Mara Neusel

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Grave of Mara Neusel - old Luisenstadt cemetery in Berlin-Kreuzberg

Mara Neusel (born May 14, 1964 in Stuttgart ; † September 5, 2014 in Lubbock (Texas) ) was a German-American mathematician and university professor . She was the fourth woman to do her habilitation in mathematics at the University of Göttingen.

life and work

Neusel was born as one of two children of the university researcher Aylâ Neusel and the sculptor Günter Neusel . She studied at the Georg-August University in Göttingen , where she passed exams in Turkish studies in 1985 and was a teaching assistant until 1988. In 1988 she obtained her diploma in mathematics there and was an assistant until 1992. In the same year she did her doctorate with Tammo tom Dieck with the dissertation: Configurations of straight lines and a quadric with tree resolutions. She then lectured at the University of Kassel , the Georg-August University of Göttingen, the Yale University , the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg , the University of Minnesota , the Yale University and from 2000 to 2002 she was an assistant professor at the university of Notre Dame in Indiana . In 2001 she became the fourth woman to graduate from the University of Göttingen with a degree in mathematics ( Habilitation ). She became an associate professor at Texas Tech University in 2002 and was promoted to full professor in 2009. She was a member of the American Mathematical Society and the Association for Women in Mathematics. She was also a member of the editorial boards of the Advances in Pure Mathematics and the International Journal of Mathematics and Applied Statistics . In 2001 she founded the Texas Tech Emmy Noether Day for high school girls. She co-founded the Young Women in Mathematics group at Texas Tech and received a Texas Tech Diversity Grant to support the organization.

Publications (selection)

  • Invariant Theory, Student Mathematical Library 36, AMS, 2007.
  • Invariant Theory of Finite Groups (with Larry Smith), Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 94, AMS, 2002.
  • Inverse Invariant Theory and Steenrod Operations, Memoirs of the AMS Vol. 146, No. 692, AMS, Providence RI, 2000


  • 1995: Dorothea Erxleben Fellowship, State of Lower Saxony (awarded, but rejected)
  • 2006: Big XII Fellowship, Texas Tech University
  • 2009: Presidential Book Award (2nd place), Texas Tech University

Publications (selection)

  • The existence of Thom classes, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 191 (3): 265-283, 2004
  • Integral extensions of unstable algebras over the Steenrod algebra, Forum Mathematicum 12 (2): 155-166, 2000
  • Inverse invariant theory and Steenrod operations - Introduction, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 146 (692), 2002
  • Inseparable extensions of algebras over the Steenrod algebra with applications to modular invariant theory of finite groups II, Illinois journal of mathematics 55 (1), 2011

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