
Malt ( malting ) is grain that has germinated briefly and then dried again ( barley , wheat , rye , spelled , maize , etc. ). This process forms and activates enzymes in the grain, which z. B. are necessary for brewing beer . Part of the starch is broken down into smaller molecules (multiple sugars, especially disaccharides such as maltose ).
For the production of malt, special types of grain are usually used, for example so-called brewing barley (mostly two-row spring barley, but also winter barley) or brewing wheat. As a rule, they are bred for a low protein content (because of the higher yield and the darker color due to the protein) and a high germination capacity with uniform germination behavior. Low-protein cereals have a higher starch content. In addition, too high a protein content in the beer could lead to flocculation, which is not harmful, but is not desired by the consumer. Different kiln temperatures result in lighter and darker malts.
The cleaned grain is soaked in water and germinated . This increases the water content to approx. 40%. The temperature in the germination box is kept at approx. 15 ° C.
In the flour body (endosperm) characterized amplified enzymes formed:
- Proteinases for protein breakdown ,
- Amylases to convert starch into sugar ,
- Cellulases to break down cellulose into glucose and
- Pentosanases for the breakdown of mucilage .
These enzymes convert the reserve substances in the endosperm into soluble substances that the seedling can use to grow. After about five to seven days, the germination is stopped by gentle drying ( kilning ), the outgrown seedling is removed (see feed ). The malt can then be stored. For the re-use it is not broken or ground.
Ingredients of a wheat malt flour:
Brewery and distillery

The most famous use of malt is in brewing beer . Light to dark beers are produced by brewing malts that are hardened to different degrees . But malt is also used in the production of spirits (for example whiskey or grain ). Up to 10 percent caramel malts are used to round off a strong beer taste . Roasted malt is added to a maximum of 1 to 2 percent of the malt fill (mixture of the malts during brewing) and gives the beer a dark color, for example with roasted malt beer .
Caramel malt is made by bringing the kiln malt back to around 40 percent moisture and then heating it to around 70 ° C for three hours. It is then dried at 160–180 ° C, giving a beer its distinctive malt taste. Caramel malt also contributes to foam formation.
Milling and bakery
If wheat flours are too sparse, i.e. contain too few sugars and / or too few enzymes, the behavior of the dough can be improved by adding malt flour. The sugars and enzymes it contains ensure that the yeasts in the dough get more nutrition and can therefore form more fermentation gases. (See Gare (baked goods) )
Other uses
Malt coffee, also called muckefuck , is used as a coffee substitute .
Malt is also an integral part of several low or non-alcoholic beverages, such as nutrient beer or malt beer . There are also sweet drinks or sweets with malt, e.g. B. Bavarian block malt , organic malt sweets or Ovaltine .
See also
- Malt . In: Meyers Konversations-Lexikon . 4th edition. Volume 11, Verlag des Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig / Vienna 1885–1892, p. 170.
Web links
- Martin Zarnkow: What is malt actually?
Individual evidence
- ↑ Ternes, Täufel, Tunger, Zobel: Food Lexicon. 4th edition, Behr, Hamburg 2005, ISBN 3-89947-165-2 .