Marja Kubašec

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Marja Kubašec (1890–1976)

Marja Kubašec ( German  Maria Kubasch ; born March 7, 1890 in Quoos , † April 13, 1976 in Bautzen ) was a Sorbian writer and the first Sorbian teacher.


Birthplace in Quoos
Memorial plaque on the house

Marja Kubašec was born in Quoos and, after finishing elementary school in Radibor, attended grammar school in Erfurt from 1902 to 1909 . In 1909 she began her first teaching post in Duisburg and returned to Lusatia in 1911 . There she was a teacher in Crostwitz until 1925 , at the secondary school in Pulsnitz from 1925 to 1938 and in Großröhrsdorf until 1945 . After the Second World War, because of her NSDAP membership, she initially did not work as a teacher, but taught at the Sorbian Adult Education Center and as a member of the national executive committee for the reorganization of the Domowina . In 1949 she was employed again as a teacher in Bautzen and from 1952 she worked as a lecturer for Sorbian and German literature at the Sorbian teachers' seminar in Radibor and Kleinwelka . From 1956 she lived as a pensioner and writer in her native Quoos.

After returning to Lusatia in 1911 she became a member of Maćica Serbska . Influenced by Arnošt Muka and Ota Wićaz , she began to get involved in the Sorbian national movement after the First World War . During this time she was editor of the children's magazine Raj and from 1920 to 1922 of the newspaper supplement Serbski student. She also contributed to the first Sorbian reader for high school. At the same time, she created her first own literary works in the 1920s, such as the novella Wusadny ("The Leper"; 1922/23 in the Łužica magazine) or the play Chodojta ("The Witch"; preview at the 50th  Schadźowanka 1925 in Crostwitz) . During her time at the German schools in Pulsnitz and Großröhrsdorf, she also wrote some German pieces.

After the Second World War, Marja Kubašec joined the circle of Sorbian writers in 1947 and the GDR Writers' Union in 1954. In 1964 she was involved in founding the Sorbian Pioneer Theater, from which the Sorbian Children's Theater at the German-Sorbian People's Theater emerged after the fall of the Wall in 1990 . Her piece Wichor a słónčna pruha ("Storm and Sunbeam") was the first production of the theater in 1965.

Kubašec was particularly popular with her biographies of the two victims of National Socialism Maria Grollmuß ( Hwězdy nad bjezdnom , 1960) and Alois Andritzki ( Alojs Andricki , 1967), but also with the historical trilogy about an 18th-century Sorbian angle school teacher Bosćij Serbin . She also translated numerous pieces from the Czech and later also from the Russian. Some of her works have been translated into German, Czech, Polish and Bulgarian.

In 1962 Marja Kubašec was awarded the Ćišinski Prize ; In 1966 she received the Domowina Literature Prize and in 1975 the Johannes R. Becher Medal .

Selected Works

  • Vusadny. Smoler, Budyšin 1925.
  • Khodojta. Hra w třoch jednanjach. Smoler, Budyšin 1926.
  • Jakub Bart Ćišinski. Basnik młodźiny a přichoda 1856–1909. Ludowe nakładnistwo Domowina , Budyšin 1949.
  • Koło časow. Wubrana zběrka powědančkow. Ludowe nakładnistwo Domowina, Budyšin 1959.
  • Hwězdy nad bjezdnom. Ludowe nakładnistwo Domowina, Budyšin 1960.
  • Ptače worakawstwa a druhe powědančka. Ludowe nakładnistwo Domowina, Budyšin 1961
  • Bosćij Serbin. Historiski roman. Trilogy, Ludowe nakładnistwo Domowina, Budyšin 1963, 1964 and 1965.
  • Alojs Andricki. Ludowe nakładnistwo Domowina, Budyšin 1967.
  • Lěto wulkich wohenjow. Historiski roman. Ludowe nakładnistwo Domowina, Budyšin 1970.
  • Stars over the abyss. The life of Maria Grollmuß. Biography, Union-Verlag, Berlin 1976.
  • Nalětnje wětry. Ludowe nakładnistwo Domowina, Budyšin 1978.
  • The grave in the heather. Stories, trans. by Elenore Schmidt, Union-Verlag, Berlin 1990.


  • Trudla Malinkowa: Marja Kubašec - Maria Kubasch. A picture of life. Domowina-Verlag, Bautzen 2014.


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