Ljubomir Berberović

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Ljubomir Berberović (born July 10, 1933 in Sarajevo ; † February 12, 2019 there ) was a Yugoslav or Bosnian geneticist .


He studied biology at the Universities of Ljubljana and Sarajevo , and received his doctorate in Sarajevo in 1964 with a thesis on the microevolution of the diverticulum snail on the central Adriatic coast . At the University of Sarajevo he taught first as a lecturer, from 1970 as associate professor and from 1975 as full professor; from 1985 to 1988 he was rector of the university.

He became a corresponding member in 1978 and a full member in 1984 of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia-Herzegovina . Since 2006 he has been a corresponding member of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts .

He was vice-president of the Srpsko građansko vijeća (Serbian Citizens' Council), which was awarded the Right Livelihood Award in 1995.


The focus of research by Ljubomir Berberović was

Works (selection)

  • with Rihat Hadžiselimović: Rječnik genetike (Dictionary of Genetics), 1976. (2nd edition. 1986, ISBN 86-01-00723-6 ).
  • with Rihat Hadžiselimović and Ismet Dizdarević : Medicinska antropologija. Za I razred zdravstvene struke (Medical anthropology. For the 1st class of health professions), 1986. (4th edition. 1991, ISBN 86-01-02903-5 ).
  • Nauka i svijet (Science and the World), 1997.
  • Bioantropologija (bioanthropology), 1999, ISBN 9958-9485-7-5 .
  • with Bojan Šošić and Amira Redžić: Vrijeme genetike (Time of Genetics), 2007, ISBN 978-9958-631-42-9 .

for a detailed list of his works see the bibliography članova odjeljenja prirodnih i matematičkih nauka Akademije Nauka i Umjetnosti BiH , 2012, pp. 11–22.


Web links

  • Curriculum vitae on the homepage of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia-Herzegovina (English, with picture and list of publications)
  • Obituary of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia-Herzegovina, on the homepage of the University of Sarajevo (English)

Individual evidence

  1. List of full members of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia-Herzegovina  ( page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.anubih.ba
  2. ^ List of members of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts ( Memento from July 22, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  3. articles.latimes.com
  4. ^ The Right Livelihood Award for outstanding vision and work on behalf of our planet and people. ( Memento from November 30, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  5. arhiva.glas-javnosti.rs
  6. Obituary of the Academy, s. O.