List of streets and squares in Kiel / W

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Gunsmiths , Holtenau

In 1954 the street was named after the old smithy that used to be located here.

Wagnerring , Pries

Named after Richard Wagner in 1958 .

Wahlestrasse , Ellerbek

Laid out in 1878 as Annenstraße , named in 1909 after Heinrich Wahle (August 13, 1841 to August 28, 1906) - long-time mayor of Ellerbek.

Waisenhofstrasse , suburb , parade ground

1853 marked in Thalbitzer's city map without a name - named after the former orphanage donated by Privy Councilor Friedrich Gabriel Muhlius in 1776 .

Waitzstrasse , Brunswik , Blücherplatz , Ravensberg

Named after Georg Waitz in 1869 .

Waldeck , Hasseldieksdamm

In 1965 the street was named after the Waldeck restaurant, which was destroyed in World War II and which was opposite the beginning of the street.

* Waldemarstrasse , Gaarden-Süd , Gaarden-Ost , Südfriedhof

In 1905 the name was decided by the local council, in 1908 the street named after Waldemar Sörensen was renamed Sörensenstraße .

* Waldemarstrasse , Wik

Named after Prince Waldemar in 1907 , the street was renamed Seeblick in 1923 .
Waldemar Bonsels

Waldemar-Bonsels-Strasse , Pries , Friedrichsort

Named after Waldemar Bonsels in 1965 .

* Forest path , Elmschenhagen

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1925, and in 1939 the street was renamed Rarsrott .

* Forest path , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

The name was set in 1925, and in 1970 the Waldweg road was incorporated into the Ulmenweg .

Forest path , Russee

In 1962 the name was decided by the local council.

Waldwiesenstrasse , Hassee

Laid out as Georgstrasse in 1897 , named after the Waldwiese entertainment establishment in 1910 .

Walkerdamm , suburb

Mentioned for the first time in 1627, drawn on Klessel's map in 1793, and in 1799 the street was first listed in the pocket book for the residents of Kiel - named after the walkers or tanners who lived there on the former Prüner Lauf.

Wall / Am Wall , old town

laid out as Am Wall , in 1565 the wall is listed in the cadastre with 13 residential units, first listed in the Kiel address book in 1835, in 1904 the previous Damenstrasse was included in Am Wall , renamed Wall in 1906 , and Packhausstrasse was included in the Wall in 1926 .

* Wallstrasse , Friedrichsort

Listed in the Kiel address book for the first time in 1923, still listed in the address book in 1930, street no longer exists.

Wannseebogen , Russee

1979 named after the district of Wannsee in the Berlin administrative district of Steglitz-Zehlendorf .

Warnemünder Strasse , Wik

from 1934 to 1947 Maaßstraße , in 1947 the street was renamed Warnemünder Straße after the city of Warnemünde .

* Wasserallee , old town

First listed in the Kiel address book in 1901, in 1937 the street was renamed Langemarckufer , in 1947 the street was renamed Strandweg , in 1969 the section from the Seeburg to the north was Hindenburgufer; the section from the Seeburg to Wall Düsternbrooker Weg.

* Wasserallee , Friedrichsort

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1923, and in 1933 the street was renamed Skagerrakufer .

* Water tower , Elmschenhagen

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1936, canceled in 1939 after incorporation.

Wassilystraße , Hassee

Named after Paul Wassily in 1962 .

Web white

Weberstrasse , parade ground

Named after Georg Heinrich Weber in 1889 .
Otto Weddigen

* Weddigenring , Ravensberg

Created in 1907 as the Habsburgerring , renamed after Otto Weddigen in 1937 , today part of the Westring.

* Weddigenstrasse , Elmschenhagen

First listed in the Kiel address book in 1919, renamed Berchtesgadener Strasse in 1939 .

* Weddigenstrasse , Wik

In 1934 the street in the barracks area of ​​the Wik was marked on a map of the city survey department, in 1947 the street was renamed Brandenburger Straße .

* Way to Hasseldieksdamm , Hassee

1789 still without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 21 drawn in by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf, listed in the Kiel address book for the first time in 1908, renamed Russeer Weg in 1910 .

* Way to Strande , Schilksee

First listed in the Kiel address book in 1940, renamed Deichstrasse in 1963 .

Way to Au , Suchsdorf

In 2002 the name for the route to Kronshagen-Ottendorfer Au was set.

* Way to the ferry , Gaarden-Ost

Laid out in 1908 as Zur Fähre , renamed Weg zur Fähre in 1923, renamed Zur Fähre again in 1936 .

Wehdenweg , Wellingdorf

Mentioned in the protocol text in 1901, first listed in the Kiel address book in 1904, including Schmiedestrasse in 1905 - named after the Wehdenkoppel.

Weiden , Suchsdorf

2002 named after an old district.

Weidenweg , Elmschenhagen

Laid out as Litzmannstraße in 1933 , renamed Weidenweg in 1945 .
The Weimar Town Hall

Weimarer Strasse , Wik

laid out as Hildebrandstraße , renamed in 1947 after the city of Weimar .

Weinberg , Elmschenhagen

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1909 - living space in the former rural community of Elmschenhagen.

* Weinbergsweg , Elmschenhagen

Listed in the Kiel address book for the first time in 1927, renamed Radebrook in 1936 .

Weißdornweg , Suchsdorf

Created as Neue Heimat , renamed Weißdornweg in 1967 , street name from the field of botany.

Weißenburgstrasse , Schreventeich

In 1895 the name was set in memory of the Battle of Weissenburg .


Wellingdorfer Strasse , Ellerbek

as Auguststraße created in 1898 for the first time listed in Kiel Address Book, 1910 after the neighboring district Wellingdorf in Welling Straße renamed.

Wellseedamm , Elmschenhagen , Wellsee

Laid out as Poppenbrücker Weg (Wellsee), first listed in the Kiel address book in 1925, in 1973 a section of Poppenbrücker Weg was renamed Wellseedamm , in 1992 the extension of Wellseedamm street ( Poppenbrücker Weg - Liebigstraße ) was named Wellseedamm , in 1995 the eastern section of Poppenbrücker The path between the cycle and walkway and the Wellseedamm was renamed Wellseedamm .

* Wellseer Weg , Elmschenhagen

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1908, renamed Meitzenstraße in 1939, renamed Schlehenkamp in 1945.

Wellseer Weg , Gaarden-Süd

Mentioned in 1892 in the minutes of the municipal council meeting,

* Wendenburgstrasse , Holtenau

as a mountain road created in 1910 noted in the log text council meeting, 1922 in King end renamed 1934 after the former official and community leader from Holtenau Ewald Wendeburg (1915-1922) Wendeburg street renamed in 1947 Road Sister Therese renamed.

* Wendenburgstrasse , Holtenau

Laid out as a Dorfstrasse , in 1789 drawn in without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 11 by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf , in 1898 the Dorfstrasse is mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting, renamed Kieler Strasse in 1912, and in 1922 Renamed Wendenburgstrasse, renamed Richthofenstrasse in 1933 .

Wendenweg , Meimersdorf

1958 named after the Wende .

Wenrade , Steenbek-Projensdorf

Named in 1928 after an old hallway name.


Werdenfelser Strasse , Kroog

as a line P created the cottage settlement Kroog, 1930 first performed in Kiel Address Book, in 1933 Mackensenstrasse renamed in 1939 after the countryside country Werdenfelser in Werdenfelserstrasse renamed.

Werftbahnstrasse , Südfriedhof

In 1887 the name of the street between Gaardener Strasse and Schlachthofstrasse was determined, in 1908 it was repealed as a public street, the current street was built during the war years and was named in 1918 - the railway runs parallel to the shipyards.
Shipyard park 1901

* Shipyard park , Ellerbek

1890/92 created as Werfterholungspark / Werftpark , renamed Horst-Wessel-Park in 1936, renamed Volkspark in 1947 .

* Werftstrasse , Gaarden-Ost

Listed in the Kiel address book for the first time in 1875, renamed Sandkrug in 1910 .

Werftstrasse , Ellerbek , Gaarden-Ost , Südfriedhof

laid out as Schönberger Straße , in 1789 still without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 21 by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf - see map , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1875, in 1910 the Ringstraße and the Schönberger were added The street was renamed Werftstrasse , and in 1980 the part of Werftstrasse south of Preetzer Strasse was incorporated into Sörensenstrasse .

* Werftstrasse , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

Mentioned in the minutes of the municipal council meeting in 1893, first listed in the Gaarden-Ost address book in 1894, renamed Grenzstraße in 1925 .

Werner-Siemens-Strasse , Friedrichsort

laid out as Kasernenstrasse , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1923, and in 1925 the street was named after Werner von Siemens .


Weser trip , Düsternbrook

The name was determined in 1927, seafarers name a difficult fairway in the Jade Bay through the Wadden Sea to the mouth of the Weser, the Weserfahrt , in Kiel the shortcut route to the naval station was jokingly called that, this route designation became official in 1927.

Wesselburener Strasse , Wik

Named in 1940 after the town of Wesselburen .

Westenhofstrasse , Holtenau

Named in 1929 after an old hallway name.

Westring , Südfriedhof , Schreventeich , Ravensberg , Wik

In 1947, the roads were Hohenstaufenring , Hohenzollernring and Wedding Ring between Hasseldieksdammer way and Ravensberg in West ring renamed in 1967 the new section in the south to have Saarbruecken road and the extension to the north and then north-west to the junction with Projensdorfer road with West Ring designated in 1995 the Mühlenweg between Westring and B 503 included in the Westring .

Weststrasse , Pries

The name was determined in 1907 - at the time it was built, the street was the westernmost in Pries.

Wetterbek , Suchsdorf

Named in 1993 after a field name.


* Wichmannstrasse , Ravensberg

The name was determined in 1910, the street was planned as a cross street to Gutenbergstraße but was not built.

Wichmannstrasse , suburb

1933 named after Heinrich Wichmann (August 27, 1830 to April 11, 1912) - city councilor, bequeathed the Wichmann Foundation to his hometown in 1910.
Wiener Allee

Wiener Allee , Elmschenhagen

Named after the city of Vienna in 1939 .

Wiepenkrog , Hassee

Named in 1934 after an old hallway name.

* Wiesenweg , Russee

The name was decided in 1944, first listed in the Kiel address book in 1949, and in 1970 Dieksweg and Wiesenweg were renamed Schiefe Horn .

Wiesenweg , Steenbek-Projensdorf

1928 as a middle ground created in 1929 meadow renamed - street leading to the present there splashing meadow .

Wiker knot , Wik

In 2006 the name for the crossing area of ​​the federal highway 503 south of the Prinz-Heinrich-Brücke was determined.

Wiker Street , Wik

laid out as Dorfstrasse , renamed Wiker Strasse in 1897 .

Viking stroll , Mettenhof

In 1974 the name was named after the Vikings .

Viking Street , Gaarden-Ost

In 1903 the name was fixed.


Wilhelm Busch

Wilhelm-Busch-Platz , Ellerbek

Named after Wilhelm Busch in 1950 .

Wilhelm-Busch-Strasse , Pries

Named after Wilhelm Busch in 1940 .

* Wilhelminenhöhe , Gaarden-Ost

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1875,

* Wilhelminenstrasse , Gaarden-Ost

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1875, renamed Hügelstrasse in 1901 .

Wilhelminenstrasse , Damperhof

before 1853 cuckoo shredder , in 1853 drawn in without a name in the city map of Thalbitzer, in 1869 the name of the street after Princess Wilhelmine in Wilhelminenstraße was determined.

Wilhelm-Lobsien-Weg , Pries

Named after Wilhelm Lobsien in 1956 .

Wilhelmplatz , Schreventeich

Named after Kaiser Wilhelm I in 1894 , renamed Platz der Republik in 1927, renamed Wilhelmplatz again in 1933 .
Wilhelm Raabe

Wilhelm-Raabe-Weg , Pries

Named after Wilhelm Raabe in 1940 .

Wilhelm-Seelig-Platz , Ravensberg

1979 named after Wilhelm Seelig .

Wilhelmshavener Strasse , Blücherplatz

Named in 1936 after the city of Wilhelmshaven .

Wilhelm-Spiegel-Strasse , Wellsee

Named after Wilhelm Spiegel in 1993 .

Wilhelm-Spiegel-Weg ,

In 1947 the forest path between Niemannsweg and Bülowstraße was renamed Wílhelm-Spiegel-Weg , in 1948 the renaming was canceled.

Wilhelmstrasse , Gaarden-Ost

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1890 - named after the son of the property owner, Steffen Sohst.

Wilhelm-Wisser-Strasse , Pries

Named after Wilhelm Wisser in 1937 .
Street sign Willestraße with explanation

Willestrasse , suburb

1909 named after Theodor Wille (September 27, 1818 to January 9, 1892) - businessman, bequeathed property and capital to his hometown 1,800,000 marks.
Willy Brandt

Willy-Brandt-Ufer , Gaarden-Ost

Named after Willy Brandt in 1995 .

Willy-Jacob-Weg , Wellingdorf

1967 named after Willy Jacob (December 16, 1885 to April 3, 1960) - chairman of the board of the Gemeinnützige Heimstätten - Cooperatives Kiel-Ost, from 1931 to 1933 and from 1945 to 1952.

Wilmersdorfer Strasse , Russee

1984 named after the Berlin district of Wilmersdorf .


Windjammer , Schilksee

1974 named after an old-style sailing ship .

Winkelkoppel , Suchsdorf

2002 named after an old district.

* Winterbeker Strasse , Südfriedhof

In 1853 it was drawn in Thalbitzer's city map without a name, first listed in the Kiel address book in 1872, named after the village of Winterbek , renamed Michelsenstraße in 1908 .

Winterbeker Weg , Südfriedhof , Hassee

1789 still without a name on the topographical military chart of the Duchy of Holstein (1789–1796) No. 21 drawn by Major Gustav Adolf von Varendorf - see map , first listed in the Kiel address book in 1880 - former road to the village of Winterbek .

Seesaw , Suchsdorf

1969 named after an old hallway name.

Wischhofstrasse , Wellingdorf

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1904, and in 1908 the name was based on an old hallway name.

Wismarer Strasse , Wik

before 1947 Hipperstrasse , 1947 named after the city of Wismar .
Hermann von Wissmann

Wissmannstrasse , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

Named after Herrmann von Wissmann in 1939 .

Wittenbrook , Holtenau

1951 named after an old hallway name.

Wittland , Hasseldieksdamm

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1910, probably named after the Wittland homestead that was built here in 1768.

Wittschap , Russee

2003 named after a field name.

Witzlebenweg , Wellsee

1983 named after Erwin von Witzleben .


Wöhrbek , Moorsee

Named in 2005 after an old field name. In 2012 the street name was canceled.
Adolph Woermann

Woermannstrasse , Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf

Named after Adolph Woermann in 1939 .

Wörthstrasse , Schreventeich

In 1895 the name of the street was set in memory of the battle of Wörth .

Wohldkoppel , Wellingdorf

Named in 1936 after a field name.

Wohlersberg , Ronne

Listed for the first time in the Kiel address book in 1971 - living space in the former rural community of Rönne .

Wolblöken , Rönne

designed as a school redder, renamed in 1971 after an old hallway name in Wohlblöken .

Wolliner Weg , Suchsdorf

Named in 1962 after the Baltic island of Wollin .

Wolperdingstrasse , Steenbek-Projensdorf

Named after Friedrich Ernst Wolperding in 1962 .

Woltersweg , Steenbek-Projensdorf

1962 named after Thomas Wolters (August 2, 1854 to January 28, 1909) - two paintings in the Kiel Kunsthalle .
Karl Freiherr von Wrangel

Wrangelstrasse , Blücherplatz

In 1891 the name of the street was determined after Karl Freiherr von Wrangel - Drummers von Kolding.

Wüstenfelde , Elmschenhagen

Established in 1912 according to an old hallway name.

Wulfsbrook , Hassee

In 1908 the name was decided by the local council - old name (Wulvesbrook) for a corridor that belonged to a Marquard Wulf and that came to the St. Jürgen monastery in Kiel in 1462. Gaarden-Süd emerged from the village founded on this corridor.

Wulfskamp , Wellingdorf

1945 named after a field name.

Wullestrasse , Holtenau

Named after Karl Wulle in 1926 - Wulle was head of the Reich Canal Office from 1920 to 1926.


  • Hans-G. Hilscher, Dietrich Bleihöfer: Kiel Street Lexicon . Continued since 2005 by the Office for Building Regulations, Surveying and Geoinformation of the State Capital Kiel, status: February 2017 (enter search term here: ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Graves of honor in Kiel: Heinrich Wichmann.