Lutz Reichardt

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Lutz Reichardt (born December 30, 1934 in Berlin-Schmargendorf ; † April 29, 2009 in Biberach an der Riss ) was a German librarian and, as a name researcher, an authoritative representative of southwest German toponomics .


Reichardt first attended elementary school at his place of birth until 1943 and, after moving to Goslar, the high school there, where he graduated from high school. From 1955 to 1962 he studied German, history and sports at the Universities of Marburg and Göttingen. In 1962 he passed the first state examination for higher education and was a trainee lawyer in Helmstedt and Braunschweig until the assessor examination. Reichardt then did not enter the school service, but completed a second legal clerkship, this time as a librarian at the university libraries of Marburg and Cologne. After graduating again in 1966, he first worked at the University Library of Marburg. As the first doctoral student of the Germanist Joachim Göschel, he received his doctorate in Marburg in 1972 with a thesis on place names. His professional path took him via the Ulm University Library in 1976 to the Esslingen University of Education, whose library he was head of until 1984, and finally to the Stuttgart University Library, where he retired in 1999 as senior librarian.


Reichardt became known as the "old master of Württemberg toponymy". With ten place name books published between 1982 and 2001 by the commission for historical regional studies in Baden-Württemberg and the dialect history register Der Zentralschwäbische Mundartraum published in 2004, Reichardt - it is said - gave place name research in Württemberg “a new foundation”. Although typified as historical-philological place-name books, Reichardt's publications would have placed the focus "clearly on philology", a circumstance that also led to criticism from historians. Admittedly there were occasionally well-founded objections from a philological point of view. However, the editor was generally credited with the fact that certain "errors could only be avoided by an extremely intensive and time-consuming examination of the sources of a room, which a linguist would not be required to do". Reichardt was appointed a corresponding member of the commission for historical regional studies in Baden-Württemberg in 1986 and a full member in 1990.



  • Gerhard Taddey: Personified Name Research in Southwest Germany: Lutz Reichardt. In: Ulrich Sieber (Ed.): Place name research in Southwest Germany. A balance sheet. Festive colloquium on the occasion of the 65th birthday of Dr. Lutz Reichardt on December 10, 1999. (= University of Stuttgart. Speeches and essays , 63). Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-926269-31-6 , pp. 9-15, doi: 10.18419 / opus-5836
  • The southwest in the mirror of the names. Commemorative letter for Lutz Reichardt. Edited by Albrecht Greule and Stefan Hackl (= publications of the commission for historical regional studies in Baden-Württemberg. Series B: Research, 184th volume). Stuttgart 2011, ISBN 978-3-17-021795-9 .
  • Rolf Max Kully: Same - similar - different. Name-based food for thought from Lutz Reichardt's work. In: Albrecht Greule, Rolf Max Kully, Wulf Müller, Thomas Zotz (eds.): The Regio Basiliensis from antiquity to the Middle Ages - Land on the Rhine knee in the mirror of names (= publications of the Commission for historical regional studies in Baden-Württemberg. Series B : Research, Volume 195). Stuttgart 2013, ISBN 978-3-17-023379-9 , pp. 149–159.


Individual evidence

  1. Published as the settlement names of the districts of Gießen, Alsfeld and Lauterbach in Hessen. Name book. (= Göppingen work on German studies , 86). Göppingen 1973, ISBN 3-87452-173-7 .
  2. Kully: Same - similar - different (see literature), p. 149.
  3. ^ The southwest in the mirror of names (see literature), text on the back cover.
  4. ^ Martina Winner: Baden-Württemberg in place names books. In: The southwest in the mirror of names (see literature), pp. 1–9, p. 3. - Thaddäus Steiner saw a “purely linguistic objective” : Rez. Lutz Reichardt: Ortnamesbuch des Kreises Göppingen. In: Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik 60 (1993), pp. 372-374, p. 372.
  5. Heinz Bühler : Rez. Lutz Reichardt: Place names book of the Heidenheim district. In: Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 49 (1990), pp. 501–505; on this Meinrad Schaab : The new place name books for the districts in Baden-Württemberg. Edited by the Commission for Historical Regional Studies in Baden-Württemberg , ibid. Pp. 505-507.
  6. Wolfgang Wille: Rez. Lutz Reichardt: Ortnamesbuch des Ostalbkreises. In: Journal for Württembergische Landesgeschichte , 59 (2000), pp. 572-574; ders .: Rez. Lutz Reichardt: Place name book of the district of Böblingen. Ibid. 62 (2003), pp. 582-584.
  7. ^ Klaus Graf : Rez. Lutz Reichardt: Place name book of the district of Göppingen. In: Zeitschrift für Hohenzollerische Geschichte , 27, 1991, pp. 131–134, (PDF).
  8. Place name research in southwest Germany (see literature).