Luca Antonio Colomba

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Luca Antonio Colomba; Engraving by Johann Rudolph Schellenberg , 1774.
Eberhard Ludwig paints a putto - painting by Luca Antonio Colomba in Ludwigsburg Palace, 1711

Luca Antonio Colomba (also Luca Antonio Colombo ) (born November 19, 1674 in Arogno ; † December 22, 1737 ibid) was a Swiss painter .


Luca Antonio Colombo from Arogno was the son of Giovanni Battista Colombo, who may also have been his teacher; one of his sons also bore this name. One of his pupils was his nephew Giovanni Battista Innocenzo Colombo . Luca Antonio Colomba was court painter to Duke Eberhard Ludwig von Württemberg in Ludwigsburg from 1715 to 1717 , where he painted frescoes in the Ludwigsburg residence . He also worked in Frankfurt am Main for the Palais Thurn und Taxis and for the painting of the ceiling paintings of the minster of the Deutschhof in Heilbronn (1721).


He worked for a while in the service of Prince Eugene of Savoy in Vienna, Pest and Prague, then came to Württemberg, where he worked for Duke Eberhard for 24 years. From his works in Württemberg there were the following:

  • Sacred architecture:
    • 1721 Ceiling paintings in the Deutschhauskirche in Heilbronn: Since the minster of the Deutschhof zu Heilbronn, formerly not only a Marienkirche, but also a Holy Cross church of the Teutonic Knights, there was a group of frescoes for each of the two domed vaults in the minster.
      • One group was dedicated to Marian devotion. The group consisted of a large, round central image, with the theme of the Assumption of the Virgin , and the following four medallion images surrounding the central image:
        • Annunciation to Mary with the inscription: ecce ancilla Domini (see I am the handmaid of the Lord)
        • The birth of Christ with the words: Gloria in excelsis Deo (Glory to God on high)
        • Christ in the temple with the inscription: quaeretis me et non invenietis (you will look for me but not find me)
        • the St. Spirit that floats down on Mary with the words: sapientia aedificavit sibi domum (wisdom has built a house for itself)
      • The middle picture of the second group showed the veneration and triumph of the cross . The medallion pictures surrounding them showed:
        • Moses in front of the snake on the staff with the words: Non est in alio salus (In no other is salvation)
        • David and Goliath with the inscription: Omnis armatura fortium (The whole armed forces of the strong)
        • Cross with 5 wounds with the words: Pacificans per sanguinem crucis (he made peace through his blood on the cross)
        • St. Helena finds the cross with the inscription: Causa salutis nostrae (cause of our salvation)
    • various ceiling frescoes in the Cistercian church in Schöntal.
    • in the castle chapel of Ettlingen the fresco: History of St. Nepomuk .
    • Frescoes in the nuns church in Frauenalb.
    • Frescoes in the castle church of Ludwigsburg.
    • Ceiling fresco in Fulda Cathedral. Columba as the painter of the four depictions of the Evangelists in the spandrels of the crossing dome.
  • Profane architecture:
    • Ludwigsburg Residence: 1710/1712 Frescoes: Homage from Württemberg to the emperor, Apollo with the muses, fall of the titans, cupids, putti bacchanal .
    • In Schloss Biebrich in Wiesbaden various frescoes.
    • In the pleasure palace Favorite in Mainz , he continued to work for the princes of Schwarzenberg and Lichtenstein.
    • 1735–1737 he was employed in the Palais Thurn und Taxis in Frankfurt am Main : 1736 Der Olymp

In his hometown Colomba painted frescoes in the parish church as well as in the neighboring church of Val Mara


  • Luca Antonio Colomba . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 20, Saur, Munich a. a. 1998, ISBN 3-598-22760-4 , p. 374.
  • Hans-Christoph Dittscheid, Reinhard Schneider: A pantheon on the Rhine. On the work of Maximilian von Welsch, Luca Antonio Colomba and Friedrich Joachim Stengel at the Biebrich Castle. Festschrift for Fritz Arens on his 70th birthday. Special print from art and culture on the Middle Rhine. Werner'sche Verlagsgesellschaft, Worms 1982.
  • Zsuzsanna Dobos: L'attività di Luca Antonio Colomba in Ungheria. In: Arte Lombarda , No. 121, Cesano Maderno 1997, pp. 78-90.
  • Pastor Albert Laub: The Heilbronn Teutonic Order Church through the centuries. Self-published by the Catholic parish office of St. Peter and Paul, Heilbronn 1952.
  • Lucia Pedrini Stanga: I Colomba di Arogno: ristampa con schede complementari su Giovan Battista, Luca Antonio e Giovanni Battista Innocenzo Colomba e aggiornamento della bibliografia. Volume 1 of Artisti dei laghi. Itinerari europei. Fidia edizioni d'arte, Lugano 1994, pp. 153–187, (with bibliography and catalog raisonné ), ISBN 88-7269-062-5 .
  • Lucia Pedrini Stanga: Luca Antonio Colomba. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . January 13, 2004 , accessed May 15, 2020 .

Web links

Commons : Luca Antonio Colomba  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Artisti Italiani Austria, under the name Colomba, Luca Antonio
  2. ^ Colombo (Colomba, Columba), Luca Antonio . In: Ulrich Thieme (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 7 : Cioffi – Cousyns . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1912, p. 250 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).