Marcantonio Memmo

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Leonardo Bassano : Marcantonio Memmo

Marcantonio Memmo (born November 11, 1536 in Venice , † October 31, 1615 ibid) was the 91st Doge of Venice . He ruled from 1612 to 1615.


Bronze plaque of the medalist Guillaume Dupré on Memmo's accession to government in 1612;
Museum of Applied Arts Frankfurt am Main inventory number 4005

Marcantonio Memmo's rule was shaped in foreign policy by the clashes between the Republic of Venice and Austria because of its support for the Uskoks . The Uskoks were Christians of different nationalities who had fled the Turks, settled on the Adriatic coast on Austrian territory and regularly raided and robbed the Venetian trading galleys.

Memmo, fourth of five sons of Giovanni Memmo and Bianca Sanudo, came from one of Venice's old families. Tribuno Memmo , who ruled from 979 to 992, was the first doge from this tribunician family, which is mentioned as early as 960. With the election of Marcantonio, a member of the case vecchie came to power for the first time since the end of the 14th century .

Marcantonio Memmo had held the post of Podestà in various cities of the Terraferma before he was appointed Procurator of San Marco . He was elected in the first ballot on July 24, 1612, at the age of 75. Since he was ailing throughout his reign, he made little public appearance. He died on October 31, 1615 and, like his predecessor, was buried in the church of San Giorgio Maggiore .

Coat of arms Marcantonio Memmos


The tomb, which was built according to the design of the architect Giulio dal Moro, who also created the statue of the Doge on the monument, is located on the facade wall of a side aisle of the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore.

Literature (selection)

  • Jürg Meyer zur Capellen (eds.), Margret Zimmermann, Davide Banzato: Painting in Venetia. 1500 - 1800. 50 works from the Museo Civico in Padua (= Pittura nel Veneto , text in German and Italian), catalog for the exhibition in the Augustinermuseum in Freiburg im Breisgau from October 2 to November 29, 1987, Augustinermuseum, Freiburg im Breisgau 1987, cat. 18–19 (text partly online via Google books)

Web links

Commons : Marcantonio Memmo  - collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Leonardo Donà Doge of Venice
Giovanni Bembo