List of British envoys to the Holy Roman Empire

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This page lists the British envoys to the Diet of the Holy Roman Empire in Regensburg (until 1806). For a list of British ambassadors to the Holy Roman Emperor, see List of British Ambassadors in Austria . For the list of British ambassadors in Germany from 1815 see List of British Ambassadors in Germany .


Appointment / accreditation Surname Remarks appointed by accredited during the government of Leave post
1707 Philip Meadows envoy extraordinary (1626-1718) Anne Joseph I. 1709
1707 Francis Palmes Envoy Extraordinary Major General 1708
1709 Envoy Extraordinary Major General 1711
1710 Charles Mordaunt, 3rd Earl of Peterborough Special mission Nov 28, 1711
Nov 23, 1711 Simon Clement Chargé came as legation secretary of Lord Peterborough in March 1710 after Vienna . In July 1715 he traveled to Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Vienna, Germany and the Netherlands. His handwritten travel diary is entitled A Journal of my travails into the Lower Hungary, Sclavonia. Croatia, Friuli, Carniola and Stiria in the year 1715 Charles VI Nov 25, 1714
1711 Charles Whitworth, 1st Baron Whitworth ambassador
1714 James Stanhope, 1st Earl Stanhope accompanied by Baron Cobham George I.
1714 Richard Temple, 1st Viscount Cobham 1715
1715 George Carpenter, 1st Baron Carpenter appointed, not accredited
1715 Luke Schaub Chargé d'affaires
1715 Abraham Stanyan in Prague 1716
1716 1718
1718 Robert Sutton, 2nd Baron Lexinton 1723
1718 Luke Schaub Chargé d'affaires
1718 François-Louis de Pesmes de Saint-Saphorin Chargé d'affaires 1727
1719 William Cadogan, 1st Earl Cadogan ambassador 1720
1721 Charles Churchill Special envoy
1721 Francis Colman Legation Secretary 1724
1724 Charles Harrison Prime Minister 1725
1726 George Woodward Legation Secretary 1727
1727 James Waldegrave, 1st Earl Waldegrave ambassador George II 1730
1730 Thomas Robinson, 1st Baron Grantham Ministre plénipotentiaire 1748
1742 James Porter Chargé d'affaires Charles VII 1747
1742 Thomas Villiers, 1st Earl of Clarendon Special envoy 1743
1748 Robert Murray Keith († 1774) envoy, from 1753 Ministre plénipotentiaire 1757
1752 John Carmichael, 3rd Earl of Hyndford Special envoy
1757 Seven Years War 1763
March 22, 1763 Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield extraordinary envoy to the permanent Reichstag in Regensburg . George III
May 7, 1763 James Porter Ministre plénipotentiaire at the Reichstag (Holy Roman Empire) in Brussels .
March 3, 1764 William Gordon Ministre plénipotentiaire at the perpetual Reichstag in Regensburg .
Nov 23, 1765 Ministre plénipotentiaire at the Reichstag in Brussels . Joseph II
Nov 23, 1765 Fulke Greville Ministre plénipotentiaire at the perpetual Reichstag in Regensburg .
1769 Lewis de Visme Ministre plénipotentiaire at the perpetual Reichstag in Regensburg .
Dec. 24, 1773 Hugh Elliot Lord Henley Ministre plénipotentiaire at the perpetual Reichstag in Regensburg .
Oct. 31, 1776 Morton Eden Ministre plénipotentiaire at the perpetual Reichstag in Regensburg .
March 4, 1777 Alleyne FitzHerbert, 1st Baron St Helens Ministre plénipotentiaire at the Reichstag in Brussels .
1779 Richard Oakes Ministre plénipotentiaire at the perpetual Reichstag in Regensburg .
Apr 7, 1780 John Trevor Ministre plénipotentiaire at the perpetual Reichstag in Regensburg and in Kurköln .
March 8, 1781 Ralph Heathcote Ministre plénipotentiaire in Kurköln
1783 George Byng, 1st Viscount Torrington Ministre plénipotentiaire at the Reichstag in Brussels .
Feb. 22, 1783 Robert Monckton-Arundell, 4th Viscount Galway Ministre plénipotentiaire at the perpetual Reichstag in Regensburg and in Kurköln .
Nov 19, 1783 Thomas Walpole extraordinary envoy in Kurköln
Nov 19, 1788 Ambassador Extraordinary and Ministre plénipotentiaire in Kurköln
Aug 14, 1790 Charles-Henry Fraser Ministre plénipotentiaire at the Lower Saxony Reichskreis and resident at the Hanseatic cities . Leopold II.
Aug 18, 1792 Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin Ministre plénipotentiaire at the Reichstag in Brussels . Francis II
1796 William Elliot Ministre plénipotentiaire at the perpetual Reichstag in Regensburg and in Kurköln .
July 28, 1798 James Craufurd Ministre plénipotentiaire at the Lower Saxony Reichskreis and resident at the Hanseatic cities.
1799 Gilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 1st Earl of Minto
June 11, 1799 Francis Drake at the everlasting Reichstag in Regensburg
Aug 4, 1801 Brook Taylor Ministre plénipotentiaire in Kurköln and Hessen Kassel.
March 1, 1805 William Hill at the Frankish Reichskreis
May 4, 1805 Edward Thornton Ministre plénipotentiaire at the Danish court, next to the Hanseatic cities , the Lower Saxony Empire , Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Strelitz .



  • Ernst Schütz: The legation of Great Britain at the perpetual Reichstag in Regensburg and at the electoral (Palatinate) Bavarian court in Munich 1683-1806 . Series of publications on Bavarian national history, Volume 154. CH Beck, Munich 2007

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Thomas Seccombe:  Meadows, Philip . In: Sidney Lee (Ed.): Dictionary of National Biography . Volume 37:  Masquerier - Millyng. , MacMillan & Co, Smith, Elder & Co., New York City / London 1894, pp. 192 - 194 (English).
  2. ^ Philip Meadows
  3. after Zsuzsánna Ablonczyné nádor: Hungary - The most blessed country . (PDF) University of Debrecen
  4. ^ Joseph Timothy Haydn, Robert Beatson: Beatson's Political index modernized, the book of dignities . P. 78; Text archive - Internet Archive