List of works from the Library of the Church Fathers

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This is a list of works from the Library of the Church Fathers (BKV).


Alexander of Alexandria († 328)

Deposition of Arius
Circular letter (Epistula encyclica)

Ambrose of Milan (340–397)

On the death of his brother Satyrus (De excessu fratris Satyri)
About virginity (De virginitae)
About the widows (De viduis)
About repentance (De paenitentia)
About the mysteries (De mysteriis)
Funeral speech for Emperor Theodosius d. Size (De obitu Theodosii oratio)
About the virgins (De virginibus ad Marcellinam sororem libri tres)
Of the duties of the church servants (De Officiis)
Escape from the world (De fuga saeculi)
Death is a good (De bono mortis)
Lukas commentary (excluding the story of suffering)

Apocryphal literature

Oden of Solomon

Apologists, early Christians

Apologetikum (Apologeticum) Tertullian († around 220)
Apology Aristides v. Athens (2nd century)
On the Resurrection of the Dead (De Resurrectione) Athenagoras (2nd century)
Petition for the Christians (Apologia pro Christiana) Athenagoras (2nd century)
Letter to Diognet Diognet (2nd century?)
Speech to the confessors of Greece (Oratio ad Graecos) Tatian (2nd century)
Octavius ​​Minucius Felix (around 200)
To Autolycus (Ad Autolycum) Theophilus of Antioch († around 183)
Mocking the non-Christian philosophers (Gentilium philosophorum irrisio) Hermias the philosopher (around 200)
On the error of pagan religions (De errore profanarum religionum) Julius Firmicus Maternus (around 346)
First Apology Justin Martyr († around 165)
Second Apology Justin Martyr († around 165)

Apostolic Fathers

Barnabas letter Barnabas
The seven letters of Ignatius of Antioch Ignatius of Antioch
Second Letter from Clement to the Corinthians
The letter of Polycarp of Smyrna to the parish of Philippi
The Shepherd of Hermas Hermas
Didache or the apostolic church ordinances
First letter of Clement to the Corinthians Clement of Rome

Aristides v. Athens (2nd century)

Apology apologists, early Christians

Armenian fathers

Description of the life and death of St. Teacher's Mesrop Koriun (around 450)
Selected speeches from the Hatschachapatum
Talking and teaching for the benefit of the audience. Mesrope († 440)
Declaration of the Our Father Elische Wardapet († 480)
Homily on the raising of Lazarus Mambre Verzanogh (5th century)
Words of exhortation about the hermit Elish Wardapet († 480)
Against the heresies (De Deo) Eznik v. Kolb (5th century)
Speeches of (Catholicos) Johannes Mandakuni Johannes Mandakuni († 499)

Arnobius major (around 303-305)

Against the Gentiles (Adversus Nationes)

Athanasius (295-373)

Letter to the bishop and confessor Adelphius (Epistula ad Adelphium)
Letter to Brother Serapion. (Epistula ad Serapionem de morte Arii)
Letter to the philosopher Maximus (Epistula ad Maximum philosophum)
Letter to the Bishops in Africa (Epistula ad Afros episcopos)
Letter to the Hermits
Of St. Athanasius letter to Marcellinus on the explanation of the Psalms (Epistula ad Marcellinum)
Of St. Athanasius Explanation of the Psalms (Expositiones in Psalmos)
Tale of the escape of the Heil. Athanasius under the emperor Julianus, to the bishop Ammonius and others (Narratio Athanasii in Epistula Ammonis)
Circular letter to the bishops of Egypt and Libya (Epistula ad episcopos Aegypti et Libyae)
Treatise on the Synods at Rimini in Italy and on Seleucia in Isauria. (De synodis Arimini et Seleuciae in Isauria)
On the resolutions of the Synod of Nicea (De decretis Nicaenae synodi)
About the incarnation of the Logos and his bodily appearance among us (De incarnatione Verbi)
Letter to the hermit Amun. (Epistula ad Amun)
Letter to the Emperor Jovianus (Epistula ad Iovianum imperatorem)
Letter to the priest Palladius. (Epistula ad Palladium)
Letter to Rufinianus (Epistula ad Rufinianum)
Letter to the priests John and Antiochus. (Epistula ad Iohannem et Antiochum presbyteros)
Letter to Epictetus (Epistula ad Epictetum)
Letters of salvation Athanasius to Orsisius, Abbot of Tabenna (Epistulae ad Orsisium)
Of St. Athanasius protective writing to Emperor Constantius (Apologia ad Constantium)
A fragment from the thirty-ninth celebratory letter of Heil. Athanasius.
Against the Gentiles (Contra Gentes)
History of the Arians. (Historia Arianorum)
Justification because of his escape (Apologia de fuga sua)
Letter to the Antiochians (Tomus ad Antiochenos)
Four letters to Serapion v. Thmuis (Epistulae ad Serapion)
Four speeches against the Arians (Orationes contra Arianos)
Treatise on the words: "All things have been given to me by my father." (In illud: "Omnia mihi tradita sunt")
Of St. Athanasius protective script against the Arians (Apologia contra Arianos [seu Apologia secunda])
Circular letter from St. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria. (Epistula encyclica)
Defense of the doctrine of St. Dionysius of Alexandria. (De sententia Dionysii)
Our holy father Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria, letter to Dracontius (Epistula ad Dracontium)
Representation of Faith.
Life of St. Anthony (Vita Antonii)

Athenagoras (2nd century)

On the Resurrection of the Dead (De Resurrectione) Apologists, early Christians
Petition for the Christians (Apologia pro Christiana) apologists, early Christian

Augustine (354-430)

Fifteen Books on the Trinity (De Trinitate)
Four books on the Symbolum to the catechumens (Sermo de Symbolo; Book 2–4 is by Quodvultdeus)
Selected letters (first part)
Enchiridion or Book of Faith, Hope and Love (De fide, spe et caritate)
Four books on Christian teaching (De doctrina christiana)
From the first catechetical lesson (De catechizandis rudibus)
Of Faith and Works (De fide et operibus)
Lectures on the Gospel of John (Tractatus in Iohanni's Euangelium)
Twenty-two books on the God state



Barnabas Apostolic Fathers

Basil of Caesarea († 379)

Three preliminary ascetic teachings
55 detailed rules in questions and answers (Regulae fusius tractatae)
Homilies on the Hexaemeron (Homiliae in Hexaemeron)
Admonition to the Young on the Useful Use of Pagan Literature (Ad adolescentes)
Selected sermons
313 concise regulations (Regulae brevius tractatae)
Selected letters

Benedict (480-547?)

The Rule of St. Benedict (Regula Benedicti)

Boethius († 524/26?)

Consolation of philosophy

Bonifacius I. , Papa 418-422

Letters papal letters


Cassian († 430/35)

Seven books on the Incarnation of Christ (De incarnatione Domini contra Nestorium)
Twenty-four Conversations with the Fathers (Collationes patrum)
From the institutions of the monasteries (De institutis coenobiorum et de octo principalium vitiorum remediis)

Celestine I. , Papa 422-432

Letters papal letters

Chrysostom († 407)

Homilies on penance (De paenitentia homiliae)
First letter to Theodor (Ad Theodorum lapsum I)
Homilies on the statues (Ad populum Antiochenum homiliae I – XXI [De statuis])
Letters to Olympias and Pope Innocentius
From the virgin state (De virginitate)
About the priesthood (De sacerdotio libri I – VI)
Commentary on the Gospel of St. Matthew (In Matthaeum homiliae I – XC)
Homilies on the first letter to the Corinthians
Homilies on the Second Letter to the Corinthians
Commentary on the letters of St. Paul to the Galatians (In epistulam ad Galatas commentarius)
Commentary on the letters of St. Paul to the Ephesians (In epistulam ad Ephesios commentarius)
Commentary on the letters of St. Paul to the Romans (In epistula ad Romanos commentarius)
Homilies on the First Letter to Thessalonians
Homilies on the Second Letter to Thessalonians
Homilies on the first letter to Timothy
Homilies on the Epistle to Titus
Homilies on Epistle II to Timothy
Homilies on the letter to Philemon
Homilies on the Epistle to the Hebrews
Commentary on the letters of St. Paul to the Colossians (In epistulam ad Colossenses commentarius)
Commentary on the letters of St. Paul to the Philippians (In epistulam ad Philippenses)

Clement of Alexandria († before 215/16)

Paidagogos (Paedagogus)
Which rich man will be saved? (Quis dives salvetur?)
Exhortation to the Gentiles (Protrepticus)
Carpets (Stromateis).

Clement of Rome

First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthian Apostolic Fathers

Cyprian of Carthage († 258)

To Fortunatus (Ad Fortunatum, preface and guiding principles)
To Demetrianus (Ad Demetrianum)
To Donatus (Ad Donatum)
To Quirinus: Three books of written evidence (Testimoniorum libri tres ad Quirinum; preface and guiding principles)
On the Lord's Prayer (De dominica oratione)
On the unity of the Catholic Church (De catholicae ecclesiae unitate)
On the attitude of virgins (De habitu virginum)
About mortality (De mortalitate)
About jealousy and envy (De zelo et livore)
The statements of the 87 bishops about the necessity of heresy baptism (Sententiae episcoporum numero LXXXVII de haereticis baptizandis; Introduction and closing words by Cyprians)
On the blessing of patience (De bono patientiae)
About the Fallen (De lapsis)
On good works and alms (De opere et eleemosynis)
Life of Cäcilius Cyprianus by Deacon Pontius (Vita Caecilii Cypriani) Pontius Diaconus (around 260)

Cyril of Jerusalem († 387)

Catechesis to the baptized (Procatechesis et Catecheses ad illuminandos)
Mystagogical catechesis to the newly baptized (catecheses mystagogicae)

Cyrillus of Alexandria († 444)

About the Incarnation of the Native (De incarnarione unigeniti)
Against those who do not want to admit that the Blessed Virgin is the Mother of God [Old Version] (Adversus nolentes confiteri sanctam virginem esse Deiparam)
That Christ is one (Quod unus sit Christ)
On Right Belief in the Emperor (De recta fide ad imperatorem)
Three ecumenical letters
Declaration of the Nicene Creed
Against those who do not want to admit that the Holy Virgin is the Mother of God (Adversus nolentes confiteri sanctam virginem esse Deiparam)
Seven conversations about the holy and identical Trinity (De sancta Trinitate dialogi VII)


Diognet (2nd century?)

Letter to Diognet Apologists, Early Christians

Dionysius Areopagita , ps. (written before 476)

Writings on "Divine Names" (De divinis nominibus)
Heavenly Hierarchy (De caelesti hierarchia)
Church hierarchy (De ecclesiastica hierarchia)
About mystical theology (De mystica theologia)
10 letters (Epistulae): four letters to the monk Gaius, one letter to the deacon Dorotheus, one letter to the presbyter Sopater, one letter to Bishop Polycarp, one letter to the monk Demophilus, one letter to Bishop Titus, one letter to the Theologian Johannes


Elish Wardapet († 480)

Declaration of the Our Father Armenian Fathers
Words of Admonition on the Hermit Armenian Fathers

Ephrem the Elder Syrians († 373)

The Life of Saint Ephraem the Syrian (Vita)
Talk about the transfiguration of Christ
Four songs about Julian the Apostate
Selected Nisiben hymns (Carmina Nisibena)
Hymns against heresies (hymns against haereses)
Talk about the prophet Jonah and the repentance of the Ninevites. (Jonas 3: 2, 3.)
Talk about the raising of Lazarus (John 11, 43.)
Three speeches about faith
Speak over the text: "Let the sinner be taken away, that he may not see God's glory!" (Js. 26,10.)
Selected chants about the birth of our Savior.
Selected chants against the brooders about the secrets of faith
Explanation of the Gospel
Talk about the text: "Everything is vanity and spiritual plague!" (Ecclesiastes 1:14)
Talk about fear of God and judgment day
Samples of Catholic polemics from St. Ephrem speaks against the heretics.
Talk about the text: “Woe to us that we have sinned!” (Lament. 5:16.)
Selection of ascetic treatises on Christian virtue and perfection.

Epiphanius v. Salamis († 403)

Anakephalaiosis (excerpt from the Panarion)
The Anchored One (Ancoratus)
Against the antidicomarianites (Panarion Haer. 78.)

Eusebius of Caesarea († around 340)

Letter from Eusebius of Caesarea to his diocesans. (Epistula ad Ecclesiam Caesariensem)
About the martyrs in Palestine (De martyribus palaestinae).
Church history (Historia Ecclesiastica)
Four books on the life of Emperor Constantine and Emperor Constantine's Speech to the Assembly of Saints (Vita Constantini et Oratio ad coetum sanctorum)

Eznik v. Kolb (5th century)

Against the heresies (De Deo) Armenian fathers


Fulgentius von Ruspe (467-533)

Selected sermons
Fulgentius by Deacon Ferrandus of Carthage (Vita Fulgentii)
Faith in Peter (De fide ad Petrum)


Gerontius (written around 440)

The life of St. Melania (Vita Melaniae) Melania († 439)

Gregory the Illuminator

Beneficial speeches and teachings

Gregory the Great († 604)

Four books dialogues (Dialogi de vita et miraculis patrum Italicorum)
Selected letters from the Pope
Book of the Pastoral Rule (Liber regulae pastoralis)

Gregor v. Nazianz († 390)


Gregor v. Nyssa († 394)

Treatise on human equipment (De opificio hominis)
The Lord's Prayer
Biography of his sister Makrina (Vita Macrinae)
Eight homilies on the eight bliss
Selected speeches
Conversation with Makrina about soul and resurrection (Dialogus de anima et resurrectione)
Great Catechesis (Oratio catechetica magna)

Gregorius Thaumaturgus († 270–75)

Letters of church ordinances (Epistula canonica)
Eulogy of Origen (In Origenem oratio panegyrica)
Declaration of Faith (Symbolum)



The Shepherd of Hermas Apostolic Fathers

Hermias (around 200)

Mocking of the non-Christian philosophers (Gentilium philosophorum irrisio) apologists, early Christians

Jerome († 420)

To the presbyter Riparius
To the death of Fabiola; to Oceanus. (Epistula 77)
About Psalm 91
About Psalm 95
About the death of Paulina; to Pammachius (Epistula 66)
On the constant virginity of Mary (Adversus Helvidius de perpetua virginitate b. Mariae)
About Isaias VI, 1–7
The life of St. Widow Paula, hermit at Bethlehem (Epistula 108)
Against Vigilantius (Contra Vigilantium)
Homily on the Birth of the Lord
In memory of the widow Marcella, of the Virgin Principia. (Epistula 127)
Life and captivity of the monk Malchus (Vita Malchi)
Life of St. Hermit's Hilarion (Vita Hilarii)
Life of St. Paulus, the first hermit (Vita Pauli)
Dialogue against the Pelagians (Dialogi contra Pelagianos libri III)

Hilary of Poitiers († 367)

The letter to his daughter.
First letter from St. Hilary to Constantius Augustus.
Against the Arians, or against Auxentius of Milan
Morning song (Lucis largitor splendite)
Treatises on the Psalms.
Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew
Letter of St. Hilary against the Emperor Constantius
Second letter from St. Hilary to Constantius Augustus.
About the synods or about the faith of the Orientals.
Twelve Books on the Trinity (De Trinitate)

Hippolytus of Rome († around 235)

Canones (Canones Hippolyti) Church ordinances
The book on Christ and the Antichrist (De Christo et Antichristo)
Refutation of all heresies (Refutatio omnium haeresium)


Ignatius of Antioch

The seven letters of Ignatius of Antioch Apostolic Fathers

Innocentius , Papa 402-417

Letters papal letters

Irenäus († around 200)

Against the heresies (Contra Haereses)
Proof of the apostolic proclamation (Demonstratio apostolicae praedicationis)


Johannes Mandakuni († 499)

Speeches of (Catholicos) Johannes Mandakuni Armenian fathers

John of Damascus († 750)

Explanation of the Orthodox Faith (Expositio fidei)

Julius Firmicus Maternus (around 346)

On the error of pagan religions (De errore profanarum religionum) apologists, early Christians

Justin Martyr († around 165)

First apology apologists, early Christians
Dialogue with the Jew Trypho (Dialogus cum Tryphone)
Second apology apologists, early Christians


Church ordinances

Apostolic Constitutions and Canons (Constitutiones Apostolorum)
The Eighth Book of the Apostolic Constitutions Liturgies, Greek
Canones (Canones Hippolyti) Hippolytus of Rome († around 235)
Didache or the apostolic teaching Apostolic Fathers

Koriun (around 450)

Description of the life and death of St. Teacher's Mesrop Armenian Fathers


Lactant († after 317)

Excerpt from the divine instructions (Epitome divinarum institutionum).
God's creation (De opificio Dei)
The ways in which the persecutors died (De mortibus persecutorum)
From the wrath of God (De ira dei)

Leo the Great († 461)

All Sermons (Sermones)

Leo I. , Papa 440–461 (Leo the Great)

The (real) letters from J. 440-450 papal letters

Liturgies, Greek

The mass of the pre-sanctified elements
The Greek liturgy of St. Mark
The Eighth Book of the Apostolic Constitutions Church Orders
The Greek liturgy of St. James
Mass of the liturgical papyrus (saec. II)
The Greek basil liturgy
The Euchologium of Serapion
The Greek liturgy of Chrysostom


Makarius , ps./ Symeon of Mesopotamia (4th century)

Fifty spiritual homilies
Two letters

Mambre Verzanogh (5th century)

Homily on the raising of Lazarus Armenian fathers

Acts of martyrdom

Martyrdom of St. Polycarp
The Suffering of the Scilitan Martyr
Martyrdom of Saints Carpus, Papylus and Agathonike
Martyrdom of St. Apollonius
Martyrdom of St Justin and his comrades
The Acts of St. Perpetua and Felizitas
Selected acts of Persian martyrs
The proconsular acts of St. Cyprian
The acts of St. Pionius and his comrades

Monastic life, East Syriac

Useful stories etc. from monks of Bet 'Abe Monastery. Composed by St. Mar Thomas
Rules of the Monastery of Mar Abraham on the Izalâ

Melania († 439)

The life of Saint Melania (Vita Melaniae) Gerontius (written around 440)

Mesrope († 440)

Selected speeches from the Hatschachapatum
Talking and teaching for the benefit of the audience. Armenian fathers

Methodius of Olympus († 312)

Banquet or Virginity (Symposion seu convivium virginum)

Minucius Felix (around 200)

Octavius apologists, early Christian


Origen († 253/54)

On the Fundamental Doctrines of Faith Science (De principiis)
Exhortatio ad martyrium)
Against Celsus (Contra Celsum)
From prayer (de oratione)


Pachomius († 346/7)

Life of St. Pachomius (Vita Pachomii)

Palladius of Helenopolis († before 431)

Lives of the Fathers (Historia Lausiaca)

Papal letters

Selected letters from Gregory the Great († 604)
Real and fake papal letters 1 (42–309)
Real and spurious papal letters 2 (310–401)
The (real) letters from J. 440–450 Leo I., Papa 440–461 (Leo the Great)
Letters from Sixtus III, Papa 432-440
Letters from Innocentius, Papa 402-417
Letters of Zosimus, Papa 417-418
Letters from Bonifacius I, Papa 418-422
Letters from Celestine I, Papa 422-432

Petrus Chrysologus († 450)

Selected sermons

Pontius Diaconus (around 260)

Life of Cäcilius Cyprianus by Deacon Pontius (Vita Caecilii Cypriani) Cyprian of Carthage († 258)


Rufin of Aquileia (345–411 / 412)

Commentary on the Apostles' Creed (Expositio Symboli)


Salvianus of Massilia († after 480)

Timothy four books to the Church (Ad ecclesiam)
From the world government of God (De gubernatione Dei)

Sixtus III. , Papa 432-440

Letters papal letters

Sulpicius Severus (around 420)

Three letters (Epistulae; on St. Martinus)
Three dialogues (Dialogi; about St. Martinus)
Life of St. Martin, Bishop of Confessions, of Tours (Vita sancti Martini)

Synesios of Cyrene

Egyptian tales of Providence

Syrian poet

Selected writings of Isaac v. Antioch
Selected poems of the Balaeus
Selected poems by Jakob v. Batna in Sarug
All the poems of Cyrillonas


Tatian (2nd century)

Speech to the confessors of Greece (Oratio ad Graecos) apologists, early Christians

Tertullian († around 220)

About Honesty (De pudicitia)
To the martyrs (Ad martyras)
An Scapula (Ad Scapulam)
Apologetikum (Apologeticum) apologists, early Christian
Remedy for scorpion sting (Scorpiace)
About fasting, against the psychics (De ieiunio adversus psychicos)
About prayer (de oratione)
About the pallium or the philosopher's mantle (De pallio)
About idolatry (De Idololatria)
About the female plaster (De cultu feminarum)
On the call to chastity (De exhortatione castitatis)
About the buses (De paenitentia)
About single marriage (De monogamia)
About patience (De patientia)
About the spectacles (De spectaculis)
About baptism (De baptismo)
The testimony of the soul (De testimonio animae)
The two books to his wife (Ad uxorem)
Against the Jews (Adversus Iudaeos)
From the soldier's wreath (De corona militis)
About monogamy. (De monogamia)
The defense of the heretics (De praescriptione haereticorum)
Against Hermogenes. (Adversus Hermogenes)
About the soul. (De anima)
About the veiling of the virgins. (De virginibus velandis)
About fleeing in pursuit. (De fuga in persecutione)
The five books against Marcion. (Adversus Marcionem)
About the resurrection of the flesh. (De resurrectione carnis)
Against the Valentinians. (Adversus Valentinianos)
Against Praxeas. (Adversus Praxeas)
About the body of Christ. (De carne Christi)

Theodoret of Cyrus († 466)

Church history (Historia ecclesiastica)
History of monks (Historia Religiosa)

Theophilus of Antioch († around 183)

To Autolykus (Ad Autolycum) apologists, early Christians

Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274)

Sum of theology


Vincent v. Lerin († before 450)



Zeno of Verona (around 370)

Tracts (sermons and speeches)

Zosimos (around 500)

New history (Historia nea)

Zosimus , Papa 417-418

Letters papal letters

Individual evidence

  1. accessed on June 3, 2017

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