Ludwig Philipp Christian von Türcke

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Ludwig Philipp Christian von Türcke , also Ludwig Philipp Christian von Türk (born June 14, 1772 in Meiningen ; † March 26, 1829 ibid) was a German lawyer.


Ludwig Philipp Christian von Türcke was born as the son of Otto Philipp von Türcke (* February 29, 1728; † December 26, 1797), Privy Councilor , Oberhofmarschall and Chamber President and his wife Louise Caroline (* unknown; † 1780), born Freiin von Bibra from the house of Irmelshausen , born. His siblings were:

  • Amalius Heinrich Friedrich Christian von Türcke (August 20, 1768, † November 16, 1846), Lord Chamberlain and Colonel ;
  • Wilhelm von Turk ;
  • Ferdinand Friedrich Christian von Türcke (* 1777; † unknown);
  • Ludwig Karl Christian von Türcke (* 1779; † unknown);
  • Friederike, widowed Baroness von Speßhardt .

Ludwig Philipp Christian von Türcke married Friederike Auguste in 1802, a daughter of Johann Karl August von Uttenhoven, privy councilor and chancellor in Meiningen; together they had ten children, seven of whom survived him, including his son

  • Johann Karl August Freiherr von Türcke (born March 31, 1817; † 1884), chamberlain, councilor and university curator.

Education and study

Due to the death of his mother, Ludwig Philipp Christian von Türcke was brought up from 1779 in the house of Minister Franz Eckbrecht Freiherr von Dürckheim (1729–1807). On May 1, 1790, he went to the University of Jena , together with Count Karl Friedrich Johann Eckbrecht von Dürckheim (1770-1836), later father of Ferdinand Eckbrecht von Dürckheim-Montmartin , where he successfully completed his law studies in 1792. After he returned to Meiningen, he lived in the house of his uncle, Colonel von Bibra.


In September 1789 he was appointed court squire by Duke Georg I. In November 1791 he received the decree as a government assessor and was introduced as such in 1792. In October 1793 he was promoted to chamberlain . In March 1797 he was appointed a councilor and in January 1798 was promoted to court cavalier by the Duchess Charlotte von Sachsen-Meiningen . In June 1800 Duke Georg I appointed him consistorial councilor and in February 1809 Duchess Louise Eleonore zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg promoted him to secret government councilor.

When the joint higher appeal court of the Ernestine countries was founded in 1816 , Ludwig Philipp Christian von Türcke played a significant role in this.

In February 1819 he was appointed vice-president of the consistory and Duke Bernhard II promoted him to the real president of his college and consistorial president on August 11, 1822. In 1827 he was made a privy councilor. In November 1828, von Türcke was appointed President of the Higher Regional Court after this court had been established in 1823 as a higher court and judicial administrative authority and thus performed the tasks of the administration of justice and judicial activity, which until then had primarily been incumbent on the government and the chamber. Since 1829 the Higher Regional Court was responsible for the entire state of Saxony-Meiningen and, like the consistory, was relocated to Hildburghausen . On February 9, 1829, Ludwig Philipp Christian von Türcke was appointed President of the two relocated authorities, but he died just before he took up his duties.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ New Nekrolog der Deutschen, 7th year, 1829, 1st part, pp. 292–295 . BF Voigt, 1831 ( [accessed December 28, 2017]).
  2. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the baronial houses, p. 721 . 1871 ( [accessed on April 3, 2018]).
  3. Address book for the Duchy of Saxony-Coburg-Meiningen: on the year of Christ 1824, p. 40 . Hartmann, 1824 ( [accessed on April 3, 2018]).
  4. ^ Chronicle of the city of Meiningen from 1676 to 1834, p. 219 . Keÿßner, 1835 ( [accessed on April 3, 2018]).