List of Honduran ambassadors in France

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The Honduran Embassy is located at 8 Rue Crevaux in the 16th arrondissement (Paris) .

The ambassador in Paris is also regularly accredited in Bern .

The diplomatic relations between the Honduran governments and the governments in Moscow, which have existed since September 30, 1990 , have also been carried out by the ambassador accredited in Paris since 1993.


At the conclusion of the Traité d 'amitié, de commerce et de navigation conclu à Paris, le 22 février 1856, entre la France et la République de Honduras. (Ech. Des ratif. À Paris le 15 octobre 1857) , the embassy was located in the  street later named Rue Decamps 27.

Appointed / Accredited Surname comment appointed by : accredited at: Leave post
1856 Jean Victor Herran José Santos Guardiola Napoleon III
1860 Carlos Gutiérrez José Santos Guardiola Napoleon III
1872 Edouard Viada general Carlos Arias Adolphe Thiers
1908 Luis Suazo Carrillo Consul General (* in La Paz (Honduras) ; † 1942) Miguel R. Dávila Georges Clemenceau 1913
1913 Desire Péctor Consul General Francisco Bertrand Raymond Poincaré 1917
1917 Luis Suazo Carrillo consul Francisco Bertrand Georges Clemenceau 1920
1919 Policarpo Bonilla Rafael López Gutiérrez Raymond Poincaré
1923 Raúl Toledo López Chargé d'affaires , Consul General Rafael López Gutiérrez Raymond Poincaré
1933 Julián López Pineda Chargé d'affaires Tiburcio Carias Andino Albert Lebrun 1936
1937 Emilio V. Soto Consul General Tiburcio Carias Andino Léon Blum
Apr 28, 1938 Mauricio Claudio Rosal consul Tiburcio Carias Andino Albert Lebrun 1942
1948 Antonio Vidal Mayorga (Born September 19, 1895 in Ocotepeque ; † July 7, 1968 in Tegucigalpa ) envoy extraordinary and ministre plénipotentiaire Tiburcio Carias Andino Vincent Auriol
1956 José Napoleón Alcerro Oliva (Born March 19, 1915 in Marcala, La Paz Department (Honduras) ) was educated in La Paz, La Ceiba and Tegucigalpa, Minister of Education and 1971 Ambassador to San José (Costa Rica) Julio Lozano Díaz René Coty
1959 Carlos Roberto Reina José Ramón Villeda Morales Charles de Gaulle
1964 Ramiro Figueroa Rodezno From 1957 it produced cambios sustanciales en la Escuela de Medicina con la conquista de la Autonomía Universitaria. El nuevo Decano era e Dr. Ramiro Figueroa Rodezno quien por razones personales renuncia a su cargo. Oswaldo López Arellano Charles de Gaulle
Feb 3, 1992 Sergio Zavala Leiva 2004–2006: Attorney General Rafael Leonardo Calleja Romero François Mitterrand
Jan. 18, 1995 Max Velásquez Díaz Carlos Roberto Reina Jacques Chirac
1998 Enrique Ortez Colindres Carlos Roberto Flores Facussé Jacques Chirac
Oct 9, 2002 Mario Carias Zapata 1990–1994: Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Honduras Ricardo Maduro Jacques Chirac
Dec 3, 2010 Carmen Eleonora Ortez Williams Porfirio Lobo Sosa Nicolas Sarkozy

Individual evidence

  1. Représentations en Suisse
  2. , March 13, 2013, В Москве откроется посольство Гондураса Interview of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Alexander Lukashevich, for "RIA Novosti" on the occasion of the official visit of the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Honduras in the Russian Federation ( Memento of 7 March 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  3. Traité d 'amitié, de commerce et de navigation
  4. ^ Edouard Viada, Ministre du Honduras in Paris
  5. José Napoleón Alcerro Oliva
  6. Sergio Zavala
  7. Max Velásquez Díaz
  8. ^ Mario Carias Zapata
  9. ^ Carmen Eleonora Ortez Williams
  10. Embajada de Honduras en France