Lothar Franz Marx

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Lothar Franz Melchior Philipp Marx (also Franz Marx ; born November 19, 1764 in Mainz , † October 22, 1831 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German Roman Catholic theologian .


Marx graduated from high school in Regensburg and was appointed canon at the Liebfrauenkirche in Frankfurt by the Elector of Mainz Friedrich Karl Joseph von Erthal in 1781 . He completed his studies in philosophy at the University of Mainz before he went to Rome to study theology at the Collegium Germanicum . He was ordained a priest on December 22nd, 1787. In the following year he was promoted to Dr. phil. as well as Dr. theol. PhD .

Marx came to Frankfurt in 1788 and took up his canonical at the Liebfrauenstift. He was elected scholaster in 1794 and held the office until the monastery was secularized on October 17, 1802. After that he was church director of the Liebfrauenkirche until his death. At the same time, he was in charge of the city's Catholic poor system and had been a member of the special school commission for the Catholic schools in Frankfurt since 1808.

Works (selection)

  • Propositiones dogmatico-polemicae ex universa theologia. Rome 1787.
  • Familiar letters from two Catholics about the indulgence dispute by Dr. Martin Luther's against Dr. Joh. Tetzel. Andreä, Frankfurt am Main 1817.
  • Instructions for children who are learning St. Altar sacrament received. , Andreä, Frankfurt am Main 1818.
  • Catholic prayer book for soulful children of God Andreä, Frankfurt am Main 1820.
  • Are the regulations of the Roman Catholic Church in view of the prohibition that St. Reading scriptures in the local language, with good reason to name annoying papal ordinances? , Andreä, Frankfurt am Main 1820.
  • Catholic prayer book for adult Christians. Andreä, Frankfurt am Main 1822.
  • A Dozen Brief Life Stories of St. Citizens, traders and landlords. Andreä, Frankfurt am Main 1822.
  • Catholic prayer book for godly servants. Andreä, Frankfurt am Main 1823.
  • Delectus precationum piarum pro devotione privata juvent. litterar. studiosae. Andreae, Frankfurt am Main 1824.
  • Brief life stories of holy penitents. Andreä, Frankfurt am Main 1826.
  • Life stories of St. Spouses and families. Andreä, Frankfurt am Main 1827.
  • Brief life story of St. Artists and craftsmen. Andreä, Frankfurt am Main 1829.


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