Main FM

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Infobox radio tower icon
Main FM
Station logo
Radio transmitter ( private law )
reception In the past: analogue terrestrial , cable , live stream
Reception area Hesse (VHF)
business September 6, 2004 to August 31, 2010
owner Frankfurt Business Radio GmbH & Co. Betriebs KG
executive Director Tom Adams
List of radio stations

MAIN FM was a private, regional radio broadcaster for the Rhine-Main area as well as for Giessen and Wetzlar . The station was headquartered in Frankfurt am Main . The station went on air on September 6, 2004 . The broadcasting operation was stopped on August 31, 2010, since then the station Energy Rhein-Main has been broadcasting on the frequencies of Main FM until the cessation of broadcasting on May 13, 2013. The newly founded antenna has been broadcasting on these frequencies since May 13, 2013 Frankfurt 95.1 of the company The Radio Group .


MAIN FM was the radio program of Frankfurt Business Radio GmbH & Co. KG with participation of the media group "Lagardère Active Radio International" (LARI), to which Radio Salü also belongs. It was initially broadcast under the name “Frankfurt Business Radio” after the company had taken over from FAZ Businessradio . “FAZ Businessradio” was a pure word program with business information. With the renaming to "Frankfurt Business Radio", the station began to reduce its word content and also to play music. Main FM continued to be licensed as a business broadcaster.

A special feature was initially that the news was always broadcast at 3 and 45. For the first birthday in September 2005, however, the scheme was adjusted, the news now comes on the full and half-hour, like on all other radio stations. In addition, there was the so-called daily report with 15 minutes of news twice a day.

At the same time, the claim was changed to "Real variety with the best music from the 60s, 70s and 80s" after it had initially read "Real variety with the best music from five decades". The station later returned to the original claim "Real variety with the best music from five decades".

Since September 2008 the claims “The most beautiful songs for Rhine / Main” and “Radio for Rhine / Main” have been used.

The national individual marketer of Main FM's advertising time was Studio Gong GmbH & Co. Studiobetriebs KG . The national combined marketing company was ASS ARD advertising .

In April 2010 it became known that the Main FM station had been sold to the NRJ Group and that a new establishment as Energy Rhein-Main followed.

On August 31, 2010 at 8 p.m. Main FM was finally shut down. Since then, Energy Rhein-Main has broadcast from the studios in Frankfurt until the station was discontinued on May 13, 2013. Since May 13, 2013, Antenne Frankfurt 95.1 has been broadcasting on these frequencies .


Morning shows

Main FM produced five morning shows during broadcast time:

  • 2004: "Claudia and the Morning Men"
  • 2005: "The Main FM Morning Show with Dagmar Klieme"
  • 2005/2006: “Main FM - Wake Up! The friendly morning show with Dagmar Klieme "
  • 2007/2008: "The Main FM breakfast radio with Artur Frank"
  • April 21, 2008 - March 1, 2010: "The Main FM breakfast radio with Daniel Pesch"
  • March 1, 2010 to August 31, 2010 “Nobody can do like Ehmann! - The Main FM Morning Show "


Moderator broadcasts
Daniel Pesch Main FM - At work
Marcel Ehmann Nobody can do like Ehmann! The Main FM morning show
André Ebert Mix of wishes
Christian Schulze & Doro Gornick Main FM - In the afternoon
Thomas Koschwitz Koschwitz for the weekend
Hanna Schmidt economy and society
Michael Weiss Main FM arena

Weekend | Sports

Since September 2008 Thomas Koschwitz has moderated the program “Koschwitz for the weekend”, which was broadcast on Saturdays from 10 am to 1 pm and repeated on Sundays from 5 pm to 8 pm. The show was broadcast on MAIN FM from 2004 to 2006.

On Saturdays (1pm to 6pm) and Sundays (9am to 1pm) the program “Main FM - Arena. The sports field for Rhine / Main ”broadcast. Main FM was the only broadcaster in the Rhine / Main area to deal with all local sports clubs in various sports. Including football (Bundesliga, Hessenliga), handball, volleyball, basketball, hockey, ice hockey. Up until 2009, Main FM reported live from the Commerzbank-Arena at games of Eintracht Frankfurt and FSV Frankfurt .


The program was automated at night. Every day from 8 p.m. a music track ran without moderation or service contributions (weather and traffic) under the name "Main FM am Abend" or after midnight under the name "Main FM Nachtflug" and on the weekend "Main FM Weekend". On weekdays between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m., the program “Tagesreport” was repeated from 6 p.m.


MAIN FM could be received over the following frequencies:

However, the latter two frequencies were never operated.

Frequency assignments returned

The 99.2 MHz frequency for Fulda and the surrounding area was taken out of service on April 1, 2007, and the license was returned to LPR . The private Catholic radio program Domradio from Cologne has been broadcasting on it since December 22, 2008 .

The Kassel frequency 91.7 MHz was also returned to LPR after Main FM decided to change its strategy in 2007, according to which the transmission area coverage should in future concentrate exclusively on the greater Rhine-Main area. Only the cities of Wetzlar and Gießen, which are attractive for Main FM because of their large number of Frankfurt commuters, should keep their frequencies outside of the Rhine-Main area.

In Kassel, following the new tender for the 91.7 MHz frequency, the children's and family broadcaster Radio Teddy has been broadcasting since November 19, 2008 .

Reception in the cable network of UnityMedia

Otherwise, Main FM could be received almost all over Hesse via cable and on the Internet via live stream. The cable frequency in large parts of the transmission area is 106.2 MHz. In Central Hesse, Main FM was no longer represented in the UnityMedia cable network.

Web links