Lithium triborate

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Crystal structure
Crystal structure of lithium triborate
__ Li +      __ B 3+      __ O 2−
Crystal system


Space group

Pna 2 1 (No. 33)Template: room group / 33

Lattice parameters

a  = 8.444  Å , b  = 7.378 Å, c  = 5.146 Å

Surname Lithium triborate
other names
  • LBO
  • Lithium tecto triborate
Ratio formula LiB 3 O 5
External identifiers / databases
CAS number 12007-41-9
PubChem 23716905
Wikidata Q410487
Molar mass 119.37 g mol −1
Physical state



2.47 g cm −3

Melting point

834 ° C

Refractive index

n x = 1.578, n y = 1.607, n z = 1.621 (532 nm)

safety instructions
GHS hazard labeling
no classification available
As far as possible and customary, SI units are used. Unless otherwise noted, the data given apply to standard conditions . Refractive index: Na-D line , 20 ° C

Lithium triborate (LBO) is a colorless and transparent, crystalline solid . It is an inorganic compound with the molecular formula LiB 3 O 5 , specifically a lithium - salt of boric acid and thus belongs to the substance group of borates . It is used in non-linear optics for frequency doubling of lasers, such as Nd: YAG or Sa: Ti employed.


Lithium triborate crystallizes in the orthorhombic crystal system in the space group Pna 2 1 (space group no. 33) or the crystal class mm2 with the lattice parameters a  = 8.444  Å , b  = 7.378 Å and c  = 5.146 Å. The crystal structure consists of a network of trigonal-planar BO 3 and tetrahedral BO 4 groups. The Li + ions are located in the channels of this network . The material is transparent in the wavelength range from 160 to 2600  nanometers (nm) and is therefore also suitable for applications in the ultraviolet range of the electromagnetic spectrum . Template: room group / 33

Individual evidence

  1. a b c data sheet (red optronics) .
  2. This substance has either not yet been classified with regard to its hazardousness or a reliable and citable source has not yet been found.
  3. Yu.F. Shepelev, RS Bubnova, SK Filatov, NA SenNova, NA Pilneva: LiB 3 O 5 crystal structure at 20, 227 and 377 ° C . In: Journal of Solid State Chemistry . tape 178 , no. 25 . Elsevier , October 2005, p. 2987–2997 , doi : 10.1016 / j.jssc.2005.06.017 .