Lomatium canbyi

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Lomatium canbyi
Lomatium canbyi

Lomatium canbyi

Class : Bedecktsamer (Magnoliopsida)
Order : Umbelliferae (Apiales)
Family : Umbelliferae (Apiaceae)
Subfamily : Apioideae
Genre : Lomatium
Type : Lomatium canbyi
Scientific name
Lomatium canbyi
JMCoult. & Rose

Lomatium canbyi is a species of the genus Lomatium within the umbelliferae family(Apiaceae). It isnative tothe Pacific Northwest of the United States and Northeast California , where it becomes English Canby's biscuitroot ; lúukš in Sahaptin ; Called qeqíit in Nez Percé .


Double-gold inflorescence on an inflorescence stem

Vegetative characteristics

Lomatium canbyi is a perennial herbaceous plant with heights of up to 25 centimeters. Only basal leaves are formed. The leaves are up to 15 centimeters long and pinnate several times.

Generative characteristics

On an inflorescence stem there is a dense double-ended inflorescence with whitish flowers.


Lomatium canbyi grows in sagebrush -bedeckten habitats of plateaus and barren plains.


The Klamath and Modoc Indians used the roots as food.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Frederick V. Coville: Notes On The Plants Used By The Klamath Indians Of Oregon . In: Contributions from the US National Herbarium . 5, No. 2, 1897.
  2. ^ Verne Frederick Ray: Primitive Pragmatists: The Modoc Indians of Northern California . University of Washington Press, Seattle 1963, ISBN 0295738936 , p. 198, OCLC 419082 .

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