Luis Gutiérrez Martín

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Coat of arms of Luis Gutiérrez Martín.
The tomb of Luis Gutiérrez Martín in Segovia Cathedral.

Luis Gutiérrez Martín CMF (born November 26, 1931 in Navalmanzano , † June 22, 2016 in Madrid ) was Bishop of Segovia .


Luis Gutiérrez Martín joined the order of the Claretians , made his profession on October 23, 1949 and was ordained a priest on September 8, 1957 .

Pope John Paul II appointed him auxiliary bishop in Madrid and titular bishop of Tisedi on September 15, 1988 . The Archbishop of Madrid, Angel Cardinal Suquía Goicoechea , donated him episcopal ordination on October 23 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were Fernando Sebastián Aguilar CMF, Coadjutor Archbishop of Granada , and Elías Yanes Álvarez , Archbishop of Saragossa .

On May 12, 1995, Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Segovia. On November 3, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI. his age-related resignation.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fallce el obispo emérito de Segovia, Mons. Luis Gutiérrez Martín CMF
predecessor Office successor
Antonio Palenzuela Velázquez Bishop of Segovia
Ángel Rubio Castro