List of the Honduran ambassadors in the Netherlands

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The Honduran embassy is located in the Burgemeester Laan Copes van Cattenburch 1932 in The Hague .

The ambassador in The Hague also regularly represents the Honduran government at the Permanent Court of Arbitration .

Appointed / Accredited Surname comment in the government of accredited during the government of Leave post
1845 José de Marcoleta Zaakgelastigde van Centraal-Amerika (Nicarague en Honduras) to 's-Gravenhage (1845 - '49), Brussel en Parijs, met standplaats Parijs. Coronado Chavez Gerrit Schimmelpenninck 1849
Aug 19, 1957 Ramon E. Cruz Agente del Gobierno Junta Militar de Gobierno de Honduras Héctor Caraccioli Moncada Willem Drees
July 1, 1958 Humberto López Villamil (* March 20, 1916 in Santa Rosa de Copán , † June 7, 2007 in Tegucigalpa ) José Ramón Villeda Morales Louis Beel
July 1, 1958 Roberto Perdomo Paredes Legation Secretary, (fueron nombrados Secretario, Licenciado Roberto Perdomo Paredes, El Licenciado Roberto Perdomo Paredes actuó como Secretario de la Delegación desde el 1 ° de Julio de 1958 hasta que regresó al país a hacerce cargo de la Subsecretaría de Relaciones Exteriores.)
1959 Julián López Pineda Legation Council with Rogelio Martínez Augustinus Nicaragua represented by Dr. José Sansón Terán. Jan de Quay
1959 Carlos Roberto Reina Corte Internacional de Justicia de La Haya, en el asunto miembro de la delegación de Honduras a la Corte Internacional de Justicia de La Haya, en el asunto limítrofe Honduras-Nicaragua (1959). 1959
1960 José Ángel Ulloa Donaire (* 1903 in Ciudad de Comayagua ; † February 14, 1989 in Tegucigalpa ) Son of Soledad Donaire Serra and Miguel Ulloa La Guardia. Married Raymonde de Thuin, a Belgian born teacher at the Escuela Normal de Señoritas de Tegucigalpa . Lawyer arrested in 1936 in the Penitenciaria Nacional on charges of being involved in a conspiracy against Tiburcio Carías Andino and detained until 1944 at his home in San Pedro Sula . In 1947 he migrated to Mexico, master of ceremonies in the government of Vicente Mejía Colindres . 1959–1962: Ambassador to Mexico, 1965: Foreign Minister in the government of José Ramón Villeda Morales , also accredited in Brussels. 1961
1976 Carlos Roberto Reina Juan Alberto Melgar Castro Joop the Uyl
1977 Roberto Herrera Cáceres (* September 20, 1943 in Puerto Cortés ) Dries van Agt 1983
1990 Ramón Valladares Soto (Born August 30, 1917 in the Department of El Paraíso ; † 2009) fue asesor jurídico del Ministerio de Hacienda (1955), vice-ministro de Educación (1956–1957), magistrado de la Corte Suprema de Justicia (1957–1959 y 1971– 1972), ministro de Gobernación y Justicia (1959–1963), figura cimera en el ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores en materia de límites y soberanía, desde 1973 hasta el 2009, embajador en Holanda (1990–1992), embajador en Italia (1994– 1996), embajador en El Salvador (1996–1998), Agente ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia, en el caso fronterizo con El Salvador (1990–1992) football war . Rafael Leonardo Calleja Romero Ruud Lubbers 1992
1996 Árias Gonzalo de Saavedra y Muguelar Chargé (* October 17, 1927 in Mauléon-Licharre in Soule (Region) ; † 21. February 1996), June 14, 1974: Barón de Canet de Berenguer, Maestrante de Valencia, Licenciado en Deracho, Diplomático. Carlos Roberto Reina Wim Kok
2002 Julio Rendón Barnica Ricardo Maduro Jan Peter Balkenende 2006
2009 Antonio Remiro Brotóns Roberto Micheletti
June 6, 2012 Mauricio Ricardo Aguilar Robles Porfirio Lobo Sosa Mark Rutte

Individual evidence

  1. José de Marcoleta
  2. Humberto López Villamil ( Memento from February 25, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  3. José Ángel Ulloa
  4. ^ Roberto Herrera Cáceres
  5. Ramón Valladares Soto ( Memento of March 5, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Archived copy ( Memento of March 5, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  6. Árias Gonzalo de Saavedra y Muguelar
  7. Mauricio Ricardo Aguilar Robles Archived copy ( Memento of the original from March 5, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Archived copy ( Memento of March 4, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. Ambassade van Honduras in Nederland ( Memento from March 1, 2014 in the Internet Archive )