Liviu Rebreanu

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Stamp issue for the 100th birthday of Rebreanu (Romania 1985)

Liviu Rebreanu (born November 27, 1885 in Târlişua , northern Transylvania , Austria-Hungary (today: Bistrița-Năsăud district ); died September 1, 1944 in Valea Mare near Piteşti ) was a Romanian writer , playwright and journalist .


Liviu Rebreanu was one of thirteen children of a Romanian village school teacher. He spent his childhood in Maieru . In Bistrița he attended the German grammar school. During the First World War he was a soldier in the Hungarian army. His brother Emil, who was also drafted, was executed as a deserter and spy.

Rebreanu was, among other things, director of the Bucharest National Theater in the 1940s. Rebreanu took part in the National Socialist Weimar Poets' Meeting in 1941 and received the Order of Merit from the German Eagle with a Star .


  • Ion (1920), German dowry . Verlag Volk und Welt , Berlin 1969
  • Pădurea spânzuraților (1922), German The forest of the hanged , from Romanian by Valentin Lupescu. Volk und Welt publishing house, Berlin 1966
  • Adam și Eva (1925)
  • Ciuleandra (1927); German: Madeleine . Cluj Napoca: Dacia, 1975
  • Crăișorul (1929)
  • Răscoala (1932), German: The uprising . Wiener Verlagsgesellschaft, Vienna 1942; Volk und Welt publishing house, Berlin 1962
  • Jar (1934)
  • Gorila (1938)
  • Amândoi (1940)


  • Alexandru Piru - Liviu Rebreanu youth publ. (1968)

Web links

Commons : Liviu_Rebreanu  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Hans-Peter Kunisch: The emptiness of the hills, the signs of violence . Review, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, February 7, 2019, p. 14