Lutz Korodi

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Ludwig "Lutz" Korodi (born September 15, 1867 in Kronstadt , Austria-Hungary , † March 25, 1954 in Berlin ) was a Transylvanian teacher and politician.


Lutz Korodi was the son of the teacher, philologist and politician Ludwig Korodi . After graduating from high school in Kronstadt in 1886, Korodi studied ancient languages ​​and Protestant theology in Bern, Bonn, Budapest and Munich. During his studies in 1888 he became a member of the Alemannia Bonn fraternity . He passed the state examination for higher education and entered the school service in 1896. In 1899 he became a professor at the Protestant grammar school in Kronstadt. In addition, he worked as an editor of the Kronstädter Zeitung and from 1901 was a member of the Hungarian Reichstag .

Political reasons led to the move to Berlin in 1903. There he became a senior teacher at the Königstädtisches Gymnasium in 1904 and director of the Fontane School in Schöneberg in 1907 . During this time Korodi was a member of the leadership of the Pan-German Association and between 1917 and 1919 was the editor of the Deutsche Zeitung , which was the organ of this association.

After Transylvania became part of Romania, he returned to his homeland in 1919. As a representative of the Transylvanian Saxons, he was a member of the Romanian Senate. In 1921/22 he worked in the Romanian Ministry of Nationalities and the Interior, but then returned to school as a professor at the German State Realgymnasium in Temesvar.

Because of his participation in the formation of the political organization of the Banat Swabians , he retired early in 1925. He moved to Germany again and taught at the Goethe Gymnasium in Hanover. From 1928 he lived again in Berlin, where he wrote for various daily newspapers.



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Individual evidence

  1. Johannes Leicht: Heinrich Claß 1868–1953. The political biography of an Pan-German. Schöningh, Paderborn 2012, ISBN 978-3-506-77379-1 , pp. 117, 231, 234.