March Orcan 1876

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The Great March Hurricane of 1876 was a relatively small-scale and damaging hurricane , which in the afternoon and evening of March 12, 1876, first over northern France and southern England , then over the Benelux countries , northern Germany and central Germany and within a few hours caused enormous damage in many places served.

At the meteorological institute in Uccle near Brussels, a back pressure of 144 kg / m² was measured in the late afternoon during a gust , which corresponds to a wind speed of 173 km / h. An air pressure of 962.5  hPa was measured at 7 p.m. in Utrecht , the Netherlands . The March hurricane was an event that took place more than 100 years ago and should be comparable in its intensity and damaging effects to the Lower Saxony Orcan 1972, Daria 1990, Lothar 1999 and Kyrill 2007.

The storm uprooted countless trees, covered roofs, damaged thousands of telegraph poles and overturned factory chimneys . The greatest damage occurred along a line Antwerp - Düsseldorf - Kassel - Leipzig .

As a result of persistent rain in the first two weeks of March, almost all rivers in the German Reich led to flooding . In addition, the city of Kaub am Rhein was hit by a landslide on March 10, 1876 , which killed 25 people.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lowinski: March hurricane. 3. The "worst case". PDF file page 2
  2. Nothstandsvorlage the Prussian state government for the prevention of a further landslide at Caub am Rhein