List of victims of the National Socialist system between July 2, 1934 and the beginning of World War II

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The list of victims of the National Socialist system between July 2, 1934 and the beginning of the Second World War provides an overview of persons who were killed by the National Socialist state or by organs and executives of the National Socialist state or between July 2, 1934 and the beginning of the Second World War Organizations of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), such as the Sturmabteilung (SA) or Schutzstaffel (SS), or members of these groups, were put to death.

For an overview of people who worked in the period between the accession of the National Socialists on January 30, 1933 and the political cleansing action of the Nazi regime from June 30 to July 2, 1934, which became known as the Röhm Putsch , who are widely known in research as “The end of the seizure of power ” ( Mathilde Jamin ) or “Hitler's breakthrough to autocracy”, i.e. the end of the phase of enforcement and consolidation of the National Socialist dictatorship, is valid, see the analogous list of victims of the National Socialist terror during the phase of conquest of power in 1933/1934 . For the victims of the Röhm affair, see the list of people killed in the course of the so-called Röhm putsch .

For the fatalities caused by the National Socialist system after the beginning of the Second World War on September 1, 1939, the databases of the Memorial Book - Victims of the Persecution of Jews under National Socialist Tyranny 1933–1945 of the Federal Archives (for the victims of the Shoah ) and the Database of the Volksbund Kriegsgräberfürsorge (for people who died in military operations).

List of fatalities at a glance

The third section (“People who died violently in concentration camps and prisons”) lists people who died between July 2, 1934 and September 1, 1939 in the concentration camps that existed within German territory during these years.

The fourth section (“Victims of Regular Executions”) lists persons who were officially sentenced to death by regular courts and who were executed between July 2, 1934 and September 1, 1939 in accordance with the legal system in force at the time.

Victims of wild terrorism

  • November 7th to 13th, 1938: As part of the 1938 November pogroms ("Reichskristallnacht"), around 400 people who were considered "Jews" according to the National Socialist definition were murdered or driven to suicide within the territory of the German Reich

Victims of Fememorden

  • January 23, 1935 (in Slapy nad Vltavou): Rudolf Formis (born December 25, 1894 in Stuttgart), engineer, supporter of the anti-Nazi Black Front . On behalf of Otto Strasser, Formis operated a secret underground station in Czechoslovakia, which broadcasted radio messages directed against the Nazi regime to German territory from there. Despite camouflage, this transmitter was located by the German military defense at the end of 1934. In January 1935, two agents of the SS security service disguised as tourists, on behalf of SD chief Reinhard Heydrich , tried to open the Hotel Zahori near Slapy nad Vltavou, from which Formis operated its transmitter: Their task was to destroy the transmitter and to give Formis to stun and kidnap to Germany. The maneuver failed. Formis resisted the attempted access to the agents, which resulted in an exchange of fire in which they shot him. The perpetrators, SD men Alfred Naujocks and Werner Göttsch , escaped across the border into Germany.
  • March 1938: Wilhelm von Ketteler (* 1906 at Eringerfeld Castle), diplomat. Ketteler, who worked covertly from the German embassy in Vienna against the Nazi system, was kidnapped on the day the German troops marched into Vienna in March 1938 on orders from Reinhard Heydrich by agents of the SS security service and when he himself refused to divulge secret information during interrogation that was supposed to be extracted from him, or he refused to conclude an agreement with the security service, drowned by them by dipping his head into a tub of water. The body was then thrown into the Danube and washed up in April near Hainburg on the Austrian-Czech border.

People violently killed in concentration camps and prisons

  • July 10, 1934 (in Oranienburg concentration camp): Erich Mühsam (born April 6, 1878 in Berlin) writer and publicist. As a political activist, Mühsam was involved in the proclamation of the Munich Soviet Republic in 1918 . He was arrested by the National Socialists on February 28, 1933 and killed by members of the SS guards in Oranienburg concentration camp on July 10, 1934, faking a suicide by hanging.
  • March 1935 (Columbiahaus concentration camp): Heinz Hoppe (* 1914), worker. Hoppe was arrested on March 14, 1935 at the Zoo train station in Berlin on suspicion of having acted as a stick boy and engaged in "unnatural fornication" with men. Hoppe was sent to the Columbia-Haus concentration camp and there - allegedly for insulting the guards and damaging his cell - held in shackles and finally locked in a dark cell. He was finally shot - allegedly in a fight between himself and the SS guards.
  • April 6, 1935 (Columbia-Haus concentration camp): Kurt Wirtz . Wirtz, who was allegedly homosexual, was shot in the Columbia-Haus concentration camp.
  • October 15, 1935 (Dachau concentration camp): Werner Abel (born April 6, 1902 in Kiel) journalist, businessman. Abel was hated by the Nazi leadership because he had repeatedly publicly accused Hitler of having accepted funds from foreign powers to finance the NSDAP in the 1920s and, in return, having taken the interests of the donors into consideration in his political line and propaganda. In June 1932 Abel was sentenced to three years in prison by the Munich District Court I for perjury. He was later transferred to the Dachau concentration camp and killed there by SS men Johann Kantschuster and Plank. His death was officially declared a suicide.
  • June 2, 1936 (in Dachau concentration camp): Karl Reineking (born November 5, 1903 in Oberg, Peine district), former SA storm leader and detective at the Secret State Police Office in Berlin. Reineking was arrested in early 1936 and sentenced on January 27, 1936 by the criminal chamber at the Berlin Regional Court to six months in prison for insult. Soon afterwards he was transferred to the Dachau concentration camp. Shortly before the end of his imprisonment, he was killed there as an unpopular carrier of secrets. The background was probably knowledge of delicate processes in connection with the fire in the Reichstag on February 28, 1933. Officially, suicide by hanging was given as the cause of death.
  • August 29, 1937 (in the Dachau concentration camp): Hans Kobelinski (born June 2, 1900 in Eisenach) lawyer, former member of the security service of the SS (SD) and SS standard leader, from 1933 to 1934 head of the SD upper section east in Berlin. In 1934 Kobelinski was accused of infidelity by Heinrich Himmler , removed from his post and demoted to a simple SS man. In 1936 he was expelled from the SS for homosexual offenses and arrested. He was killed as an unpopular bearer of secrets in the Dachau concentration camp. Officially, he died by suicide.
  • March 17, 1938 (in Dachau concentration camp): Otto Thielemann (born January 12, 1891 in Braunschweig) politician (SPD) and newspaper editor. Thielmann was a member of the Braunschweig state parliament in the 1920s. He was arrested in 1933, sentenced to three years imprisonment in 1934, deported to Dachau concentration camp in 1936 and murdered there on March 17, 1938.
  • May 30, 1938 (in Dachau concentration camp): Robert Hecht (born March 9, 1881 in Vienna) lawyer and civil servant. Hecht was a senior official in the Austrian government during the 1930s. After the German annexation of Austria in March 1938 he was arrested and taken to the Dachau concentration camp, where he died in May 1938.
  • August 1, 1938 (in Dachau concentration camp): Hans Karl Zeßner-Spitzenberg (born February 4, 1885) lawyer. As a Nazi opponent, Zeßner-Spitzenberg was arrested after the German annexation of Austria and transferred to the Dachau concentration camp in July. There he was forced to do heavy labor in harsh conditions. On July 31, 1938, after collapsing due to physical strain, he was taken to the infirmary, where he died on August 1, 1938.
  • September 5, 1938 (in Dachau concentration camp): Hans Prodinger (born November 14, 1887 in Villach, Carinthia) politician. Prodinger was a member of the Salzburg state parliament from 1919 to 1934. After the annexation of Austria by the German Reich in March 1938, Prodinger was arrested and taken to the Dachau concentration camp, where he died in September 1938.
  • October 16, 1938 (Dachau concentration camp): Hugo Sperber (born November 26, 1885 in Vienna) lawyer, Jew. Sperber was a left-wing attorney in Vienna. He was arrested after the German annexation of Austria and deported to the Dachau concentration camp on June 24, 1938, where he was killed in October 1938.
  • January 19, 1939: Hans Sylvester (born November 10, 1897 in Nickelsdorf) agricultural expert and politician. From 1934 to 1938 Sylvester was Governor of Burgenland. After the annexation of Austria by the German Reich in March 1938, Sylvester was arrested and sent to Dachau deported , where he died on 19 January 1939th

Victims of regular executions


  • July / August / September 1934: Stefan Kaptur , communist. Kaptur was accused of being involved in the shooting of SS man Adolf Höh on December 6, 1930 in Dortmund. A first criminal case against him was set around 1931. After 1933 the case was reopened: On December 7, 1933, Kaptur was found guilty of Höh's murder by the Hamm Higher Regional Court and sentenced to death. Kaptur, whose exact date of death cannot be found in the literature, was, along with Friedrich Rapior and Hans Voit, the first person to be executed with the guillotine in the "Lübecker Hof" prison in Dortmund.
  • August 30, 1934: Friedrich Rapior, painter, communist, accused of participating in an attack on the National Socialist Walter Ufer in Dortmund on June 24, 1932, who died of his injuries two weeks later, and of serious joint breach of the peace and joint murder. A first criminal case was dropped. After the trial was resumed, he was sentenced to death on March 7, 1934, together with Hans Voit, and executed with a hand ax on August 30, 1934 in the court prison in Dortmund.
  • August 30, 1934: Hans Voit, miner, communist, accused of participating in an attack on the National Socialist Walter Ufer in Dortmund on June 24, 1932, who died two weeks later of his injuries, and of jointly serious breach of the peace and joint murder. A first criminal case was dropped. After the trial was resumed, he was sentenced to death on March 7, 1934, together with Friedrich Rapior, and executed with a hand ax on August 30, 1934 in the court prison in Dortmund.
  • September 14, 1934: Franz Schidzig (* 1905/1906), driver, communist, in January or February 1933 on suspicion of being involved in an attack by communists on the SA-Heim AM Westbahnhof in Iserlohn on January 16, 1933 - in the the SA troop leader Hans Bernsau suffered several gunshot wounds in which he finally died - having been involved, arrested, on the basis of a confession - probably made under torture and later (in vain) revoked - that he had fired the fatal shots at Bernsau, from Hagen District Court sentenced to death in September 1933 and executed in Hagen on September 14, 1934. The judgment was overturned in 1958 as untenable.
  • September 29, 1934: Willi Johann Jaspers (born January 28, 1898 in Meldorf), seaman, communist, arrested in a street battle with the SA on February 28, 1933, by the special court at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court on September 25, 1934 for attempted murder and resistance Sentenced to death and executed with a hand ax in Hamburg's remand prison on Holstenglacis.
  • October 16, 1934: Kurt Voglemann (born October 26, 1913 in Neukölln), worker, for robbery murder, committed on December 10, 1933 against Ernestine Andryczewski, b. Klosowscki (born March 5, 1864 in Parchalin), his grandmother, sentenced to death and executed.
  • November 10, 1934: Josef Reitinger (* 1913), cook, communist, arrested on July 25, 1933 and taken to the wild concentration camp in the Frankfurt pearl factory. He was accused of participating in the shooting of SA man Hans Handwerk on June 4, 1932. Reitinger confessed to the crime after severe abuse; later he revoked the confession. He was sentenced to death for murder on September 25, 1933 and executed on November 10, 1934.


  • January 14, 1935: Kamal Syed (born September 18, 1900), Afghan, sentenced to death for the murder of the Afghan envoy in Berlin, Sardar Mohammed Aziz Khan , on June 6, 1933, and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 22, 1935: Paul Hahn, communist, sentenced to death for allegedly killing a member of the Stahlhelm on January 30, 1930, executed in the prison yard in Breslau.
  • February 18, 1935: Renate von Natzmer , sentenced to death by the People's Court for espionage in favor of the Polish secret service and executed with a hand ax in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • February 18, 1935: Benita von Falkenhayn , sentenced to death by the People's Court for espionage in favor of the Polish secret service and executed with a hand ax in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • February 23, 1935: Frieda Juchniewicz, b. Arnedt (born May 26, 1889 in Eichstädt), widow, because of the murder of Ida Krüger, b. Wedekind (born February 4, 1859 in Stuhm) on December 15, 1933 in Berlin, arrested, sentenced to death and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • April 10, 1935: Sally Epstein (born February 3, 1907 in Jastrow / West Prussia) painter, communist, sentenced to death for participating in the murder of Horst Wessel on April 10, 1935 and executed with a hand ax in Plötzensee prison.
  • April 10, 1935: Hans Ziegler (born June 15, 1901), hairdresser, communist, sentenced to death by the jury court in Berlin for his involvement in the murder of Horst Wessel on April 10, 1935 and executed by hand ax in Plötzensee prison.
  • May 16, 1935: Artur Orlowski (born December 13, 1912 in Brandenburg), Melker, because of robbery and murder committed in Päwesin on July 3, 1934 of the widow Johanna Fehrmann, born Hödler (born September 22, 1853 in Düben), sentenced to death and executed.
  • May 22, 1935: Max Matern (born January 19, 1902 in Berndshof), machine former, arrested on March 25, 1933 for participating in the shooting of two police officers in 1931, sentenced to death on June 19, 1934 and in prison Berlin-Plötzensee executed with a hand ax.
  • June 6, 1935: Fiete Schulze (born October 21, 1894 in Schiffbek) worker, communist, arrested on April 16, 1933 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death three times in March 1935 and beheaded with a hand ax in the Hamburg remand prison.
  • July 3, 1935: Egon Bresz (* 1906/1907), arrested for researching military secrets, sentenced to death by the People's Court on February 1, 1935 and executed.
  • July 3, 1935: Bruno Lindenau (* 1871/1872), arrested for espionage, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 29, 1934 and executed.
  • July 5, 1935: Karl Jänicke (born April 8, 1888 in Schönebeck), social democrat, member of the Reichsbanner, arrested on April 4, 1933 for the shooting of an SA man in a street battle in March 1933, sentenced to death and in the “Roter Ochse” prison “Executed in Halle.
  • July 12, 1935: Johannes Becker (* 1902 in Kassel), sentenced to death for shooting a policeman on June 12, 1931 and executed in the judicial prison in Kassel.
  • August 17, 1935: Conrad Emil Meller (born October 13, 1909 in Hamfelde, Stormarn district), sentenced to death and executed for murder, committed on January 30, 1935 in Vorder-Bollhagen on the nine-year-old Elli Kern.
  • August 27, 1935: Willy Gehrke (* 1911), executed with a hand ax for robbery and murder in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 27, 1935: Charlotte Jünemann, b. Meißner (born November 23, 1910 in Calbe), for murder through neglect, committed on her children Ingeborg (5 months), Wolfgang (2 years) and Bernhard (4 years), in the days from January 28 to February 3, 1935 , sentenced to death and executed with a hand ax in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison by executioner Carl Gröpler.
  • October 26, 1935: Peter Kolmen (* February 7, 1902 in Bietzen), Maria Steil (* 1898) murdered for murder on April 18, 1935 in Bietzen, sentenced to death and executed in Cologne.
  • December 17, 1935: Rudolf Claus (born September 29, 1893 in Gliesmarode near Braunschweig), lathe operator, arrested in June 1934 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death on July 25 and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.


  • February 25, 1936: Martin Keil (born March 26, 1911 in Annaberg, Saxony), for murder, committed on December 6, 1934 between Eichhardt and Buch monastery to Irma Keil, b. Zwinzscher (born February 24, 1913 in Krumbach), sentenced to death and executed.
  • June 4, 1936: Wladislaus Zelasny (* February 13, 1893 in Warsaw), sentenced to death for murder, committed on July 13, 1935 in Cantdorf of the worker Erna Lisbeth Mretzig (* February 4, 1911 in Alt-Odernitz), and executed in Cottbus.
  • July 4, 1936: Gotthilf Hasis (born May 27, 1916 in Mönsheim), unskilled worker, for murder and serious robbery, committed in Schwieberdingen near Ludwigsburg on October 11, 1935 to Wilhelmine Rothacker (born September 13, 1867 in Schwieberdingen), to death sentenced and executed.
  • August 13, 1936: Hans Giese (born July 25, 1904 in Bottrop), sentenced to death for kidnapping the twelve-year-old son of the Bonn merchant Hermann Hellings for extortionate child abduction and executed.
  • September 28, 1936: Helmut Kionka (born November 10, 1906 in Breslau), actor, arrested for working as a courier for anti-Nazi groups, sentenced to death for treason in May 1936 and executed in Berlin.
  • November 4, 1936: Etkar André (born January 17, 1894 in Aachen), communist functionary, arrested in March 1933, sentenced to death on July 10, 1936 and executed by beheading in Hamburg.
  • November 25, 1936: Wilhelm Hartenstein, trader (born August 10, 1890) from Minden , sentenced to death by the Bielefeld jury court on June 16, 1936 for murder, executed by hand ax in the courtyard of the Bielefeld court prison (executioner Carl Gröpler , Magdeburg).
  • November 27, 1936: Albert Rüdiger (* December 1, 1911 in Altwasser), coachman and worker, for murder and moral crimes, committed on August 25, 1935 in Berlin-Marienfelde to Erna Vogel (* May 6, 1923 in Schlottnig), for Sentenced to death and executed.
  • December 15, 1936: Werner Schußmann (born February 9, 1914), for murder committed on the night watchman Richard Helmbold (* 1874) in the yard of the Sangerhausen machine factory on December 31, 1935, executed in Nordhausen.


  • 1937: Kurt Zimmer (born December 7, 1909 in Berlin), building fitter, for murder and rape, committed in Berlin on May 25, 1936 to Berta Schepull, b. Kothe (born April 10, 1891 in Herwigsdorf), sentenced to death and executed.
  • January 8, 1937: Willi Schönwetter (* February 1, 1913 in Dauborn), groom, for murder, committed on December 25, 1935 in Dauborn near Limburg / Lahn to the domestic worker Erna Lang (* August 5, 1913 in Sindlingen), to Sentenced to death and executed in Freiendiez.
  • January 13, 1937: Friedrich Astforth (born July 13, 1911 in Woltersdorf near Luckenwalde), executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison for the murder of his wife Anna Astforth in Jüterbog on July 23, 1936.
  • February 13, 1937: Bruno Busse (born July 30, 1901 in Berlin), stone carrier, for murder committed on March 17, 1936 at Bertra Kraff, b. Tokarczewski (born October 31, 1887 in Lenks), sentenced to death and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 25, 1937: Erhard Kulicke (born July 10, 1911 in Gelsenkirchen), for murder, committed on July 26, 1936 in Wanne-Eickel on the pregnant Elvira Kulicke, b. Hadrian (born September 29, 1910 in Wanne-Eickel), sentenced to death and executed.
  • February 26, 1937: Hans Stollenwerk (born June 21, 1914 in Gelsenkirchen), salesman, committed murder on 25/26 April for robbery and murder. December 1936 in the forest of Hohenschöpping near Velten at the taxi driver Erich Hägenholtz (born April 8, 1905 in Berlin), sentenced to death and executed.
  • March 2, 1937: Willi Heinrich (born September 9, 1905 in Sagan), peddler, for lust murder and attempted rape, committed on October 30, 1936 in Breslau against six-year-old Irene Fuchs (dead) and eleven-year-old Irmgard Froß, sentenced to death and executed.
  • March 23, 1937: Andreas Szymanski (born November 10, 1913 in Poley, Luckau district), servant, for murder, committed on October 18, 1936 in Trebbus of the maid Anna Graefe (born March 21, 1918 in Buckowien, Luckau district) , sentenced to death by the Cottbus jury court on October 14, 1936 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • May 27, 1937: Erwin Schmidt (born February 8, 1908 in Gestewitz), servant, for murder, committed in Flößberg on November 28, 1935 on the farm worker Margarete Ludwig, b. Stuff (born September 3, 1897 in Frohburg), sentenced to death and executed in Leipzig (5 a.m.).
  • June 4, 1937: Helle Hirsch (born January 27, 1916 in Stuttgart), student, prepared an attack on the Nuremberg Nazi party rally grounds as a sympathizer of the Black Front , arrested on December 21, 1936, and on March 8, 1937 by the People's Court for "preparation of a treasonous company under aggravating circumstances "sentenced to death and executed by guillotine in the Plötzensee prison.
  • June 15, 1937: Robert Schöler, worker (born February 28, 1900), sentenced to death by the Bielefeld jury court on March 5, 1937 for murder, executed by hand ax in the courtyard of Hanover prison (executioner Carl Gröpler , Magdeburg).
  • July 8, 1937: Bruno Schröter , worker, communist, sentenced to death on February 29, 1936 for alleged involvement in the killing of SA storm host Heinrich Böwe in October 1931 for attempted and consummated murder on February 29, 1936 and after rejecting one Request for revision executed in Plötzensee prison.
  • July 8, 1937: Walter Schulz, worker, communist, sentenced to death on February 29, 1936 for alleged involvement in the killing of SA storm host Heinrich Böwe in October 1931 for attempted and committed murder on February 29, 1936, and after rejecting one Request for revision executed in Plötzensee prison.
  • July 8, 1937: Paul Zimmermann , (born September 6, 1895) worker, communist, on February 29, 1936 for alleged involvement in the killing of the SA storm host Heinrich Böwe in October 1931 for attempted and completed murder on February 29, 1936 Sentenced to death and executed in the Plötzensee prison after a petition for an appeal was rejected.
  • July 31, 1937: Reinhold Julius (born March 8, 1913 in Magdeburg), worker, arrested in 1935 for anti-Nazi activities, sentenced to death by the People's Court in the summer of 1937 for high treason and executed by beheading in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 23, 1937: Willi Roloff (born September 29, 1909 in Schievelbein), agricultural assistant, for robbery murders, committed on June 4, 1936 against the farmer Albert Lüdke (born October 12, 1903 in Kötzlin), on October 24, 1936 on the Merchant Christian Worreschk (born October 16, 1884 in Kaupe Castle) in Altranft near Bad Freienwalde, on December 4, 1936 at Gut Lindenhufen near Briese to the farm worker Wilhelm Kochan (born March 3, 1905 in Heinersbrück) and an unknown woman in Remlin in Mecklenburg, furthermore sentenced to death for attempted rape, burglary, theft, fraud, presumption of office and negligent arson and executed.
  • November 4, 1937: Adolf Rembte (* 1902), executed by beheading in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 4, 1937: Robert Stamm (born July 16, 1900 in Remscheid), politician, arrested on March 27, 1935, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 4, 1937 for preparation for high treason and executed by beheading in Berlin-Plötzensee prison .


  • January 22, 1938: Felix Bobek (born August 21, 1898 in Prague), physical chemist, arrested in May 1935 for working in the communist underground, sentenced to death and executed by beheading in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 22, 1938: Rudi Heubaum (born November 4, 1911 in Görlitz), butcher, for murder committed on July 24, 1937 at the Ziegelhof in Berlin-Spandau of the attendant Hedwig Klatt (born April 22, 1913 in Runowo), to death sentenced and executed.
  • March 4, 1938: Ewald Funke (born July 30, 1905 in Remscheid), businessman, arrested in May 1936 for working in the communist intelligence service and organizing resistance cells in armaments factories, sentenced to death on August 16, 1937 by the People's Court and sentenced to death on August 4, 1938 . Executed March 1938 in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • June 8, 1938: Anna Hebler, convicted of collective murder, committed on her husband on January 25, 1931, sentenced to death and executed.
  • June 8, 1938: Kurt Hebler (born March 27, 1910 in Straupitz), gardener, on charges of robbery, committed on July 27, 1937 to Elisabeth Lehmann, b. Lehmann, as well as collective murder, committed on January 25, 1931 on his father, sentenced to death and executed.
  • June 8, 1938: Erich Schmidchen (born August 30, 1910 in Cottbus), for robbery murder, committed on July 27, 1937 to Elisabeth Lehmann, b. Lehmann, sentenced to death and executed.
  • June 11, 1939: Karl Georg Genée, locksmith (born April 23, 1909), Walter Krause, locksmith (born May 12, 1910), both from Gelsenkirchen-Buer , sentenced to death by the Bielefeld jury court on October 1, 1937 for murder, executed with the guillotine at the execution site of the Wolfenbüttel prison (executioner Friedrich Hehr , Hanover).
  • June 20, 1938: Artur Göritz , arrested for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court in Stuttgart on June 12, 1937 for treason in unity with high treason and executed with the guillotine in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • June 20, 1938: Liselotte Herrmann (born June 23, 1909 in Berlin), chemist, arrested on December 7, 1935 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground (including collecting information on armaments projects), and on June 12, 1937 by the People's Court in Stuttgart Treason condemned to death in unity with high treason and executed with the guillotine in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • June 20, 1938: Stefan Lovasz (born November 6, 1901 in Zeltweg), model carpenter, arrested for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death on June 12, 1937 by the People's Court in Stuttgart for treason and high treason and in Berlin-Plötzensee executed with the guillotine.
  • June 20, 1938: Josef Steidle (born February 24, 1908 in St. Georgen), arrested for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death on June 12, 1937 by the People's Court in Stuttgart for treason and high treason and in Berlin-Plötzensee executed with the guillotine.
  • June 22, 1938: Robert Körnig (born January 1, 1901 in Meißen-Zscheila), casual worker, for fourfold murders and threefold rape - committed in Hamburg and Cuxhaven to Mrs. Schönfuß (attempted rape in 1925), Grete Seidel (shot at the sea dike in Cuxhaven and raped), Mrs. Hävecker (rape in the Wernerwald 1930), Toni Biermann (attempted rape 1935), Wilma Wulf (rape and strangulation 1935), Frau von Bargen (rape and strangulation 1936) and Grete Bange (rape and strangulation 1937) - by the jury in Stade sentenced to death and executed.
  • June 24, 1938: Heinrich Menz (born November 18, 1910 in Biberach), boatman, sentenced to death by the People's Court for treason and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • June 30, 1938: Max Götze (born January 3, 1891 in Koepenick) and Walter Götze (born November 14, 1902 in Oberschöneweide), a Berlin criminal duo specializing in car trap robbery, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • July 23, 1938: Fritz Imlau (born July 28, 1912 in Goldap), for robbery murder, committed on January 8, 1938 in Berlin to the grocer Marie Zenke, b. Angerich (born December 21, 1882 in Klein-Schwenkitten), sentenced to death and executed.
  • October 4, 1938: Marie Catherine Kneup , housewife, sentenced to death for espionage in favor of the French secret service in 1937 for “treason” and executed with the guillotine in the Plötzensee correctional facility.
  • October 4, 1938: Ludwig Maringer , businessman, sentenced to death for espionage in favor of the French secret service for "treason" and executed with the guillotine in the Plötzensee correctional facility.
  • October 4, 1938: Paul Polte (born April 21, 1909 in Rathenow), book auditor, on account of marriage fraud, insurance fraud and murder, committed on February 4, 1935 to the domestic worker Alma Garbe (born May 19, 1902 in Gewiesen) in Berlin-Hakenfelde , sentenced to death and executed.
  • November 26, 1938: Peter Zunker (born November 21, 1885 in Welschbillig near Trier), house servant for robbery and attempted rape, committed on November 3, 1938 in Glienicke to Johanna Meyer, nee. Bermann (born November 3, 1938), sentenced to death by the Berlin Special Court and executed.
  • December 21, 1938: Erich Boos (born April 26, 1918 in Eisenberg / Pfalz) had deserted as an SS guard and was detained in his home town of Eisenberg (Pfalz). On November 27, 1938, he shot and killed Alfred Linnebacher, chief sergeant in the gendarmerie. Shortly after midnight on December 8, 1938, Erich Boos was sentenced to death by the Kaiserslautern Special Court after a one-day trial. The presiding judge was Walther Stepp (1898–1972), who made a remarkable career as a lawyer in the NSDAP and SS. The execution of Boos took place in the remand prison in Stuttgart at 6:02 a.m. by air strangulation, probably by the executioner Johann Reichhart .


  • February 10, 1939: Walter Cornehl (born January 20, 1905 in Magdeburg), metal worker, for murder, committed on January 23, 1938 in Favoredt near Erfurt of the shoemaker Otto Ehrhardt, sentenced to death and executed in Weimar.
  • March 14, 1939: Peter Kasper (born March 17, 1907 in Krettnich near Wadern), miner, arrested on May 19, 1937 for anti-Nazi activity in a communist group, sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine in the Plötzensee prison.
  • May 10, 1939: Kurt Scherzinger (born December 30, 1918 in Groß-Rosseln), for murder, committed on November 20, 1938 of Lucie Plachta (born November 10, 1909 in Bismarckhütte), sentenced to death and imprisoned in Berlin- Plötzensee executed.
  • June 14, 1939: Herbert Michaelis (born September 3, 1898 in Hamburg), lawyer, communist, sentenced to death by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court in Hamburg on March 2, 1939 for oppositional activities against the Nazi regime and sentenced to death in Berlin prison -Plötzensee executed.
  • July 15, 1939: Friedrich Osthoff (born January 1, 1913 in Sölde), sentenced to death and executed on December 17, 1938 against the gendarmerie chief sergeant Wegner for serious thefts, escaping from the Wiesmoor prison and dangerous bodily harm.

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Michalka (ed.): The National Socialist seizure of power. Paderborn 1984, p. 207.
  2. Heinz Höhne: Mordsache Röhm: Hitler's breakthrough to sole rule, 1933–1934. Rowohlt, Reinbek near Hamburg 1984.
  3. ^ Database of the Volksbund War Graves Commission .
  4. ^ A b Irene Mayer von Götz: Terror in the center. P. 173.
  5. Ulrike Puvogel: Memorials for the Victims of National Socialism. A documentation. Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein. 1995, p. 521;
    Kurt Klotzbach: Against National Socialism: Resistance and persecution in Dortmund 1930-1945: A historical-political study. 1969, p. 40;
    Sarah Thieme: National Socialist Martyr Cult. 2017, p. 498.
  6. a b Entry on Walter Ufer. In: Marcus Weidner: The street naming practice in Westphalia and Lippe during National Socialism. Database of street names 1933–1945.
    Hans-Eckhard Niermann: Criminal Justice in the Third Reich. 1995, p. 666 f.
  7. Michael Schuh: Story as exciting as a thriller. In: Westfalenpost. October 27, 2013 ( );
    Sarah Thieme: National Socialist Martyr Cult. 2017, p. 495 ( digitized version ).
  8. Wolfgang Benz , Barbara Distel (ed.): The place of terror . History of the National Socialist Concentration Camps. Volume 2: Early camp, Dachau, Emsland camp. CH Beck, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-406-52962-3 , p. 99 ( ).
  9. Execution of a communist. In: Pariser Tageblatt. January 23, 1935 ( digitized).
  10. ^ Imre Lázár: The case of Horst Wessel. 1980, p. 189.
  11. Dagmar Schlünder: The Press of the Socialist Workers' Party of Germany in Exile: 1933-1939. 1981, p. 133.
  12. The Small Sheet. Vienna, August 28, 1935.
  13. Landesarchiv NRW, Department OWL, D 21 A No. 8469-8474.
  14. a b Landesarchiv Berlin: Central file for murderous matters ( Memento of the original from October 27, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 1.7 MB). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  15. Landesarchiv NRW, Department OWL, D 21 A No. 8553–8556.
  16. a b c Sauer: Rabauken. P. 349.
  17. ^ Landesarchiv NRW, OWL department, D 21 A No. 8557-8570.
  18. ^ Book of honor of the victims of Berlin-Plötzensee. 1974, p. 118.