Luigi Mancia

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Luigi Mancia , also Luigi Manza (around 1658 in Brescia - after 1708) was an Italian singer and composer .

life and work

Nothing is known about his early years and his musical training. The year of birth 1658 goes back to an insurance policy recently discovered by Marco Bizzarini by his father Domenico Manza. In 1687 he performed together with the singer Ferdinando Chiaravalle at the court of Elector Ernst August von Braunschweig-Calenberg . At the court of this well-known patron and art lover he also wrote his first traditional composition, the opera Paride in Ida . The work was performed at the court theater under the direction of Kapellmeister Agostino Steffani . After his return to Italy he worked in Rome in 1695 and 1696, where he presented three of his operas. The following year he returned to Hanover for a novelty during the summer season. In October, a stay in Berlin is guaranteed, where he appeared as a singer together with Chiaravalle, Attilio Ariosti , Francesco Antonio Pistocchi and Valentino Urbani , in the service of Sophie Charlotte von Hannover , daughter of Elector Ernst August and wife of the future King of Prussia Federico I .

In terms of style, Mancia shows more affinity to his predecessors Alessandro Stradella and Giovanni Lenzei than to his contemporaries Attilio Ariosti , Francesco Gasparini or Alessandro Scarlatti . His first opera was based on the classical stanza form , mostly in three meters. He renounced the da capo aria, which was so modern at the time. As a result, he was called to the court of the Spanish viceroy in Naples, for whom he composed several works in 1698 and 1699. At the beginning of 1701 he was in the service of Elector Johann Wilhelm in Düsseldorf as chamberlain .

In 1707 he accompanied the Venetian ambassador to London, where he only stayed briefly. In 1708 he composed an opera for Venice and a serenade for Brescia, his last known work. He dedicated some of his works to the wife of Elector Charles III. , hoping for a position as Kapellmeister. At the same time, he tried to get a job in the service of Queen Anna Stuart through Charles Montagu , the Earl of Halifax .

The place and time of his death are not known.


One of the operas for Naples


  • Paride in Ida (Trattamento pastorale per musica, Libretto di N. Nicolini, 1687, Hanover)
  • Giustino (Melodramma, libretto by Silvio Stampiglia , after Nicolò Beregan , 1695, Rome)
  • Flavio Cuniberto (Dramma per musica, libretto by Matteo Noris , 1696, Rome)
  • Il re infante (Dramma per musica, libretto by Matteo Noris, 1696, Rome)
  • La costanza nelle selve (Favola pastorale, libretto by O. Mauro, 1697, Hanover)
  • Tito Manilo (Dramma per musica, libretto by Matteo Noris, 1698, Naples)
  • Partenope (Dramma per musica, libretto by Silvio Stampiglia, 1699, Naples)
  • Alessandro in Susa (tragicommedia, libretto by Girolamo Frigimelica , 1708, Venice)


  • Componimento per musica in occasione del passaggio per Düsseldorf di Carlo III, re delle Spagne (for four voices, libretto by Luigi Mancia, 1703, Düsseldorf)
  • Serenata (libretto by Giovanni Battista Bottalicio, 1708, Brescia)


  • Ardo ahi lasso e non oso palesar
  • Augelletti al vostro canto (for alto voice and basso continuo)
  • Con fosco dente di veleno infetto
  • Da fantastico umor (canzone)
  • Donna più non amerò
  • Dove trascorri incauto piede? (Text by Luigi Mancia)
  • E dove mi traete (for alto voice and basso continuo)
  • E possibile o luci adorate
  • E quando o luci amate (text by Luigi Mancia, for alto voice and basso continuo)
  • Il più fedele amante (text by Luigi Mancia)
  • Il tempo c'ha l'ali (aria)
  • In amor non ho fortuna (aria)
  • La vince chi dura (Kanzonetta)
  • Luci belle oh Dio che fate (for soprano and basso continuo)
  • Non cominci ad amar chi non ha scherma (Lanzonetta)
  • Non vel pensate no
  • O Dio d'amor consola questo cor (text by Luigi Mancia)
  • Perché mai sì crude siete (for soprano and basso continuo)
  • Quando d'amor le leggi
  • Quanto più mi consigliate (Amante bizzarro) (aria)
  • Qui dove il fiato rio (aria for alto voice, two violins, viola, oboe, two bassoon and basso continuo)
  • Sedea su l'erbe ove più densa l'ombra
  • Se dirai d'essere amante
  • Se non mi vuoi amar (for alto voice and basso continuo)
  • Se stringo lo scettro (for soprano and guitar)
  • Toglietemi pietosi (Medea tradita) (for alto voice and basso continuo)
  • Tuffata in grembo all'acque (for bass voice and basso continuo)
  • Un bacio Lilla? Ohimè! (for two voices and basso continuo)
  • Un bel guardo di vaga beltà
  • Vasta mole fondar su l'arene (for bass voice and basso continuo)
  • Versatevi ai torrenti (for alto voice and basso continuo)

Religious music

  • Mass for 16 voices (lost)
  • Ad arma volate o furie superbe , for tenor, two violins and basso continuo
  • Expugnate debellate , for alto part, two violins and basso continuo

Instrumental music

  • Concerto
  • Sinfonia (for 2 violins, viola and basso continuo)


  • FS Quadrio: Della storia e della ragione d'ogni poesia , vol. III pp. 517 e 519 ( Bologna and Milan , 1744)
  • G. Fischer: Music in Hanover ( Hanover , 1903)
  • A. Ebert: Attilio Ariosti in Berlin (1697–1703) ( Leipzig , 1905)
  • A. Zanelli: Elisabetta Cristina di Wolfenbüttel a Brescia (1708) , in Archivio storico lombardo , vol. XXXII, pp. 370-82 (1985)
  • C. Sartori: Dori e Arione, due opere ignorate di Alessandro Scarlatti , in NA, vol. XVIII, pp. 35-42 (1941)
  • C. Sartori: Una nuova schedina anagrafica: il dilettante Luigi Mancia, dignitario dell'imperatore , in Rivista Musicale Italiana , vol. LV, pp. 404-25 (1953)
  • CE Troy: The Comic Intermezzo: a Study in the History of Eighteenth-Century Italian Opera ( Ann Arbor , 1979)
  • L. Lindgren: Nicola Cosimi in London, 1701–1705 , in Studi Musicali , Vol. XI, pp. 229-48 (1982)
  • HS Saunders: The Repertoire of a Venetian Opera House (1678–1714): the Teatro Grimani di San Giovanni Grisostomo (dissertazione, Harvard University, 1985)
  • A. Chiarelli: I codici di musica della Raccolta estense: ricostruzione dall'inventario settecentesco , in Quaderni della Rivista Italiana di Musicologia , vol. XVI ( Firenze , 1987)
  • L. Lindgren: Luigi Mancia in New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians
  • M. Bizzarini: Luigi Mancia maestro di Pietro Gnocchi? in Pietro Gnocchi e la musica a Brescia nel Settecento , a cura di Claudio Toscani, Milano, Cisalpino, 2009, pp. 13-23.

Web links

  • IMSLP , Complete Score Partenope