Magdeburg Chamber Choir

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Magdeburg Chamber Choir
Seat: Magdeburg / Germany
Carrier: Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Founding: 1990-2010
Genus: Chamber choir
Head : Lothar Hennig
Voices : ( SATB )
Website :

The Magdeburg Chamber Choir (Chamber Choir of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg - eV) was from 1990 to 2010 a range of courses for young musicians, initially at the former branch of the Leipzig University of Music in Magdeburg and later at the Otto von Guericke University studied.


Located at the Institute for Music of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, the choir has developed into a sought-after and experienced ensemble that has set itself the task of interpreting choral music at a high professional level. The focus of the work was on a cappella literature from the Renaissance to the present. In addition, the choir has played with well-known orchestras, conductors (Ludger Remy, Hans-Christoph Rademann , Hermann Max , Wolfgang Kupke) and internationally sought-after soloists.


The choir's repertoire included madrigals and motets by old masters such as Monteverdi , Schütz , Telemann and Bach , romantic works by Mendelssohn and Brahms as well as compositions from the 20th century by Distler , Hindemith , Poulenc , Britten and others.


The choir has won several prizes in international choir competitions , including first prizes in Gorizia ( Italy ) and the “Let the people sing” tape competition organized by the European Broadcasting Union . A three-week concert tour through the US states of Ohio , Indiana and Michigan was a great success and was one of the choir's most interesting experiences. The numerous concerts of the choir in various cities in Germany were often recorded and broadcast by Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk . Excerpts from the CDs were broadcast several times by the Bavarian, Central German and East German Radio Brandenburg.

Produced CDs

  1. 1994 Whoever kicks music (self-published)
  2. 1997 Telemann: Christmas cantatas (cpo)
  3. 1998 Telemann: Motets (RAUMKLANG)
  4. 1999 Telemann: The Resurrection (cpo)
  5. 2000 Telemann: The Death of Jesus (cpo)
  6. 2002 Telemann: St. Matthew Passion 1750 (RAUMKLANG)


The director of the choir, Lothar Hennig, studied school music, choral conducting (with Gert Frischmuth ) and singing at the "Franz Liszt" music college in Weimar . After his training, he worked for several years as Friedrich Krell's assistant at the Wernigerode Radio Youth Choir . In addition to his professional activity as a singing teacher at the Telemann Conservatory in Magdeburg, he held teaching positions for the subjects of choir singing, choir conducting and choral vocal training at the Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg. He was a member of the Halle Madrigalists .

New Magdeburg Chamber Choir

With the dissolution of the university music education in the Saxon-Anhalt state capital (2009/2010) the Magdeburg Chamber Choir u. a. dissolve due to a lack of young talent and a lack of structures. The New Magdeburg Chamber Choir founded by Christian Hoffmann has been his successor since August / September 2009. Organizationally, the choir is affiliated with the Magdeburger Forum Gestaltung eV. In summer 2016 Mathias Vetter took over the musical direction of the New Magdeburg Chamber Choir. The current repertoire includes sacred choral music from several centuries, as well as secular choral music on the subject of "nature". The singers rehearse once a week and have made it their mission to continue the good Magdeburg choral tradition at an artistically high level with a lot of joy and commitment. At the 2018 Federal German Choir Competition in Freiburg i. Breisgau, the New Magdeburg Chamber Choir took part "with good success".

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