Louis font

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Louis baptismal font (* 3. February 1870 in Vienna , † 20th September 1942 in the Theresienstadt concentration camp ) was an Austrian writer , librettist and cabaret and lyrics author . For a joint work with Alexander M. Kolloden he used the pseudonym Alexander Ludwig, which consists of the two first names . (The pseudonym Alexander Kolloden, which is often assigned to him, is an error that has been passed on for years).

For numerous couplet singers , comedians and cabaret artists, Taufstein wrote variety comedies, operetta libretti, texts for revues, cabaret texts, song texts, couplets, solo scenes and plays.


Louis Taufstein graduated from high school, business school and drama school in Vienna.

From 1899 to 1916 Taufstein was one of the in-house authors of the Budapest Orpheum Society, alongside Adolf Glinger , Otto Taussig and Josef Armin . There he wrote numerous antics and solo scenes for the comedian Heinrich Eisenbach . He also wrote the first songs in the Budapest Orpheum Society for the humorist and grotesque comedian Armin Berg , who later became the most prominent interpreter of “Taufstein” couplet art. He later wrote a large part of Armin Berg's repertoire.

Many comedians and cabaret artists used texts by Louis Taufstein, including Josef Fleischmann , Hugo Mödlinger , Max Rott , Géza Steinhardt . During this time he lived in Vienna, in the IX. District in Berggasse 39. His variety comedies and operettas were very successful and were also performed on the big stages in Vienna, Berlin, Leipzig and Dresden. In the 1920s Taufstein lived in Berlin, Berlin-Friedenau, Kaiserallee 137 and wrote a. a. the texts for some revues by Rudolf Nelson and wrote some film scripts.

As Alexander Ludwig, Taufstein and Alexander Kolloden published a number of plays that were performed in the Jubilee Theater in Vienna .

Louis Taufstein was last registered in Vienna- Innere Stadt , Sterngasse 11 / 12a (previously in Leopoldstadt , Praterstrasse 25) on November 30, 1940 , from where he was deported to Theresienstadt on August 13, 1942. On August 14, 1942, he arrived in Theresienstadt as number 239 out of 1,000 people in the same transport and died there on September 20, 1942.


Operettas and Revues

  • Little brother and sister (n.d.)
  • Das Marktkind (1903, Vienna) (with H. Blau), music: A. Stoll
  • Noble guests (1903, Vienna), music: A. Stoll
  • Die Bonbonniere (1905, Vienna) (with JS Donenbaum), music: B. Singer
  • Der Rosenjüngling (1906, Vienna) (with JS Donenbaum), music: H. Kobler
  • Das Schwalberl from the Vienna Woods (1906, Vienna) (with E. Berger), music: F. Sommer (based on melodies by J. Strauss)
  • Das Teufelsmädel (1908, Vienna), music: Siebert
  • The Lady of the Moulin-Rouge (1910, Berlin), music: Martin Knopf
  • Décolleté und Cie (1911, Vienna), music: E. Urban
  • In a sleeping coupé (1911, Berlin), music by Martin Knopf
  • The Bajadere (1912, Dresden), music: E. Urban
  • The dress of Arabella (1912, Vienna), music: S. Schulz
  • The fear of marriage (1913, Frankfurt / Oder), music: Reznicek
  • The Little Motte (1914, Königsberg), music: Martin Knopf
  • The red villa (1916, Cologne), music: E. Claasen
  • The beautiful comedian (1916, Berlin) (with Eugen Burg), music: Leo Ascher
  • Little Brother and Little Sister (1917, Vienna), music: K. Stigler
  • The fidele violinist (1919, Vienna), music by Edmund Eysler
  • Hazard (1919, Vienna), music: Leopold Reichwein
  • Helen's husbands (1919, Brandenburg), music: Martin Knopf
  • My wife, your wife (1919, Brandenburg), music: T. Halton
  • The red cat (1923, Berlin) (with Eugen Burg), music: Karl Hajos


  • Pinkas et Comp. (1899, Vienna), Posse
  • Chrisis or How to tie women up (1900), Posse
  • The doctor! (1900), farce with singing
  • The mysterious button (1901), Posse
  • Hoffmann's Erzählungen (1901), Posse
  • Mamsell Trenderl (1901), Posse
  • Othello in tailcoat (1901), posse
  • Venus de Milo (1902), Posse
  • The Chaste Joseph (1906), Schwank
  • His favorite (1906), life picture in one act after Maupassant
  • Lysistrata (1907), parodic comedy
  • The red Paraplui (1907), life picture
  • Kobi Krach on the Honeymoon (1913), Posse
  • My brother the rascal (1913), posse
  • Volunteers before (1914, Leipzig), folk piece, music: Victor Hollaender
  • Robinson Crusoe (under the pseud. Alexander Ludwig), music: Carl Josef Fromm
  • Pariser Luft (1912, Königsberg) (vocal texts), musical swing by Alexander Engel and Julius Horst , music: Martin Knopf
  • Der Zaungast (1915, Berlin), Posse (with H. Gaus), music: K. Schmalstich
  • Off to Liebich (1916, Breslau), equipment piece (with Eugen Burg ), music: K. Waechhaus
  • Countess Paprika (1916, Breslau), Schwank (with O. Härting), music: Adolf Wohlauer
  • Excellent Max (1918, Berlin), musical swing (with J. Bischnitzky), music: Rosenthal
  • Bubi (no year, Vienna), comedy
  • Nocturnal joys (no year, Vienna), comedy

Songs and couplets

  • Chinese duet. (1900)
  • The wedding day. (1901)
  • The kosher jour. (1901), Humorous Quodlibet
  • The Kraus. (1899)
  • The man for everything. (1900)
  • The unfaithful Theodor. (1909)
  • The waltz king. (1913)
  • The little nose. Music: Leonhard
  • The little devils. Music: Leonhard
  • E few blown eggs! (1901)
  • Friedel with the fiddle. (1907)
  • Money. (1901)
  • The trip to Paris (1900), Quodlibet
  • A decent woman. Music: Leonhard
  • Happy hours. Music: Walter Kollo
  • In the Roman bath. (1900)
  • I think I'm not completely normal.
  • Lex Heinze refused. (1900)
  • Do not kiss. Music: Leonhard
  • O these lodgers! (1901)
  • O Fanny. (1913)
  • Shouldn't that annoy you? (1907)
  • Should I live like that, I want to give it cheaper. (1900)
  • And if so, what is that to me? (1913)
  • From walking. Music: Leonhard
  • What the 19th century brought. (1901)
  • What they all like to have. (1912)
  • If a miss ...
  • Because it was dark.


  • The Radomsk Castle Lady (1915)
  • The black Moritz (1915), director: Georg Jacoby , music: Martin Knopf , with: Ernst Lubitsch , Projektions AG "Union" Berlin
  • Everything out of favor (1916), directed by Eugen Burg , Lux-Film, Berlin
  • He is married (1920), directed by Eugen Burg, Treumann-Larrsen Film, Berlin
  • The Uncle from Sumatra (1930), directed by Julius von Szöreghy

Other texts

  • Adventure in the forest , poem
  • The dirigible airship. (1906), solo scene
  • The bullfighter. (1899), solo scene
  • The motorist. (1900), solo scene
  • The valet. (1913), solo scene
  • The lion tamer. (1901), solo scene
  • The traveler. (1901), solo scene
  • The tourist. (1902), solo scene
  • The chansonettes Mama. (1907), solo scene
  • The Loreley. (1901), song and prose
  • The men. (1899), couplet and prose
  • An old hunter. (1905), solo scene
  • One from the fire department. (1902), solo scene
  • One of the guard and lock company. (1905), solo scene
  • Before and now. (1899), song and prose
  • Your silent admirer. (1912), A scene
  • Jentl. (1901), parody
  • Moritz Kohn on the phone. (1913), solo scene
  • Thome Ronz the Salon Tyrolean. (1907), solo scene


  • F. Hadamowsky, H. Otte: The Vienna Operetta. Your theater and impact history. 1947
  • Jewish Committee for Theresienstadt (ed.): Totenbuch Theresienstadt, deportees from Austria . Vienna no year
  • Hermann Kosel: German-Austrian artist and writer lexicon , Vol. 1: Biographies of Viennese artists and writers, Vienna 1902–1906.
  • Karl Kraus: The Torch , 136/20
  • Karl Kraus: The torch , 160/12
  • Magistrate of the City of Vienna: Theater History Year and Address Book 1928
  • Georg Wacks: The Budapest Orpheum Society. A vaudeville theater in Vienna 1889–1919. Foreword by Gerhard Bronner. Verlag Holzhausen, Vienna 2002,

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Kraus : Another obituary . In: The torch . No. 160 . Vienna, S. 12 ( oeaw.ac.at ).