Lothar Zumbach von Koesfeld

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Lothar Zumbach von Koesfeld (often also Lotharius ; born August 27, 1661 in Trier , † July 29, 1727 in Kassel ) was a German mathematician , astronomer and musician .


Zumbach von Koesfeld was the son of a high military man. He attended the Jesuit grammar school in Trier , went to the Jesuit college of Luxembourg in 1674 , and returned to Trier in 1678 to complete his philosophical studies. He then went to Cologne , where he continued studying under the Jesuits, before enrolling at the University of Cologne . There he devoted himself mainly to the study of medicine , but also to the study of mathematics and music. His musical abilities caught the attention of the Elector and Archbishop of Cologne Maximilian Heinrich . In 1685 he appointed him elector musician and mathematician. He worked in this position until 1688.

Zumbach von Koesfeld moved to Leiden in 1688. There he continued his medical studies at the University of Leiden continued and was in 1692 for Dr. med. PhD . He also gave medical and astronomical lectures in Leiden. In 1708 he followed a call from Landgrave Karl von Hessen-Kassel as a full professor of mathematics at the Collegium Carolinum in Kassel, where he was also able to dispose of the observatory there. In addition, he was given the supervision of the Princely Art Chamber.

The Prussian Academy of Sciences accepted him as a member on September 12, 1714.

Works (selection)

  • Florae Lugduno-Batavae flores , Leiden 1690.
  • De sudore et sudoriferio , Leiden 1690.
  • Praxis astornomiae utriusque ut et Geographiae exertica per usum globi coelestis et terrestris , Amsterdam 1700.
  • Vindiciae Mathematum , Kassel 1719.
  • Thorough and cumbersome report of the origin, nature and cause of the disputes about the true time of Easter. Kassel 1723.
  • Instrumentum novum seu horologium autobarum ad longitudines inveniendas inventum , Leiden 1749.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Member entry Zumbach von Koesfeld on bbaw.de (accessed on June 3, 2019).