, and first listed in the Kiel address book in 1923.

Königsweg , suburb , parade ground , south cemetery

1789 still without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 21 drawn by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf - see map , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1848 - already mentioned in 1426 as the Via regia of the Danish kings; as part of the connection from Jutland to Altona.

Köpenicker Strasse , Russee

1979 named after the Berlin administrative district Köpenick .
Theodor Körner

Körnerstraße , parade ground

Named after Theodor Körner in 1900 , in 1904 the street Am Galgenteich was included in the Körnerstraße .

Koesterallee , Düsternbrook , Wik

Named in 1906 after Grand Admiral Hans von Koester .

Kohkoppel , Schilksee

Named in 1995 after a field name - the name goes well with the Peerkoppel street in this area.

Kokenhörst , Holtenau

Named in 1965 after an old hallway name.

Koldingstrasse , Brunswik

In 1874 the street was named in memory of the Battle of Kolding on April 24, 1849.

* Colony , Friedrichsort

First listed in the Kiel address book in 1923, included in Friedrichsorter Strasse in 1925 .

* Baltic Mill Colony , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

Mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting in 1893, renamed Mühlenstraße in 1904 .

Koloniestrasse , Friedrichsort

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1923 - street in the so-called workers' colony, a settlement of the workers in the torpedo workshops in Friedrichsort.

Kolonnenweg , Hassee

From 1883, the road from the crossing was Hasseldieksdammer way and Mühlenweg built at the scheduled Fort IV on the Elandsberg, 1902 Colonnenweg shown in the map, in 1904 first performed in Kiel Address Book, 1972, the northern part between was A 215 and Hasseldieksdammer way in Green Lane renamed .

Kongsbergweg , Mettenhof

named after the city of Kongsberg .
Konrad Adenauer

Konrad-Adenauer-Damm , Gaarden-Süd , Elmschenhagen

before 1973 the beginning of the Konrad-Adenauer-Damm was part of the Segeberger Straße , in 1973 named after Konrad Adenauer .

Copenhagener Allee , Mettenhof

Named after the city of Copenhagen in 1965 .

* Koppelbarg , Schilksee , Pries

Named in 1964 after an old hallway name.

Koppelberg , Schilksee , Pries

Established in 1964 as a Koppelbarg , renamed Koppelberg in 1971, in 1990 the section of Friedrichsorter Straße between Fördestraße and Koppelberg Street was renamed Koppelberg .

Koppelsoll , Meimersdorf

Named in 2002 after an old hall name.

Kopperpaler pond , Ravensberg

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1971 - named after the Kopperpahl district in Kronshagen .

Korsörweg , Mettenhof

Named in 1965 after the town of Korsör .


* Krabbenweg , Schilksee

In 1965, a development path in the north was planned in the Langenfelde area between Gaffelweg and Behmweg ; the path was not laid out due to changes in the development plan.

* Kramersredder under Karolinenweg

* Kraus-Platz , Stinkviertel

Named after Werner Kraus in 1902, renamed Krausstraße in 1933 .

Krausstrasse , Stinkviertel

laid out as Kraus-Platz , renamed Krausstraße after Werner Kraus in 1933 .

Kreienbarg , Südfriedhof

Named in 1962 after an old hallway name.

Kreisauer Ring , Wellsee

1983 named after the Kreisau district .

Kreisauer Strasse , Wellsee

1983 named after the Kreisau district .

Kreuzkamp , Elmschenhagen

laid out as Ebertsche Koppel , listed in the Kiel address book for the first time in 1923, renamed Kreuzkamp in 1936 after an old hallway name .

* Kreuzstrasse , Elmschenhagen

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1936, removed when incorporated in 1939.

Crocus meadow , Meimersdorf

In 2008, the name was crocus meadow with regard to the concept Meimersdorf Garden City set.

Kronsburger Strasse , Kronsburg

Named in 1924 after the Kronsburg settlement.

* Kronshagener Landweg , Hasseldieksdamm

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1923, in 1976 the street was incorporated into Melsdorfer Straße .

Kronshagener Weg , parade ground , south cemetery , Schreventeich , Hasseldieksdamm

1271 in a document dated April 23, 1271, Gerhard I sets the boundaries between the 'city of Kyil' and Kopperpahl more precisely. The Kronshagener Weg is mentioned in two places as 'via Cronshagen', in 1789 still without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 10 by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf - see map , 1853 on the map von Thalbitzer with the name of Cronshagen, listed in the Kiel address book for the first time in 1872, including Schlichtingstraße in 1978 , in 1980 the 100 m long section of Eckernförde Straße between Exerzierplatz and the confluence of Stiftstraße with Kronshagener Weg was included - Kronshagener Weg is that former overland route from Kiel to Kronshagen .

Kronsoll , Meimersdorf

Named in 2002 after a field name

Krummbogen , Gaarden-Süd

Laid out in 1936 as Hermann-Schmidt-Straße , in 1945 renamed Krummbogen because of the curved lines .
Alfred Krupp

Kruppallee , Elmschenhagen

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1908, named after Alfred Krupp .

* Krusenrott , Gaarden-Süd

In 1875, Krusenrott was first mentioned under Gaarden-Süd as Herrschaftlicher Meierhof Krusenrott . On the farm (Krusenrott), an inn with a dance hall was built under different owners. In 1930 it became a Franciscan settlement. The dance hall had now become a church room. In World War II, everything was destroyed, rebuilt after the war again, re-inaugurated the Church of Our Lady on May 31, the 1,951th

* Krusenrotter Strasse , Hassee , Gaarden-Süd , see Krusenrott

The name was established in 1894 and renamed Krusenrotter Weg in 1895 .

Krusenrotter Weg , Hassee , Gaarden-Süd , see Krusenrott

Laid out as Krusenrotter Straße in 1894 , renamed Krusenrotter Weg in 1895 .


Kuchelstrasse , Wellingdorf

1906 named after Johann Kuchel (April 12, 1859 to April 19, 1944), Gärtnerstraße was included in 1910 - Kuchel was the community leader in Wellingdorf from 1875 to 1893.

* Cuckoo redder under Wilhelminenstrasse

Kuckucksweg , Elmschenhagen

before 1964 part of the circular route es, in 1964 the name was fixed - the route leads past the Kuckucksberg (56 m).

Kürkoppel , Steenbek-Projensdorf

Named in 1962 after an old hallway name.

Küterstrasse , old town

Created in 1242 when the city was founded, 1242 Platea cutere , 1301 Platea fartorum , 1473 Kuterstrate , 1730 Küter Straße , in 1799 the street is first listed in the paperback for the residents of the city of Kiel .

* Kuhfeld , old town

laid out as Zum Kuhfelde , mentioned in 1554 as Zum Kuhfelde in the Kiel Heritage Book, first listed in the Kiel address book in 1835, renamed Kuhfeld in 1925, renamed Zum Kuhfelde again in 1934.

Kuhlacker , Kronsburg

Named in 1924 after an old field name.

Kuhnkestrasse , Ravensberg

2006 named after Carl Kuhnke (May 13, 1870 to October 11, 1938) - co-founder of Neufeldt & Kuhnke, from which later the companies Elac and Hagenuk emerged.

Kurallee , Schilksee

laid out as a back row , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1940, renamed Ulmenallee in 1949, renamed Kurallee in 1962 .
Kurt Schumacher

Kurt-Schumacher-Platz , Mettenhof

1969 named after Kurt Schumacher .

Short street , suburb

before 1857 the houses belonged to the Kleiner Kuhberg , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1857.

* Short street , Pries

The name was determined in 1904 and renamed Schurskamp in 1925 .


  • Hans-G. Hilscher, Dietrich Bleihöfer: Kiel Street Lexicon . Continued since 2005 by the Office for Building Regulations, Surveying and Geoinformation of the State Capital Kiel, status: February 2017 (enter search term here: ).


  1. Lawrence D. Stokes: "My little town stands for a thousand others ...". Studies on the history of Eutin in Holstein, 1918–1945 . Struve's Buchdruckerei, Eutin 2004, ISBN 3-923457-72-3 , p. 290.
  2. National Socialism in Eutinian / Der Fall Radke
  3. Spiegel article from November 5, 2010