Ludwig Poppelbaum

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Ludwig Poppelbaum (born June 15, 1866 in Rinteln , † September 30, 1940 in Hanover ) was a German local politician , senator in Göttingen , mayor and honorary citizen of the city of Wesel and author .

Live and act

Grave slab on the Lindener Bergfriedhof in Hanover for the Wesel mayor and honorary citizen Ludwig Poppelbaum together with Paula , née Riemann

Ludwig Poppelbaum studied at the Philipps University in Marburg . In 1886 he became a member of the Corps Hasso-Nassovia . From 1898 to 1903 he worked as a paid senator in the city of Göttingen. During this time he frequented his friend and corps brother Werner Wedemeyer in the rooms of the Corps Hildeso-Guestphalia Göttingen .

Then Poppelbaum 1903 was elected mayor of the city of Wesel and led that office during both World War I and during the Weimar Republic until 1931. But just the beginning of the 1920s meant for Wesel and their mayor the beginning of hard times: The Treaty of Versailles had the city, which before the war housed a garrison of up to 10,000 men and whose citizens often suffered hunger and hardship, lost its most important employer . This was probably one of the reasons why, founded in Wesel Workers' and Soldiers with the mayor rather cooperate than working against each other.

While Poppelbaum was urgently trying to create jobs , the German hyperinflation , the occupation of the Rhineland by Belgium and France , the general strike that followed, and finally the global economic crisis strengthened the great structural unemployment . Poppelbaum tried to counteract this by particularly trying to find new branches of industry in Wesel.

"After many years of successful work for the benefit of Wesel, [... Poppelbaum] retired when he reached the age limit ". In the same year the city granted him honorary citizenship. During the time of National Socialism Poppelbaum was stripped of his honorary citizenship.

Poppelbaum was buried in the Linden mountain cemetery.


By resolution of the city ​​council of Wesel on September 13, 1983, Poppelbaum was granted honorary citizenship posthumously .

  • The Poppelbaumstraße in downtown Wesel honors the former mayor of the city by their naming.


  • Ludwig Poppelbaum: Funeral speech on the occasion of Wedemeyer's funeral , in: Corpszeitung , No. 45, Corps Hasso-Nassovia, Marburg 1934, pp. 71–78

Media coverage (selection)


  • Dirk Henning Hofer: Karl Konrad Werner Wedemeyer (1870-1934). A legal and scholarly life in three realms. A biography (= legal history series , vol. 399), also a dissertation in 2009 at the University of Kiel, Frankfurt am Main; Berlin; Bern; Bruxelles; New York, NY; Oxford; Vienna: Lang, 2010, ISBN 978-3-631-59422-3 , passim ; online through google books

Web links

Commons : Ludwig Poppelbaum  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d N.N .: Ludwig Poppelbaum (see under the section web links )
  2. a b c d e f g Rudolf Haffner: Wesel after the First World War (see under media coverage )
  3. a b c Dirk Henning Hofer: Karl Konrad Werner Wedemeyer ... (see literature)
  4. Kösener corps lists 1910, 161 , 458
  5. Compare the documentation at Commons (see under the section Weblinks )