Luitpold Debus

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Luitpold Debus (born March 12, 1908 in Eisenberg ; † March 20, 1962 in Halle an der Saale ) was a German resistance fighter against National Socialism . He was a member of the Red Assault Troop .


Luitpold Debus met after school plumbers and installers , however, this doctrine broke off. He was unionized in the factory workers 'association and in the textile workers' association . From 1921 he was a member of the Socialist Workers' Youth , the Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold and most recently in the SPD . He enrolled at the German University of Politics , but had to drop out. Instead, he retrained as an electric welder and worked as a technical draftsman .

He was trained by Karl König and Karl Zinn for the Red Assault Troop. He participated in distribution campaigns in Güsten and Bernburg as well as in the production of the newspaper. He also took part in various editorial meetings. Debus has been arrested several times but repeatedly released due to a lack of evidence. He served a longer sentence from March to June 15, 1934 in the Roßlau concentration camp . The Gestapo had intercepted a letter critical of the system. He was also forced to testify as a witness in the trial of Karl Zinn and others. During the Second World War he was used as an anti-aircraft helper .

After the Second World War he settled in the GDR , where he belonged to the KPD and later to the SED , for which he was district chairman in Bernburg and party congress delegate. He was also involved in the Society for German-Soviet Friendship , the GDR Cultural Association , the Association of Mutual Peasant Aid and the Association of Victims of the Nazi Regime (VVN). Professionally, he was a department head at VEB Nagema in Staßfurt . He died in 1962.


  • Dennis Egginger-Gonzalez: The Red Assault Troop. An early left-wing socialist resistance group against National Socialism . Lukas Verlag, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-86732-274-4 , pp. 397 f .