Mara Mattuschka

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Mara Mattuschka, approx. 1980

Mara Mattuschka (* 22. May 1959 in Sofia ) is a Austrian film director , playwright , theater director , performance artist , painter , actress , singer and artistic figure .

Live and act

Mara Mattuschka grew up in Bulgaria and has lived in Vienna since 1976 . Here she studied ethnology and linguistics and from 1983 painting and animation film with Maria Lassnig at the University of Applied Arts . She completed her studies with the academic degree Magister ( In 1994 she was professor for "Free Art" at the Braunschweig University of Fine Arts . From 2003 to 2011 she was a lecturer at the University of Artistic and Industrial Design in Linz .

She took part in numerous film festivals such as the Berlinale , the Oberhausen Short Film Festival , the Diagonale , the Viennale , the IFFR Rotterdam . Retrospectives of her films were shown at Vienna Independent Shorts 2006, as part of Diagonale 2009, in Tampere, Film Anthology NYC, Zagreb, Prague, Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro, Oberhausen etc.

Mara Mattuschka worked closely with the artists of the Lassnig master class, with Michael Petrov (Michael Mattuschka, film), with Franz Blaas and Bernhard Winkler (performance, opera), with Hans Werner Poschauko and Andreas Karner (performance, film, "The Huzzis") , with Ulrike Zimmermann (film), with Cynthia Schwertsik and Elizabeth McGlynn (Salon Beauty Free), with Gabrielle Szekatsch and Si.Si.Klocker (Cabinet 9), with Chris Haring and Liquid Loft (films, performance), with Reinhard Jud ( Dramaturgy, coregie), Sepp Nermuth (camera), Christoph Parzer (assistant director) and Dominik Danner (lighting design) together.

The episodic film Loading Ludwig was made from 1986 to 1989 on the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of Ludwig Wittgenstein's birthday .

As a performance artist, she often uses the pseudonyms Mimi Minus , Madame Ping Pong , Mahatma Gobi , Ramses II .

Filmography (selection)

  • 1983: prayer
  • 1983: Chamber operas
  • 1983: Moody Blues
  • 1984: body stories
  • 1984: NabelFabel
  • 1984: menu of the day
  • 1985: Greetings from Vienna
  • 1985: ball head
  • 1985: Parasympathetic
  • 1985: The sinking of the Titania
  • 1986: terrible-terrible
  • 1986: Midas
  • 1986: Pascal - Gödel
  • 1986: The school of debauchery
  • 1986: Les Miserables
  • 1986: Loading Ludwig
  • 1986: Rosa Alexander
  • 1987: The 1x1 of a happy life
  • 1987: I was very happy
  • 1987: Kaiser cut
  • 1987: m2
  • 1987: my fight
  • 1987: The complete insignificance of women for music history
  • 1989: The arrival of the Rococo in the island kingdom of the Huzzis
  • 1993: The Beauty, the Beast
  • 1993: SOS Extraterrestria
  • 1994: Suvlaki is Babylon: come eat with me
  • 1996: The rigors of fate
  • 1997: Ass machine company
  • 2003: ID
  • 2004: Plasma
  • 2005: comeback
  • 2005: Legal Errorist
  • 2006: Queen of the Night
  • 2007: Part Time Heroes
  • 2008: Running Sushi
  • 2009: Burning Palace
  • 2011/12: QVID TVM
  • 2012/13: Perfect Garden
  • 2014/15: votes
  • 2018: Phaedrus

Prices (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Empress Si. Si. I - Empress of Europe. on
  2. Website on
  3. Madame Ping Pong. on
  4. Mahatma Gobi. on
  5. Ramses II on